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99 prayer :)



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ok im working on getting my 99 wc cape. :) and ill be a mem again in 2 weeks hopefully on my b-day :).


anyway im wanting to get 99 prayer which is what i was getting last time but got cut short on my membership


so im wondering how much money will it take.


and if anyone has the final guilded alter whould u plz help me in fullfilling my goal?



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Level 46 to 99 requires 51,455 Dragon Bones with a Gilded Altar. Dragon Bones are currently 1,994 gp each at the market price, bringing that to a total of 102,601,270 gp. You will also need to buy marrentils though to keep the burners lit.

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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Assuming you're using a gilded altar and dragon bones, it'll take you about 51454 Dragon Bones to level to 99. At the moment, the cost of all these bones will be... 97.45m to 105.42m, 102.59m if you're buying at mid price.


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There is no need to bump your thread when it is still on the front page. Especially when your question has already been answered twice.

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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thanks for putting that useless piece of information on the thread. i just wanted to see what it would do lol. ive never done it


Generally not a good idea to piss off the mods. And what did you expect it to do, put your thread on the front page of NBC?




(Sorry for the spam...)


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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wow....... Epic fail for me.................................... (sorry)




Back on topic.


i still need someon to let me use their guilded alter


Check events forum in the Official Forums.

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wow....... Epic fail for me.................................... (sorry)




Back on topic.


i still need someon to let me use their guilded alter


http://forum.[Please Use QuickFind Code].ws?42,43


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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Since you going to spend 100m I'd advise you to spend 10m and get 70 construction (yes boost) and make one yourself. I found myself waiting outside of peoples houses more then actually training prayer. I also noticed the 70 gp for the merrys herb wont kill you.




By the way I'm quite interested on how you will be funding this excursion with those stats.

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Since you going to spend 100m I'd advise you to spend 10m and get 70 construction (yes boost) and make one yourself. I found myself waiting outside of peoples houses more then actually training prayer. I also noticed the 70 gp for the merrys herb wont kill you.




By the way I'm quite interested on how you will be funding this excursion with those stats.




you can actually get a gilded alter at 69 con (saw +3,tea +3) or 66 with a good construction stew




gl on getting 110m

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Construction exp is only like 430k gold for 60k exp. In the end it will only cost you like 13m for 75 con. If you are going to get a prayer cape, trust me get the alter yourself, it will save you 20 hours. You are already investing 90+ million anyway.








Prayer cape is worth every cent. When i got mine i had 12k left in the bank at the end and i regret nothing. If you can get one, do it.

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well i already have the money needed for 99 prayer. ive been killing all kinds of dragons and sellin the hides. and ive also been wc/fishing/fletchin so yea. and i think i might take ur advice and build my own alter. :)

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Construction exp is only like 430k gold for 60k exp. In the end it will only cost you like 13m for 75 con. If you are going to get a prayer cape, trust me get the alter yourself, it will save you 20 hours. You are already investing 90+ million anyway.








Prayer cape is worth every cent. When i got mine i had 12k left in the bank at the end and i regret nothing. If you can get one, do it.




Pfft...I wouldn't go past 96 prayer personally, that's when you get the most out of ppots/restores, and those 3 extra long as hell levels aren't worth the 3 extra points, in my opinion....but I guess other people put a lot mroe value in capes. DEFINATELY get 69 construction then use the tea+saw for your own altar. Using other people's takes so much longer.

