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Life is short, my friends.



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Friends are everything if you want to keep life interesting. I don't think I've ever met a truly depressed person that has loads of real friends, not just 'buddies' who leave on 1st sign of trouble. Good friends can ultimately be considered as important as family members, especially if you've known them since childhood.

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Friends are everything if you want to keep life interesting. I don't think I've ever met a truly depressed person that has loads of real friends, not just 'buddies' who leave on 1st sign of trouble. Good friends can ultimately be considered as important as family members, especially if you've known them since childhood.




Very, very true. It becomes, however, extremely hard, when you part.




Sometimes people even write four or more books about it. :roll: :oops:




But I guess when something ends, another thing begins... And that's great. True, also.


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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drugs taking ur life is not about not working and going to school even if it seems like it




it will be a chain it will take over ur life compltley and u will be a slave to the drugs and ur need for them...thats what they mean






(the softer drugs are not this [cabbage] but they often lead to stronger stuff)




True, many people can't handle soft drugs, and end up going to harder stuff, and that is when your life gets screwed up.




if people are so [developmentally delayed]ed that they become dependent on drugs then they deserve to die/have a horrible life. i mean there are millions of people in the world who have drank or smoked before and they didn't become some crack head, and softer drugs do not lead to harder drugs, the whole gateway theory is worse then the iq of bush. and finally it all depends on the person when you are speaking of drug addiction in fact sigmund freud did a lot of testing on drugs and what effects they have on the brain was able to give up cocaine whenever he wanted to but he couldn't stop smoking cigars

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drugs taking ur life is not about not working and going to school even if it seems like it




it will be a chain it will take over ur life compltley and u will be a slave to the drugs and ur need for them...thats what they mean






(the softer drugs are not this [cabbage] but they often lead to stronger stuff)




True, many people can't handle soft drugs, and end up going to harder stuff, and that is when your life gets screwed up.




if people are so [developmentally delayed] that they become dependent on drugs then they deserve to die/have a horrible life. i mean there are millions of people in the world who have drank or smoked before and they didn't become some crack head, and softer drugs do not lead to harder drugs, the whole gateway theory is worse then the iq of bush. and finally it all depends on the person when you are speaking of drug addiction in fact sigmund freud did a lot of testing on drugs and what effects they have on the brain was able to give up cocaine whenever he wanted to but he couldn't stop smoking cigars




I'm not sure if this statistic is completely accurate, but it said 98% of cocaine/crack cocaine addicts in rehab admitted to have used marijuana [soft drug] before any addiction or use of (crack) cocaine.




The Gateway Theory is completely logical to be honest... You build up a tolerance for the soft drugs after time and move up to harder drugs to receive the same "high".

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But don't rap and rock act as a gateway to drugs in general too?




Find me a source for this, I don't see any logical link between both entities.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I'm not sure if this statistic is completely accurate, but it said 98% of cocaine/crack cocaine addicts in rehab admitted to have used marijuana [soft drug] before any addiction or use of (crack) cocaine.




The Gateway Theory is completely logical to be honest... You build up a tolerance for the soft drugs after time and move up to harder drugs to receive the same "high".






Really it's not that sound of a theory. It might make more sense from something like cocaine to ending up at a harder drug like Meth but I really just don't see Marijuana being a real gateway to hard drugs. Granted I think that percentage is skewed, because what cocaine or crack addict wouldn't have tried Marijuana before? I think a better poll would be marijuana users of a certain number of years to see if they use any other drugs.

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This was supposed to be more of a philosophical thread then you guys thinking i'm depressed :( . Thanks Godess but I can't really talk it out with anyone I know, well, I can but I don't trust anyone.




Weird, you're the last person I've ever thought of having depressed feelings. Ah well [cabbage] happens to the best?




Yeah I know it was supposed to be philosophical but thought I would probe anyway. You just never know these days. Why weird? I'm probably one of the moodiest people here. I can call you a piece of dog turd one day when you're annoying me then the next day give you a hand with something you need. Some days I let people get to me and other days I can laugh in their face. I'm only human ::' Although I am getting the hang of this whole, "it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks other than my fiance and my son" phase. And I've been a lot happier because of it.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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But don't rap and rock act as a gateway to drugs in general too?




Find me a source for this, I don't see any logical link between both entities.




Umm just the fact that you smell pot a lot in concerts? I don't have any links and I tried to sound ridiculous on purpose. My point was that I just think the whole gateway argument is ridiculous.




If you want to get technical, there are a whole lot of butterfly effects in the world that might lead to bad things. Now, in a case such as someone engaging in suspicious activity, yes I think cops should be allowed to question them. There is nothing really harmful about pot though. To say pot is bad because it can lead to worse things - even though a hell of a lot of marijuana smokers I know would never even dare to touch some of the more hardcore drugs out there - well, I don't see how that can be used as an argument against the drug. It should be more of an argument against the people who don't have self-control.




Yes, pot can lead to harder drugs, but how much weight does that argument hold? If someone wears too much black clothing, does that always mean they're going to commit suicide? I don't see why a whole group of people should have to suffer just because of the minority. Things will always lead to other things, but I think there should be a line drawn.

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But don't rap and rock act as a gateway to drugs in general too?




Find me a source for this, I don't see any logical link between both entities.




He said in general. In general is a pretty broad word. If you look at most rockers or rappers, in general it speaks for itself lol Plus in a lot of cases music is something you can identify to. If someone is singing about drugs and gangs or being depressed and angry, chances are you might relate to it. Not always but I do see a pattern.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Have you tried, like, working or something?




Even if it's only for a couple of hours a week, working's proven to have a therapeutic effect on the mind. Makes the person feel like they're worth something, that they have something to contribute to others and it gives them an identity, which in turn inspires pride.




working ftw <3:


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Working whaaaaaaat? lol the most depressing thing in life, ever :P Learn to make a passive income and get people to work for you, while you sleep in, in the morning!! :thumbsup:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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To me, life is a mix of personal improvements (knowledge, physical strength, education ect.) and a bunch of social events. When I look back at my life (and it happens more often than i'm comfortable with) I'm always reminded of "that summer when I learned photoshop" or "that holiday when I partied all the time".




However, between all those moments that make up my life, there's a huge blur of uneventful months, filled with TV and computers. It's a huge waste of time, and if I don't do something about it then my life is indeed going to be way too short.

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