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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States


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Yomyth, how old are you? You sound like you're 10...


Apparently January 19 is Martin Luther King Jr Day (Observed). Wow. If only Obama was inaugurated a day earlier, having the first black president put into office on MLK Day? That would be incredible.


I don't know why people still think Obama is socialist. And even if he was, it's not like that makes him the devil or anything...












...I thought that would amuse some people.


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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By the way, what are the reasons of having the electoral college system instead of a One-person-one-vote system? I'd suppose it'd have some deep historical background.




Back when they were deciding how they were going to elect our president they couldn't agree on the an electoral college of sorts to choose or the people to choose. So they compromised and let us vote, then left the rest up to the electoral college. I'm pretty sure if everybody knew how the electoral college works they would be all for getting rid of it. But I think it might be written into the Constitution :-k


What does that matter? Change the stupid constitution. I don't get why people think that the constitution is some sort of untouchable thing that rules over all. And the electoral college is not democratic, there are ways of winning with less votes. I hate that system, it's full of faults.




Because the only way to change the Constitution is by an amendment (which IS written in it) and that takes a ton of work to pass. It's pretty much taken the back seat in current politics because we have more pressing concerns.




And deloria's explanation isn't exactly correct. The Electoral College was created because in the eighteenth century there was no way for the common man, even glorified as he was at that time, to be up-to-date on current issues or even completely familiar with presidential candidates, and therefore could not make the ideal informed decision. So the College was created as a safety feature, with informed electors voting the way their states did but also with the option to vote the other way if they believe the people have made a greivous error. Which has only happened once or twice in the history of the US. No, it is not entirely democratic, but neither is America. OUr country was originally intended by the Founding Fathers to be a pure republic, and decades of compromise eventually led to the democratic republic we have today.


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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.


Even if that were true (which it's not), what would be so bad about it?




I'm not going to argue until you've elaborated on exactly why that's bad, given US unemployment rates are now at a 14 year high, and October was the tenth month in a row in which jobs were lost from the US economy.




I just get the feeling you've heard the Republicans say "Socialist!" and you've gone "OH NOEZ WTF?!".






What would be so bad about it? Eh, it's all opinion I guess. And, ta-da! Welfare does not fix unemployment, but worsens it. And I concede that he is not a socialist, but what is he then? Surely not a capitalist.

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i frankly dont understand why people are voting for Obama. McCain seems like he has good and realistic policies on how to fix the economy. end the corruption on wall street. he knows about the iraq war and how to stop Al Qaeda. and he wants to drill in Alaska to remove USA's dependency on foreign oil. Obama wants to set up a socialist sort of government or communism kind by making households making over 200k+ have to give a huge chunk of that money to the poorer classes. which i think is dumb. i mean that is the main purpose as to why my family moved to the US from Soviet Union. Its unfair to take hard earned money from upperclass and give to the poor. Ever democrat wants to do this but Obama is just all over it. Next thing is that Obama has no clue about the war and just wants to withdraw. That is dumb and all that hardwork in Iraq is lost and the terrorists can grow stronger again. Next is his energy issues which i think is alright.


Even if that were true (which it's not), what would be so bad about it?




I'm not going to argue until you've elaborated on exactly why that's bad, given US unemployment rates are now at a 14 year high, and October was the tenth month in a row in which jobs were lost from the US economy.




I just get the feeling you've heard the Republicans say "Socialist!" and you've gone "OH NOEZ WTF?!".






What would be so bad about it? Eh, it's all opinion I guess. And, ta-da! Welfare does not fix unemployment, but worsens it. And I concede that he is not a socialist, but what is he then? Surely not a capitalist.


Sorry, where was the word "welfare" in my post? I'm not seeing it personally...




Nor was welfare even designed to fix unemployment anyway.

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Anyone else love the irony that Fox News is actually being critical of the president now?




Sometimes reality becomes so self evident that even Fox can't ignore it, not very often mind you.

there are no stupid questions

just way too many inquisitive idiots

balance is scary to people who like things easy for them


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I didn't want Obama to win, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt I spose ::'.




I agree. I don't really like his policies, but I don't like McCain's either. Regardless, I'm willing to give him a change and I think everyone should try and at least give him a chance.

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Finally, we have a capable president.




And for whomever has been bickering about the economy: That really intelligent guy on Mad Money, i believe, said that Obama would help more.




And don't say "WEL wut de hel he nows nutin lol socialst"




Sorry, one more thing- has anyone else heard that his middle name maked him a terrorist???? YA HES GONA BLOW US UP





If a man is not a worker, he is nothing.


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By the way, what are the reasons of having the electoral college system instead of a One-person-one-vote system? I'd suppose it'd have some deep historical background.




Back when they were deciding how they were going to elect our president they couldn't agree on the an electoral college of sorts to choose or the people to choose. So they compromised and let us vote, then left the rest up to the electoral college. I'm pretty sure if everybody knew how the electoral college works they would be all for getting rid of it. But I think it might be written into the Constitution :-k


What does that matter? Change the stupid constitution. I don't get why people think that the constitution is some sort of untouchable thing that rules over all. And the electoral college is not democratic, there are ways of winning with less votes. I hate that system, it's full of faults.




Its considered 'untouchable' as you described it because of the large effort it takes to make any sort of changes to it.



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Finally, we have a capable president.




And for whomever has been bickering about the economy: That really intelligent guy on Mad Money, i believe, said that Obama would help more.




