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a question i can never answer...


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I had that problem, my brother just annoyed the hell out of me, on purpose, for no reason.


he stopped when I threatened to throw him out of the window, I was serious, and he knew it.


he backed off after that day. now he leaves me alone.

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I had that problem, my brother just annoyed the hell out of me, on purpose, for no reason.


he stopped when I threatened to throw him out of the window, I was serious, and he knew it.


he backed off after that day. now he leaves me alone.




last time my brother threw a tantrum and my parents weren't around, i popped his lip with my fist. i was so worried how my parents would react but my mom goes to my brother "you shouldnt have done that" oh man i actually felt bad for my brother that day.

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Oh and I heard talking helps. Is your little brother goth/emo/etc.?






YES. hes very prone to wearing black and covers himself with dark clothes, even at school. he constantly yells a lot when something pisses him off. as for his hairstyle, he layers it with a lot of gel and makes it smell bad. idk, but he likes to do it.




as for more details. hes much smarter then i am. he takes about five AP classes, averaging a B+ to an A on each class. i take NONE and averaging a B to an A-. also, he has muscles, weighs around 130ish and about 2 inches smaller then i am. so please don't go telling me to beat him up or whatever >.>. i'll just go with the phrase theres nothing you can do about it.


and just move on.

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Tell your dad he needs to be a man (and parent) by knocking him around. That's the problem with these little [cabbage]s, is that their parents give them the impression that their opinion actually matters. Beat him back into the place where he belongs, which is submissiveness.




Keep in mind there is stating your opinion, and then there is taking it too far. ~Lionheart_0

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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Since suggestions of domestic violence on a family forum is allowed because people are "entitled to their own opinions" I will reply to this. Hitting doesn't fix anything psychologically speaking, it's an immediate short-term consequence to a long-term problem and therefore promotes nothing but fear. It says that it's okay for bigger and stronger people to advance violently to smaller and weaker people. Your solution is a load of crap and I can "put you in your place" honey without resorting to violence. There are children traumatized from domestic situations globally and I think it is rubbish that you're allowed to come here and suggest it.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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then i got mad and ran back to my room..




Hello Friend,




I lold.




My older brother Sumit (R.I.P) just like you before his tragic fall from the earth. He got bullied by my other older brother Gadesh. I hope you not turn out like Sumit, and not show such weakness.




Good Luck Bro.

Ranked #1 Farming in India.


Baby I Just Here to Spread the Love.

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