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godslayer and all others who hate me for renders read here


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ok you guys, im tired of arguing and being flamed constantly whenever i make a post, so i just want to make peace with you guys. im not gonna use renders in my sigs any more unless asked for by a person and anyways im gonna start tryin to make pixel sigs. so please just respect me and i will respect you. and by the way im not friends with drum, i just defended him cause i liked his work.

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You're good at what you currently do. If all your work is original, forget their opinions. Your sig looks good, and if you made it all by yourself, so be it. Don't hop on the pixel bandwagon. Do what you wanna do, and if people dont like it, that's their problem and not yours.




I havnt read topics so may have the wrong end of the stick. Just go with your heart and forget people's opinions.

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You're good at what you currently do. If all your work is original, forget their opinions. Your sig looks good, and if you made it all by yourself, so be it. Don't hop on the pixel bandwagon. Do what you wanna do, and if people dont like it, that's their problem and not yours.




I havnt read topics so may have the wrong end of the stick. Just go with your heart and forget people's opinions.








Our problem is that the "renders" being used have copyrights. So they are being used illegaly. Sorry to burst your bubble Futurama.








Kingofduke, you can keep doing what you want don't worry about what we say. Just look at this as a way to improve and make good abstracts without images of people. And you don't have to do pixels to get respect, that can sometimes do the opposite. Just do what you like.

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lol, well THAT is sure to get you respect. Mad cash....why not just go get rune mining ? worked for me.








You can mine rune tttia? :shock:








Huh... never knew that.

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yea i know i dont have to do pixels for respect and all that junk, i want to do them for the mad cash they make.








That's the wrong motivation. Anyone who says that or implies it really takes down their reputation a few notches in my eyes.

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thats not my motivation for making abstract sigs and stuff, but i have no idea why else someone would want to make a pixel if it wasnt for the money. it takes so long.








maybe also to improve their own work and gain the respect of their peers....




the cash is just one of the things u gain in making a pixel

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I think that people are making this a big deal unnecesserily.




If som1 used a premade render in a sig who really cares? So long as they dont try and sell it i dont see the problem. I think the sig makers here need to chill their egos a bit.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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thats not my motivation for making abstract sigs and stuff, but i have no idea why else someone would want to make a pixel if it wasnt for the money. it takes so long.








To create something off your own hands. No filters...no renders...You generate 37500 colored dots and, hopefuly, the result is something completely coming from your effort and sometimes has a certain artistic value too.

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I think that people are making this a big deal unnecesserily.




If som1 used a premade render in a sig who really cares? So long as they dont try and sell it i dont see the problem. I think the sig makers here need to chill their egos a bit.








We've been over this Merc. People are trying to sell them and it's illegal. It is no different then if I went to deviantart and stole a wallpaper and put my name on it. I would get flamed for that. These people should be too.

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I think that people are making this a big deal unnecesserily.




If som1 used a premade render in a sig who really cares? So long as they dont try and sell it i dont see the problem. I think the sig makers here need to chill their egos a bit.








We've been over this Merc. People are trying to sell them and it's illegal. It is no different then if I went to deviantart and stole a wallpaper and put my name on it. I would get flamed for that. These people should be too.








Blah blah its illegal. Next time someone does it email the owner of the copyright and let them sort it. I see people getting really flamed when using legitamate stock pictures and images from fan kids released for people to mess with the images. Its a signature on an internet forum, if people really gave a toss sites such as b3ta.com which rely on using images from google and stuff for photomanipulation would have been sued. And b3ta has been running for years, many of the pictures that ppl make on there are using in newspaper and magazine all over the world.




So long as people arnt making money from them then its fine in my book.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Matt, if what I understand from what you said is true, the people at b3ta.com are just having some fun. they aren't doing things for their own profit.. Some of these guys are..
















On another note, Jeppoz, filters aren't bad. Filterpiles are bad, but filters aren't.

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Seriously Kingofduke, what is wrong with you? You can ask anyone here, I've done more linearts and Pixel W.I.P's then you could believe. How much money have I made in total, 1.6mill that's it. So if you want it for the mad cash, I can only hope people don't buy your sigs. That's just the wrong type of motivation.

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On another note, Jeppoz, filters aren't bad. Filterpiles are bad, but filters aren't.








I'm not saying and i'll never say filters are bad (same for renders). I'm just saying why i prefer to make pixelart rather than digital art. I just feel the result more mine (sounds ugly but i can't find better words sorry). Same with didital painting...yet i don't get the same good feeling as i do while pixeling, but that's just me. Don't go easy assuming that a pixeler automaticaly dislikes other forms of rapresentation. I've tried a lot of stuff before setting down with pixels and i know how filters can give great results in the right hands. Of course as any other tool (lately i'd say pencil tool in paint) given to some1, they can be misused but i don't think this was the subject of my post by far.

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Seriously Kingofduke, what is wrong with you? You can ask anyone here, I've done more linearts and Pixel W.I.P's then you could believe. How much money have I made in total, 1.6mill that's it. So if you want it for the mad cash, I can only hope people don't buy your sigs. That's just the wrong type of motivation.








well for me, im always really busy with sports and i hang out with friends all the time, so i dont really have time to take up art as an extra hobby. i just do it because its more fun than actually playing runescape for money. i know some people like to do art because they like to and all that junk, but i just do it for the runescape money. i dont enjoy art, and its my opinion so don't rip on it.