And don't say "WEL wut de hel he nows nutin lol socialst"




Sorry, one more thing- has anyone else heard that his middle name maked him a terrorist???? YA HES GONA BLOW US UP




I believe that was Jim Cramer.




Also, Warren Buffet, the richest man on Earth, endorsed Obama.

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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Finally, we have a capable president.




And for whomever has been bickering about the economy: That really intelligent guy on Mad Money, i believe, said that Obama would help more.




And don't say "WEL wut de hel he nows nutin lol socialst"




Sorry, one more thing- has anyone else heard that his middle name maked him a terrorist???? YA HES GONA BLOW US UP




I believe that was Jim Cramer.




Also, Warren Buffet, the richest man on Earth, endorsed Obama.




Being Rich =/= make you 'know more' about the election.

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Also, Warren Buffet, the richest man on Earth, endorsed Obama.
Being Rich =/= make you 'know more' about the election.


No, but it might shut up all the delusional people who think they're ever going to be rich enough to be adversely affected by Obama's tax plan. Interestingly, most of these people probably live in states that get more federal money than they give. How horribly communisty of them!




Also, Bill Gates endorsed Obama too.

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Finally, we have a capable president.




And for whomever has been bickering about the economy: That really intelligent guy on Mad Money, i believe, said that Obama would help more.




And don't say "WEL wut de hel he nows nutin lol socialst"




Sorry, one more thing- has anyone else heard that his middle name maked him a terrorist???? YA HES GONA BLOW US UP




I believe that was Jim Cramer.




Also, Warren Buffet, the richest man on Earth, endorsed Obama.




Being Rich =/= make you 'know more' about the election.




The point is Obama advocates removing tax loopholes for the rich, etc... And he still gets their support.




Also if you ever heard/read anything by Warren Buffett, he has extremely intelligent, analytical and humanist views on economics/politics.

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Finally, we have a capable president.




And for whomever has been bickering about the economy: That really intelligent guy on Mad Money, i believe, said that Obama would help more.




And don't say "WEL wut de hel he nows nutin lol socialst"




Sorry, one more thing- has anyone else heard that his middle name maked him a terrorist???? YA HES GONA BLOW US UP




I believe that was Jim Cramer.




Also, Warren Buffet, the richest man on Earth, endorsed Obama.




Being Rich =/= make you 'know more' about the election.




Warren Buffet is one of the world's most successful private investors ever. When it comes to money, he knows what he is talking about. There's even been talk of him being brought in as the Treasury Secretary by Obama.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I'm not sure if someone has posted this already as, frankly, I cannot be bothered to sift through 23 pages to check. This is the best analysis of the Palin effect I have seen though. The fact this has come from Fox News is an even greater indictment of how Palin and the Lehman Brothers collapse lost the election for McCain rather than Obama winning it for himself:




That said, I'm not actually convinced "knowledgeability" is a word. Still...

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The fact this has come from Fox News is an even greater indictment of how Palin and the Lehman Brothers collapse lost the election for McCain rather than Obama winning it for himself:




Obama was ahead of McCain by double digits, and then after the RNC convention he was 3 points ahead. McCain lost this election a long time ago, and he needed a hail mary. Either Palin would have won him the election, or she would have made it easier for Obama. He had no other options; he knew he was sunk. That's why he kept gambling the entire time. Suspending his campaign, Sarah Palin, and he did something else before those two events that showed he was a gambler, too. The fact is, McCain ran a disorganized campaign with no ground team, while Obama's was extremely organized, made it easy to volunteer, and had infiltrated every red state he could. THAT is what won the election, and THAT is what wins elections.




As a matter of fact, I'm convinced that he totally faked McCain out in Pennsylvania. Ed Rendell came out making a statement that he was "Worried about Pennsylvania for Obama." Polls had Obama ahead there by 9-14 points, but Rendell said he was worried about it. An "insider" in the Obama camp said they were ahead by 2 points.




After those statements wee made, McCain pulled out of Colorado, and moved everything to Pennsylvania. Low and behold, PA was a landslide win for Obama as far as swing states go. Obama faked McCain out, and made him dump all of his resources in an "unwinnable" state.

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"Ninety-one percent (91%) of Republicans have a favorable view of Palin, including 65% who say their view is Very Favorable. Only eight percent (8%) have an unfavorable view of her, including three percent (3%) Very Unfavorable.




When asked to choose among some of the GOP's top names for their choice for the party's 2012 presidential nominee, 64% say Palin. The next closest contenders are two former governors and unsuccessful challengers for the presidential nomination this year -- Mike Huckabee of Arkansas with 12% support and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts with 11%.




Three other sitting governors - Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, Charlie Crist of Florida and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota - all pull low single-digit support."




I welcome this, Republicans. So rather than figuring out what's wrong with your party, you pick a moron, idiot, nutjob. Nice.

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Dude, do you have any class? You've won and you've still resorted to name calling.




edit: anyway, for 2012 it's going to be black on black. http://www.allenwestforcongress.com/ Pence for President, West for Vp. That way Obama won't be able to play the race card.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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Dude, do you have any class? You've won and you've still resorted to name calling.




edit: anyway, for 2012 it's going to be black on black. http://www.allenwestforcongress.com/ Pence for President, West for Vp. That way Obama won't be able to play the race card.


Dude, do you have any class? Obama won and you blame it on him playing the race card.

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