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A New Planet?


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Well I don't really have much to say, except for "cool."




Scientists know very little about the 9 current planets in our system, but they're looking for more? Concentrate on technology to reach our 9 planets, then see where to go from there. This planet is 3 times further than pluto? Wtf!? What were we doing looking that far away! I think its already been proven that there are billions of planets out there, whats the use in looking for them all? They won't be able to get any interesting information on this new planet, so I dunno what the point really is.

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BMW, the difference is that there are billions of planets in the universe, but this one seems to in our solar system.








It's mean to orbit the sun every 500 or so years. (or so they said on bbc news)




Although it might just be a peice of rock (which is bigger than pluto)

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Blaah.. We need to spend more time/money working on our own planet.. psh.. those millions of dollars used to go to space could be used for the uhhh.. millions of starving people?.. hmmm

Formly known as TheKat146.

Retired in 2003 on RSC at combat level 111 <3

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Blaah.. We need to spend more time/money working on our own planet.. psh.. those millions of dollars used to go to space could be used for the uhhh.. millions of starving people?.. hmmm








It doesn't cost millions of dollars to accidently find a planet and watch it in the span of a year with a telescope. Besides, the terraformation of other planets will probably be the only way humans will be able to live on for thousands more years into the future. Not to mention that there have been hundreds of technological advances that you take advantage of today that started out in the space program. Dried food, minituraized electronics, aeronautics, mattresses, entertainment, et cetera. Even.. :shock: The mapping and understanding of our own planet :shock: omg, is due large in part to space and sub-orbital technology.








Edit: And about finding new planets, they're found outside the solar system all the time (All found outside are "Hot Jupiters" though, inhabitable gas giants). I think there are at least 155 known post heliospheric planets.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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didnt they find a planet like 2-3 years ago and called is Sedna?








anyway whats the point of space exploration and the ISS (international space station). it costs billions of dollers to go to outer-space and even more to make the ISS when there is like 50% of the worlds population in poverty.








its frigin stupid!


First and only pixel thinger I made.

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All right people. We have someone (or more) that belong to the Tales of Symphonia forums, because everything that is posted there ends up here....








*adjusts glasses*








actually Pluto was names after Mickey's dog, not a Roman god. Therefor, the next planit should be named "goofy", "minney", "donald", "daisy", or "mickey".








*adjusts glasses*








*refering to the fact that all the planets are named after roman gods*

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didnt they find a planet like 2-3 years ago and called is Sedna?








anyway whats the point of space exploration and the ISS (international space station). it costs billions of dollers to go to outer-space and even more to make the ISS when there is like 50% of the worlds population in poverty.








its frigin stupid!

Yeah that's what I was thinking but Sedna was eventually deemed to be not a planet, iirc.
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Besides, the terraformation of other planets will probably be the only way humans will be able to live on for thousands more years into the future.




I think we should start terraforming soon... so aliens dont creat a "trans-glactic spaceway" through earth! :lol: :lol:








Read The hitch hickers guide to the Galaxy :D


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didnt they find a planet like 2-3 years ago and called is Sedna?








anyway whats the point of space exploration and the ISS (international space station). it costs billions of dollers to go to outer-space and even more to make the ISS when there is like 50% of the worlds population in poverty.








its frigin stupid!




If we lived that way we wouldnt be intelligent life.




Its our nature to be curious.




If Galileo didnt turn his telescope to the sky some 400 years ago, the sun would still be orbiting us, we would be the centre of the universe.




At the very least I would think it would be interesting that something around 10billion km away can be made to rotate around a ball of hydrogen due to the weakest force in the universe.

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didnt they find a planet like 2-3 years ago and called is Sedna?








anyway whats the point of space exploration and the ISS (international space station). it costs billions of dollers to go to outer-space and even more to make the ISS when there is like 50% of the worlds population in poverty.








its frigin stupid!




If we lived that way we wouldnt be intelligent life.




Its our nature to be curious.




If Galileo didnt turn his telescope to the sky some 400 years ago, the sun would still be orbiting us, we would be the centre of the universe.




At the very least I would think it would be interesting that something around 10billion km away can be made to rotate around a ball of hydrogen due to the weakest force in the universe.