Barrows: 9~2 V Brass,V Flail,2 Dh Plate,V Helm,V Skirt,T Legs,Malevolent Shield DKing: 48~6 W Ring,13 A Ring,8 M Staff,9 S Ring,7 B Ring,3 Seercull
Dragon Drops: 500+~50+ Med,26 Axe,3 Chain,10+ Legs,10+ Spear,2 D2h,10+ L Half,49 Boots,2 DDs,10+ Lump,9 Claws,50+ Dagger,14 Visage,50+ Mace,4 Scimitar,7 Hasta,Baxe,50+ Long,30+ Royal,2 Kite,4 Ward,2 Plate,Staff,Hammer,Limbs, Mattock,Halberd
GWD: 156~4 S Staff,50+ Shard,9 B Tass,13 B Plate,5 B Boots,6 A Plate,11 S Sword,8 A Hilt,4 A Skirt,9 A Helm,S Hilt,3 B Hilt,B Glove,2 A Buckler,Z Ward,Z Garb,2 Z Boots,B Shield,B Helm

Corp: 3~Elysian,2 Sp Sh Nex: 6~Torva Legs,Cere,P cowl,Z bow,2 T boots + GWD2: 9~2 Glaive,Wand,2 Crest,Blade,2 Essence,Core Araxyte: 5~Web,3 Pheromone,Fang + Raids: 4~3 Codex,P Boots  + Trails: 2~Bob Shirt,Fortunate

Etc: 64~3 Sceptre,B Mask,16 Whip,2 Focus Sight,5 D Bow,7 SOL,Ragefire,2 Steadfast,Arma Staff,6 Rider Armor,5 Vine,2 Razorback,2 A Wand,Abby Orb,3 Blood Shard,6 Hydrix,Gland,Asc Xbow
[spoiler=Capes]Quest Cape Aquired 12-7-07 ~ Level 93 + + + Completionist Cape Aquired 5-22-15 ~ Level 138
Hitpoints Cape Aquired 9-21-09 ~ Level 131 + Magic Cape Aquired 9-24-09 Attack Cape Aquired 3-5-10 ~ Level 135 Summoning Cape Aquired 3-12-10

Strength Cape Aquired 6-1-11 ~ Level 137 Fire Cape Aquired 6-23-11 Defence Cape Aquired 7-5-11 + Ranged Cape Aquired 8-1-11 Kiln Cape Aquired 2-26-12 ~ Level 138
Dungeoneering Cape Aquired 4-22-12 + Slayer Cape Aquired 6-25-14 ~ Level 200 + Herblore Cape Acquired 12-9-14 ~ Level 138 Prayer Cape Acquired 12-20-14
Agility Cape Acquired 1-4-15 + Hunter Cape Acquired 1-30-15 Construction Cape Acquired 1-31-15 Crafting Cape Acquired 2-22-15 Thieving Cape Acquired 3-18-15
Runecrafting Cape Acquired 4-14-15 Mining Cape Acquired 4-19-15 Fishing Cape Acquired 4-25-15 Firemaking Cape Acquired 4-26-15 Woodcutting Cape Acquired 4-26-15
Cooking Cape Acquired 4-26-15Smithing Cape Acquired 4-28-15 Farming Cape Acquired 4-29-15 Divination Cape Acquired 5-3-15 Dungeoneering Mastery 5-4-15
Fletching Cape Acquired 5-4-15 Max Cape Acquired 5-4-15 + Invention Cape Acquired 11-9-16 Invention Mastery 5-16-19 + Archaeology Cape Acquired 10-30-20

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well i already have the money needed for 99 prayer. ive been killing all kinds of dragons and sellin the hides. and ive also been wc/fishing/fletchin so yea. and i think i might take ur advice and build my own alter. :)




:o so with those levels you already made 100m skilling? seems unlikely to me but if it's true it's a great achievement =D>



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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idk why everyone thinks at my lvls getting 100mil is such a hard acheivment. i mean i range green dragons in chaos tunnels and get a fair amout of money doing it. and i cut yews at a decent rate and fishing is pretty good for me to.

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definately get your own altar as it speeds thing up ALOT




99 Pray put me down to 20m and my sgs, but extremely worth it. Absolutely no regrets on it. But yeah with current prices its going to cost around 110m with getting your altar. I Didnt look at your summon level, but at least 67 reccomended for tort which also speeds things up alot.