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well for me, im always really busy with sports and i hang out with friends all the time, so i dont really have time to take up art as an extra hobby. i just do it because its more fun than actually playing runescape for money. i know some people like to do art because they like to and all that junk, but i just do it for the runescape money. i dont enjoy art, and its my opinion so don't rip on it.




Drawing, or even CG, is a hobby, which requires talent & effort, just like any sport would.








If you don't enjoy art, or can't find any time for it, you shouldn't be doing it. Period. If you think you find yourself having a bit of "fun" while making some sort of artistic piece, then you should keep at it, and avoid stealing/using other people's work to complete your own.








You're into art for the wrong reasons if you're just in it for runescape profit. ;)

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Seriously Kingofduke, what is wrong with you? You can ask anyone here, I've done more linearts and Pixel W.I.P's then you could believe. How much money have I made in total, 1.6mill that's it. So if you want it for the mad cash, I can only hope people don't buy your sigs. That's just the wrong type of motivation.








well for me, im always really busy with sports and i hang out with friends all the time, so i dont really have time to take up art as an extra hobby. i just do it because its more fun than actually playing runescape for money. i know some people like to do art because they like to and all that junk, but i just do it for the runescape money. i dont enjoy art, and its my opinion so don't rip on it.








If you don't like art don't do it. And for your information I don't play runescape, I do this for fun and the experience. Plus, "I'm always really busy with sports and I hang out with friends all the time," are you making some kind of implication that I don't do these things? I play football (soccer), american football, and I'm on the swim team. " i just do it because its more fun than actually playing runescape for money." "i dont enjoy art, and its my opinion so don't rip on it." You say art is fun but you don't enjoy it, how is that so? Think about what you're saying. With the way your attitude is I'd stop doing art all together.

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Guest GhostRanger


well for me, im always really busy with sports and i hang out with friends all the time, so i dont really have time to take up art as an extra hobby. i just do it because its more fun than actually playing runescape for money. i know some people like to do art because they like to and all that junk, but i just do it for the runescape money. i dont enjoy art, and its my opinion so don't rip on it.




Drawing, or even CG, is a hobby, which requires talent & effort, just like any sport would.








If you don't enjoy art, or can't find any time for it, you shouldn't be doing it. Period. If you think you find yourself having a bit of "fun" while making some sort of artistic piece, then you should keep at it, and avoid stealing/using other people's work to complete your own.








You're into art for the wrong reasons if you're just in it for runescape profit. ;)








My cousin is an accountant. He processes numbers from 9-5 everyday for a paycheck. He hates his job but its better than anything else he could be doing right now.








My grandfather was an accountant also. He loved his job. In fact, now retired, he does accouting work for his church for free. Its something about math and numbers that just tickles his fancy I guess.












Who cares why someone does something? The fact that you try and set down unwritten rules about "loving" art is just as demeaning to art as someone who does art purely for profit.












Note: Obviously you didn't literally make rules, but you implied that only people who love art should be doing art.

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# Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.












1. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.




2. The study of these activities.




3. The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.








# High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.








That's the kind of art that we see on here, right, were does it say money?

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My cousin is an accountant. He processes numbers from 9-5 everyday for a paycheck. He hates his job but its better than anything else he could be doing right now.








My grandfather was an accountant also. He loved his job. In fact, now retired, he does accouting work for his church for free. Its something about math and numbers that just tickles his fancy I guess.




I see your point, but if you have no talent when it comes to art and absolutely hate it, there should really be no reason for you to be doing it. With no talent or no practice, and a bad feeling towards it, you won't be able to make much money (if any) from being an artist. Not to mention the fact that you won't be having any fun as it, and thats one of the main reasons people become artists.








Your cousin, on the other hand, has either got to be reasonably smart when it comes to number crunching, or has taken the proper practices to get into accounting. I'm stumped as to why he took the courses on accounting in the first place, if you say he hates it so much. :|












Assuming I read you correctly -








In Kingofduke's case, he isn't looking to earn a living, instead he is looking at art as a hobby (making a runescape profit on the side). From his lack of interest, it doesn't look like he would want to go to the proper extents to be able to earn a living from being an artist (art school / etc.)








Your cousin uses his job - accounting - as a way to earn himself a living. This isn't a hobby for him, and the only reason he continues is for the payments.












Hope that clears it up. Art as a hobby is much different from art as a job, but in both you'll need a lot of interest, some talent, and the proper practices to get you anywhere. If you lack all of these and don't see yourself having any future in art, there is no point in getting into it.

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All I can say is I respect you a bit more because I think your sig looks great wuthout renders, and: Your topic wouldn't have gotten half the replies if my name weren't in the title :P

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haha yea your probably right about that godslayer. but for you other people, its not like i hate art. i enjoy it but i would never do where i wasnt gaining anything in return. we have different opinions. you look at art as a hobby and i look at it as a profit. i dont think theres a problem with that either, i dont have that big of a passion for art and im not gonna do it as a hobby. i cant really change my opinion. and godslayer, glad to have some respect

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All I can say is I respect you a bit more because I think your sig looks great wuthout renders, and: Your topic wouldn't have gotten half the replies if my name weren't in the title :P








Your so full of yourself godslayer :lol:



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