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Internet dates and meetings!


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No i havent, but ive always wondered if i have met anyone from on here accidentily. I dont know of many people that live near me on here, but dosent BMW live in Toronto? thats like close.




















Mr Putter...








We all live in the same city.







But fat chance im leaving my house!




Go leafs!




On a side note, half a dozen people from my clan also live in Toronto.




Go figure...











I live in London!(ontario)

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Nope, never met any of you smegheads and nor do I intend.








Kidding! :D








There's people here I'd really like to meet, but to be honest if any of you had the chance I'd still say hey. So if any of y'all are near Liverpool sometime (Or better yet, the Wirral) you're very welcome to have a visit from me (if you dare).




Plus, if any of you golf enthusiasts want to see the British Open next year you can come here. I'm practically half a mile from the course. :P

Wait wait, people actually travel to liverpool? :P I've actually been to wirral tons and tons of times, we have old friends who live up there. I've only met one person from inet, Tepster aka Da str tep. Met him a few times and went to theme parks.








Me and Him discussed meeting one another back in the day. That was if, I went to England :P. Or, if he came here.

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No i havent, but ive always wondered if i have met anyone from on here accidentily. I dont know of many people that live near me on here, but dosent BMW live in Toronto? thats like close.




















Mr Putter...








We all live in the same city.







But fat chance im leaving my house!




Go leafs!




On a side note, half a dozen people from my clan also live in Toronto.




Go figure...











I live in London!(ontario)








I'm in Scarborough :) but in anything with my address on it, I put in Toronto lol.

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It's not a date date but I've meet up with some of my rs friends before.. I dont think they want me to disclose their names but yeah.. have met Mand before.. we live quite near to each other and went out for food in Seoul Garden before :)




*which mand im referring to is up to you to think*








`*nick*` :P

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personally, you disgust me. the internet is not a place to meet people if you ask me. especially runescape. whenever i see someone saying over and over again, "i need a gf" i want to murder him and then mutilate his corpse.

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personally, you disgust me. the internet is not a place to meet people if you ask me. especially runescape.




And I'm asking you where is, if not online?

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People I've met from Runescape:




Merc (not Mercifull) - at a theme park. he sent me roses for my 15th bday!




Selesiana and Xtraverse - brother and sister, ent to camp with me for three weeks




Dusqi - have met quite a bit, he is my boyfriend and future husband baby 8)








Will meet:




Mercifull, this November








Almost met:




Nik: had plans to meet twice, that never happened :P




Aisha14: we missed each other at the same movie theatre by an hour :( She's really ridiculously hot and we would have made out. If I could have helped it.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Nope, I've never met anyone IRL I've met through internet. I'd like to though someday.




The person that lives closest from me from these forums (Zargo_VI) lives 6.5-7km away from me, which is like 4 miles, so we live pretty close. We haven't talked about meeting yet, but it'd be cool to meet him someday!


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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wow that interesting did you get abused?








Thats a really horrible question to ask! :(



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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personally, you disgust me. the internet is not a place to meet people if you ask me. especially runescape.




And I'm asking you where is, if not online?








Exactly. I'm willing to bet that more people get "abused" on the first or second date of meeting someone in a club than from meeting from the net. Its all media hype with their current fad obsession about paedophiles.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Mel got drugged on her second drink a few nights ago when she went clubbing.




Lucky for her the only thing that happened was her phone and purse got stolen.




And she is really carefull with her drinks.








Hell some people have been killed from drink [bleep]ing.








It's all about the sex out there. No one is really in it for the relationship unless it's like a really high quality establishment and not just some random pub down the road.

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personally, you disgust me. the internet is not a place to meet people if you ask me. especially runescape. whenever i see someone saying over and over again, "i need a gf" i want to murder him and then mutilate his corpse.








There's a slight difference between running around on Runescape yelling "I NEED A GIRLFRIEND PLX, HIT 222 TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND" and get to know somebody via a normal Runescape/Msn session. And to be honest, I don't really care if I disgust you, of course everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion. But it's pretty pathetic you can't comprehend what we are talking about, and that you can't seperate a mature conversation from a childish Runescape action.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I probably wouldn't attempt to meet Dan, he has a bad streak in him. :wink:








What's that s'posed to mean? :evil:


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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