Also place your glory room right beside altar room so you dont waste dueling rings and add up costs, both are just as fast, and your familiar often gets stuck at cwars, I found banking in edge faster.




Use a staff that gives free earth runes, bring a stack of airs and laws, tinderbox, 2 mars. Dont bother wasting cash on home teleport tabs those bring the cost of a tele up around 500 gp more then a simple house tele spell, for 1 slot saved. Definately not efficient, when your making 1k+ trips thats 500k+ added costs



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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idk why everyone thinks at my lvls getting 100mil is such a hard acheivment. i mean i range green dragons in chaos tunnels and get a fair amout of money doing it. and i cut yews at a decent rate and fishing is pretty good for me to.


You have 365k range XP, which is 1,200 drags if you did nothing but range drags from level 1. 5m. You have 583,369 XP from level 70, so if you did nothing but cut yews the entire time you would make another 3.3k yews, or 1m cash. We're up to 6m. Now, for fishing, you have 1,259,902 XP from level 40, so if you did nothing but fish lobsters the entire time you would have 14k lobsters, or another 4m. That's a grand total of 10m, and I have my doubts about you ranging green drags at anything under level 60 range, or fishing 14k lobsters. Sooo, where did the other 90m magically appear from?




Look, you don't need to try and lie about how much money you have. It's not going to earn you more respect, especially when it's an obvious lie. Sorry, just had to post and point that out -.-




Anyway, yes, train your skills higher so you can make money faster, then build your own gilded altar.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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idk why everyone thinks at my lvls getting 100mil is such a hard acheivment. i mean i range green dragons in chaos tunnels and get a fair amout of money doing it. and i cut yews at a decent rate and fishing is pretty good for me to.


You have 365k range XP, which is 1,200 drags if you did nothing but range drags from level 1. 5m. You have 583,369 XP from level 70, so if you did nothing but cut yews the entire time you would make another 3.3k yews, or 1m cash. We're up to 6m. Now, for fishing, you have 1,259,902 XP from level 40, so if you did nothing but fish lobsters the entire time you would have 14k lobsters, or another 4m. That's a grand total of 10m, and I have my doubts about you ranging green drags at anything under level 60 range, or fishing 14k lobsters. Sooo, where did the other 90m magically appear from?




Look, you don't need to try and lie about how much money you have. It's not going to earn you more respect, especially when it's an obvious lie. Sorry, just had to post and point that out -.-




Anyway, yes, train your skills higher so you can make money faster, then build your own gilded altar.


It's easy, just get a tripple third age clue :lol:


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well mr know it all. i do all the clue scrolls i get from the green dragons and have gotten some realy good drops latley. and dont forget all the merchanting ive done to get where i am now.

You have 365k range XP, which is 1,200 drags if you did nothing but range drags from level 1. 5m. You have 583,369 XP from level 70, so if you did nothing but cut yews the entire time you would make another 3.3k yews, or 1m cash. We're up to 6m. Now, for fishing, you have 1,259,902 XP from level 40, so if you did nothing but fish lobsters the entire time you would have 14k lobsters, or another 4m. That's a grand total of 10m, and I have my doubts about you ranging green drags at anything under level 60 range, or fishing 14k lobsters. Sooo, where did the other 90m magically appear from?




Look, you don't need to try and lie about how much money you have. It's not going to earn you more respect, especially when it's an obvious lie. Sorry, just had to post and point that out




Anyway, yes, train your skills higher so you can make money faster, then build your own gilded altar.

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well mr know it all. i do all the clue scrolls i get from the green dragons and have gotten some realy good drops latley. and dont forget all the merchanting ive done to get where i am now.


90m in clue scrolls from 1,200 green drags? At an average of ~160k a clue scroll, your getting a clue every other drag :?




Didn't see anything about merching either, it would take years merch with 5m :-k




Look, it's obvious your lying. It really doesn't matter. Give it up. There's some good advice on this thread.


Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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