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Marijuana, why isn't it legalized?


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Marijuana makes about 100 times stronger addiction then coffee. Plus, if you are coffeeholic, you can live some days in a row without coffee, but as a drug addict, you will get physical pains.




Er, no?








I've been through caffeine withdrawl. It's not pleasant. Consequently, I drink less coffee now.

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Marijuana makes about 100 times stronger addiction then coffee. Plus, if you are coffeeholic, you can live some days in a row without coffee, but as a drug addict, you will get physical pains.




I'll call you pathetic if you get addicted to marijuanna.




God, what are you people actually talking about? Most of you haven't even smoked it before, what would you know about it? Just keep on consuming the [cabbage] propaganda that your government feeds you. Indeed, as stated before in some aspects the government of Holland is so much better.


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I'll call you pathetic if you get addicted to marijuanna.




God, what are you people actually talking about? Most of you haven't even smoked it before, what would you know about it? Just keep on consuming the [cabbage] propaganda that your government feeds you. Indeed, as stated before in some aspects the government of Holland is so much better.




Our government (US) doesn't tell us that we will get addicted, they just tell us we'll neglect our little sisters, be bad role models, and forget to pick up our brother from soccer practice. Oh, and that we will wear excessive amounts of clothing. (Since non-US people won't get any of that, they are all anti-drug commercials usually aimed at marijuana)

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Because there seems to be no really reliable facts about it. You can't establish whether there's a hidden agenda or not because people feel strongly about it either way. You could simply choose what to believe and arrive with loads of info to back you up. The marijuana legalisation case suffers from 'hyper-information syndrome'.




The big question: Would it be for the common good if marijuana was legalised?

~ W ~



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Marijuana makes about 100 times stronger addiction then coffee. Plus, if you are coffeeholic, you can live some days in a row without coffee, but as a drug addict, you will get physical pains.




You're confusing Marijuana with hard drugs. I've never had the feeling of "I have to smoke right now", and have never experienced withdrawal symptoms.


If it were legalized, would it be 21+, like alcohol? I assume there would be extremely strict regulations on it.

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Weed 100x more addicting that caffeine...






Some of you may know this but..


Michigan passed their medical weed proposal during the election <3: one more step in the right direction.


and it got decriminalized somewhere else. I forgot the state.




Quoi_Tu and Venomai...


If you haven't already go and download the movie "The Union"


make your own opinion on it, some may say propaganda, but to each there own right..




Torrent it, It's on pirate bay.


if you feel guilty about "pirating it" go ahead,


but this is one of those documentaries that would love the exposure.

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I think that weed is less psychologically addicting than coffee, and is less physically addictive or possibly not at all. I'm gonna give a bad example here cause I've never had pot, but there are days that I don't have coffee and I get cravings, more than I would for just any orther food that might taste good.

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Its illegal because it has high potential to be used in a destructive manner. I'm sure governments around the world know the extent of their errors in legalizing alcohol and tobacco use, which is why they will be over-cautious when dealing with marijuana.


This is incorrect. I suggest you read up on your history...




which part is incorrect?

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I'll call you pathetic if you get addicted to marijuanna.


It's not at all pathetic to be addicted to mary jane. A few friends of mine have been there, and they suffered greatly from it. A marijuana addiction is no more pathetic than a heroin addiction.




Would it be for the common good if marijuana was legalised?


Yes, assuming the legalization is enacted in a thoughtful manner.




You're confusing Marijuana with hard drugs. I've never had the feeling of "I have to smoke right now", and have never experienced withdrawal symptoms.


Hell, I've had that feeling and I don't even consider myself dependent on the drug. Somebody who is dependent can have tht feeling a lot, and without the drug they may have a difficult time functioning "normally" (i.e. no apetite, can't sleep).




If it were legalized, would it be 21+, like alcohol? I assume there would be extremely strict regulations on it.


The United States drinking age and zero-tolerance restrictions are absolutely ridiculous. We can only hope that, if legalization was ever to occur in the United States, it would not entail such idiotic and counterproductive restrictions.




I think that weed is less psychologically addicting than coffee, and is less physically addictive or possibly not at all. I'm gonna give a bad example here cause I've never had pot, but there are days that I don't have coffee and I get cravings, more than I would for just any orther food that might taste good.


Both caffeine and marijuana are relatively low in physical addiction potential, but I'd argue that marijuana poses a higher risk for psychological dependence due to its effects and the manner in which its consumed.




which part is incorrect?


All parts.

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So your saying that Marijuana, like alcohol and tobacco cannot be used destructively by many?




EDIT: Didn't make sense... lol




You had the words "high potential" before that, trying to equate it to alcohol and tobacco. Yes, there is a risk to it but not nowhere near as bad as the other two drugs.

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Of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Weed...


Weed, if the least of your worries.




"but psychologically I feel its just as dangerous."


...if you haven't tried it.. I don't know if you have or not...


Don't say this.




Ven, for the love of god...


Dont compare Weed "dependence" with heroin addiction.

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The big question: Would it be for the common good if marijuana was legalised?




Saving $26 trillon or more per year in tax payer money? Not ruining families over petty drug charges that result in jail time? Not ruining careers over a commonly used drug? Less gang violence? It's taxable? Essentially over-the-counter medication for some problems? Shall I continue?

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I still disagree


Watch a movie like Trainspotting which is largely about heroin addiction.


Then, go watch a movie like hm... well just say half-baked, or .. I'll say cheech and chong.




Weed doesn't turn you into a lunatic like heroin/meth/crack

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I don't think you get the point. Necro was saying it's pathetic to get addicted to weed. Venomai was saying that it happens, and it's not all that pathetic - just like being addicted to heroin isn't.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was talking about the junkies specifically. Just the idea of becoming addicted in the first place.

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I don't think you get the point. Necro was saying it's pathetic to get addicted to weed. Venomai was saying that it happens, and it's not all that pathetic - just like being addicted to heroin isn't.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think he was talking about the junkies specifically. Just the idea of becoming addicted in the first place.






Aye' My eyes jumped to this that Ven said




"A marijuana addiction is no more pathetic than a heroin addiction."




I just don't like the wording.

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They'd probably wanna tax the seeds too ;)




They can go for it if they feel like picking all the seeds out before they put their products on shelves (unless they're going some high quality [cabbage]). And even then, I only need a few seeds. The plants that grow from the seeds will have more seeds and that cycle will continue. They can only tax you once if you grow the marijuana yourself.

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