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who is the oldest player on runescape?


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I'm 51 and am often treated rude if I admit my age in the game. I am told that I should "get a life"..this coming from 12 year olds who should be out playing with their friends and not sitting on a computer 24/7.








I tell them that this is my form of relaxation and entertainment and I have underwear older than them so please show a little respect.












P.S. I have also met some wonderful young people who give me hope for the future. :D

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I'm 42 and my girlfriend, who also plays, is 31.








Between us, we've got three children who also play RS.








My two kids are only with us a couple of days each week, and we use Runescape as a means of getting together and spending time with each other on those days we are apart.








To be frank, it really helps, some days ...


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I'm 18, get a lot of little kids saying "OMG Shouldn't you be out with friends now you're a grown up?"








And unto them I say: "shouldn't YOU be out with friends in the 'best years of your life'"?








Why has a half year old post been bumped up for no apparent reason?










Retired Tip It Moderator | Zybez Radio DJ - Listen Here

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Well i'm 44 this year, got introduced to the game by my son. I used to play on his account in the evenings once I had sent him to bed. I started my own account and now have overtaken him! :twisted:


Thanks to 4be2jue for the sigs.



There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!


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im in fally bank when this assh@le starts crackin jokes about the london bombings. quote]












Oh well... I was five mins from board a train to Edgeware Road...








I'm 16, hitting 17 soon o.O












And hooray for old bumps... sometimes... :P


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This thread have now served its purpose :)


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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