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Break-up advice


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I've been dating this certain girl for 6 months, and decided that things aren't working out. She's a great girl, and I care alot about her...but not the way that I should be. I want to continue being friends with her, but I know she will be very upset once I break the news to her.








Any advice on how to do it?

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Well obviously you've gotta talk with her :P








Um, first, make sure that you make it 100% completely, perfectly, without a doubt clear - that you are 100% completely, perfectly, without a doubt ending the "more-than-friends" relationship. The worst is when a girl thinks that there's still a chance. She needs to know for a fact, that you mean what you're saying.








As for tactics? I'll leave that to a female - they would know better than I, how to be told ;)

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To be perfectly honest about it...




I've never had to end a relationship.




We've always tried to pull it back and then have it just fall apart over night a short while later.












Anyhow, try and sort out what isn't going to make it work.




Talk with her about how you feel and see if you two can't patch the holes.




When that starts to fail, best to end it there before it's messy.

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I would suggest to sit and talk one on one. DO NOT do it over the phone, through a friend, or online. I bet you knew that, but just making sure. That would be idiotic. Call her up, ask to go out somewhere simple, like for a walk or something. Anything thats the usual for you guys. When you're on the phone, don't make it obvious...ie saying "We need to talk."








So after that, I really dunno. Lol. Just go thru a flashback, and explain the last months to her, after a casual convo. Don't use words like "You're dumped, its over, it's not you, it's me, etc. Personally, i'd use the phrase "We're probably better off as friends." Its a nice casual phrase, and I think it'll do the least damage possible.








Hope I've helped somewhat...

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well, ok, if you actually do want to be freinds with her. Be honest, not too honest though. You dont want to be harsh on them just try and do it nicely face to face, not over fone or a txt message.

Glidden05, Pk Jamie, Who Da funk, Qyde


Im back! I pk dk all the noob

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oh bmw nice had a nice one! take her for a walk. if you say that she's bound to be expecting bad news unless you go for walks alot of the time. It wont be so sudden for her and she would be half expecting it and might not freak out as much.

Glidden05, Pk Jamie, Who Da funk, Qyde


Im back! I pk dk all the noob

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Just tell her it's not working out, and you feel that it would be better if you were friends because your relationship can grow in so many ways. Then go on to tell her how she is your best friend and you don't want to lose her as that.








Everything she wants to hear.


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Oh my god man, what the hell, you sat there for weeks getting worked up and constantly talking to people on DW about how badly you wanted her... Among tons of other stupid things that happened with her, no you're dumping her...?

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^ The wonders of hormones. Can be sooo annoying at times. :evil:
Oooo know what ya mean, sat up at night thinking how badly you love this girl or that girl, next morning after you made a fool out of yourself confessing love, you realise you don't and messed up ya life :P
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do it FAST. treat her like a ladie even though u arnt TOGETHER. if she is really upset, give her time. And more often then not if u both like each other for the people YOU are then u will find that the feeling to break up is mutual, even if SHE dosnt know it YET.

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Don't dump her in a public place.








wow, that helped :roll:








If you think breaking up with a woman in public will keep her from making a scene you are very mistaken.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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Short and simple.. Just tell her ya'll are better off as friends. Sure she'll cry.. and possibly hate you for awhile.. heh.. i would, since you was with her for 6 months, before you decided ya'll need to be *just friends*








Good Luck :D

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It sets the mature ones apart from the immature ones at least.




If she's mature about it she won't create a scene.




No matter where they are if they break up.

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As the wise Homer Simpson would say: "3 words, I am Gay."












But seriously, dont go around tell anyone you broke up with her, dont hold any anger it just messes it up even more.

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Don't dump her in a public place.








wow, that helped :roll:








If you think breaking up with a woman in public will keep her from making a scene you are very mistaken.








:? But its actuly the best thing, cause it shows you are a gentalman for not doing it in public which could embarass her.


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Just take some time for it and keep it simple. What's so hard about it that you need ask advice and stuff. :?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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Short and simple.. Just tell her ya'll are better off as friends. Sure she'll cry.. and possibly hate you for awhile.. heh.. i would, since you was with her for 6 months, before you decided ya'll need to be *just friends*








Good Luck :D








Amen, sistah.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Short and simple.. Just tell her ya'll are better off as friends. Sure she'll cry.. and possibly hate you for awhile.. heh.. i would, since you was with her for 6 months, before you decided ya'll need to be *just friends*








Good Luck :D








Amen, sistah.








Might be the easy way out, but you wanna ask yourself something. is that really the truth or are you just making up an excuse?

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Just break up and when you're gonna do it, be honest with her. You gotta drop it like a bomb. It's the only way.








If she's going to cry...








...you must end her life.








Just kidding. Oh, don't forget to reply to my private message!!!

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And just so you know, friendships with an ex almost never works.








im friends with all of my recent ex's but one. infact they're some of my best friends. theory = window.

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