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I cant believe you used the words "Runescape" and "Club Penguin" in the same sentence... Blasphemy!




"Club Penguin" is to "Runescape" as "Slide" is to "Super Whacky Water Fun Slide"




Seriously they are uncomparable. Although Club Penguin did try to get an empty niche in the market with the snowball thing, luckily Jagex got that one with the snowglobe event! :lol:




For those who dont know, Club Penguin is a game for children under 10, where they click to move a penguin around, and say Boy or Girl? to each other, not wondering if they are talking to a 50 year old man, or why they are watching a cartoon penguin throw snowballs which do nothing to other cartoon penguins.




PS. I play Runescape because I enjoy being better than a lot of other people who play, and I dislike not being better than a lot of other people who play. :P




PSS. I really think you should leave Miniclip now....


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

Guide to Making Money with NPC Trading

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^That's three of us who can face the truth. :lol:

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Basicly, to have something to do next to things I watch on my computer, animes and such.


Best thing about it, it's been mentioned before, you can minimalise it. I've never played this game full-screen and I can't play Runescape without doing something else in a screen next to it.


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Well...I registered just for fun. I remember i used to play it a long time ago...


And once I started playing I couldn't stop :roll:


Now i have many goals i can't stop until I get them all - I'm assinged to play Rs forever :|

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I continue to play because there's still so much more to do. I've long since gotten woodcutting and some other skills out of the way, but look at my thieving and smithing levels - there's still so much more I can accomplish in both, and of course my defence and hitpoints levels - 93 in both, I'm not going to stop before I get them.




Also, I guess I couldn't quit, for the one skill that keeps me playing more than any other.




- Faiylen -

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if you don't like runescape quit and move on :wall:


better yet don't post on a fan site's forum :shame:




Someone didnt read the first post. :thumbdown:




I have no idea why I play, pass the time maybe.




There is alot to do and hanging around with friends while doing it makes it even more fun. :mrgreen:

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I don't get what it's about TBH? You stand around and pelt people with snowballs?


NO! You can sled and earn virtual coins with other online people across the world!




Haha, I only play that when I get really bored of runescape, And that isn't very often :lol:


Actually my 6 year old brother told me about it... :? lol



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I do it to kill time when I really, actually have nothing better to do. Which, thankfully, is getting rarer and rarer. :thumbup: I used to play this game as an escape from the real world just because I used to be so shy and scared of it, but thankfully that's changed too.




As for why I play this game most often and not others; it's because of all the updates. Nowadays I pretty much pay $5 a month just to get on and play the updates and a little leveling. Other games like WoW and CoH/V are worth spending a months worth of credit on once in a while to try out the updates that they very rarely come out with, and they're fun, but after that there really isn't that much to do to justify blowing $15 a month.

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