Well, first off, if Galileo didn't invent the telescope, someone else inevitably would have in 400 years time. Also, it's more like 22 billion km or, give or take a few billion.








It isn't the first time a 10th planet has been identified, as said before. There are have been half a dozen Kuiper Belt objects found that are near the size of Pluto but haven't been given recognition as a planet yet. In fact, a lot of people wouldn't even say Pluto should really planet. I don't think we'll be changing our textbooks anytime soon. If anything, they'll just throw Pluto, Sedna, this new rock, and all the other planetetoids like it away and call them Kuiper Belt planets or something.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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anyway whats the point of space exploration and the ISS (international space station). it costs billions of dollers to go to outer-space and even more to make the ISS when there is like 50% of the worlds population in poverty.




its frigin stupid!








You should read up on the wonderful medical and technological breakthroughs that have only come about from space exploration and research.








Its hard to belive that a mere 100 years ago the Wright brothers flew the first plane not even as far as the shuttle is long.




The idea of space is an inspiration to thousands of people to come up with new and amazing tecnological advances. There is some medical research that can only be done in Zero G. the cure for AIDS could be found as a result of medical research in space.




Mammograms are now done using digital mammography, which uses silicone chips to convert light directly into digital images originally developed by NASA's to produce sharper images with the Hubble Telescope.




Things like modern water purification was originally intended for space, now look at what a difference it is making to poverty stricken countries.




Belive it or not the space program helps poverty and if anything I would be putting more money into it. I do however do a lot of work for Oxfam and I know how desperate the charities are for money so i suggest that all countries spend less on arms each year and drop the debt on the poor, because thats whats taking all the money away from the poorer countries not the space program.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Too bad it's not the conditions aren't good enough for people to live in, because then we could finally ship a couple hundred million people to the planet every 6 months or so... :o then we would shoot it with a giant laser beam cannon like the one in Star Wars :wink: but then...we would have to keep finding planets. Anyway great discovery, go astronomers :P

How does a profession differ from an occupation?

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We are disscussing the tenth planet not disscussing whether it is "right" to spend billions of dollars on the space program.








That being said I find the discovery rather unimportant I find the gas giants we have found Outside our solar system much more interesting (since they could lead us to find terestrial planets outside our solar system)

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There are only 8 planets you know. Pluto isn't a planet, it is only taught in high school as one. It is in fact a Kuiper Belt Object much in the same manner as 2003 UB313.
















As you can see its eccentricity is too large, orbits around the belt and basically does not fit the current theory on how planets form because its orbit is bent 14 degrees. It has most likely been bumped out of orbit by a large collision.

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There are only 8 planets you know. Pluto isn't a planet, it is only taught in high school as one. It is in fact a Kuiper Belt Object much in the same manner as 2003 UB313.
















As you can see its eccentricity is too large, orbits around the belt and basically does not fit the current theory on how planets form because its orbit is bent 14 degrees. It has most likely been bumped out of orbit by a large collision.








The thing is is that isn't officially accepted by the International Astronomy Union. They don't even have a definition for a planet, so it's all speculation and opinion until they clear this whole thing up. I, as I stated before you did, think that the IAU will just start calling planets past Neptune and smaller than mars or so Kuiper Planets (maybe minor planets, Kuiper objects, who knows).


Gamertag: King Arizona

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There are only 8 planets you know. Pluto isn't a planet, it is only taught in high school as one. It is in fact a Kuiper Belt Object much in the same manner as 2003 UB313.








Well both NASA and the ESA consider Pluto be be a planet. Pluto has a diameter of 2320 km.




Teaching that Pluto is a planet when its not is an absurd thing to say. Theres plenty of other Kuiper belt objects or other small orbiting objects which schools don't teach as planets so why Pluto?



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Theres plenty of other Kuiper belt objects or other small orbiting objects which schools don't teach as planets so why Pluto?








Obviously, because there was no such knowledge of other large Kuiper Belt bodies like Sedna and 2003 UB13 for nearly 70 years. Since there is no scientific definition for a planet, all you can really say is "that's the way it is".


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Interesting article in the BBC Magazine today ^_^















Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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