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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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Any of the important and possibly well known designers going? If so you *could* get a nice signed copy and make some moneys later :P

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Any of the important and possibly well known designers going? If so you *could* get a nice signed copy and make some moneys later :P




These aren't famous celebrities, they are people who make video games with hundreds of others who work on the same stuff.

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For all I know one of the IW higher-people could've been there. And for all you know the person who signs it might become a known person :o :o :o!@!?@!?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Could be the capitol. Would be interesting, I really do hope the Americans have some missions in this one. I doubt thats the box art though, I think they dropped the CoD title, though to fans its still CoD6.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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We aussies are/were (cant remember, KRudd keeps changing his mind) in the current war in Afghanistan helping the americans while they sat on their [wagon] and we did everything.


Yeah, i know. Bias.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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We aussies are/were (cant remember, KRudd keeps changing his mind) in the current war in Afghanistan helping the americans while they sat on their [wagon] and we did everything.


Yeah, i know. Bias.




I'd say it's biased considering we're the only ones doing any work in the Middle East. Where in the HELL are the Jedi when you need them? But even from the American point of view I don't think thats worth a game.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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If you really wanna take this into technicallity then America dont deserve to be in any WWII games since they didnt join the war 'til the Japs bombed them.




And where are you from Millard?

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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It's gonna be like CoD18 before Australia is in anything -.-




Well except for WWII, Australia was never really in a game worthy conflict.




About here.




Where does WW2 come into it?




Also looks like they are going with COD:MW2 after all.








The twitter of the IW designer who released the image.




Would you rather with or without cod? I'd rather without. More catchier.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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If you really wanna take this into technicallity then America dont deserve to be in any WWII games since they didnt join the war 'til the Japs bombed them.




And where are you from Millard?




And yet we helped with the assault on Germany and took out Japan almost single-handedly. The Chinese wore them down to a stalemate on the Asian mainland.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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We get it, America single handedly defeated Hitler and the Axis powers. Blah blah blah....




But yet its been 8 years+ and they still haven't defeated a bunch of sheep famers in the desert.

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But yet its been 8 years+ and they still haven't defeated a bunch of sheep famers in the desert.








Britain did the largest amount of work in WWII.


Not the thread anyway. Would be nice to keep a thread about a game thats still not out a bit less spammy ;)




Anyone got bets on which type of guns will be mostly used in MW2? I'm gonna say SMG >.>

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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We get it, America single handedly defeated Hitler and the Axis powers. Blah blah blah....





When did I say that?





But yet its been 8 years+ and they still haven't defeated a bunch of sheep famers in the desert.




That's because they're not a country, we have no way to fight against guerilla warfate. Against any country on earth NATO wins. We're an untoppable alliance when it comes to conventional warfare.




Do you have any more of you anti-american stupidity to spew out? kthnx.






Ray, why would you ask to stop the spam? Wouldn't be the internetz if we did that, but alright.




So we've established that Soap now has a face and a voice, what about other characters? Will Price be returning? Or Kamarov?


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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My most used guns will always be snipers. Or on occasion, a silenced ak-47 or m16.




Probably the same for me. There's always a few maps you just cant snipe on. Or some are too small.

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Like shipyard. Sniping on that is impossible. I just use an m16 there. For times when I don't feel like sniping, I play as a stealth class, uav blocker, silencer, and sometimes dead silence. I once got my whole team to go stealth class on an 8v8 server. That was sweet, when the other team got a uav, no one appeared on their map so they were freaking out and shooting at everything that looked like it moved.




Oh, the only other guns I use apart from silenced m16 or ak-47, is the ak-74u which works great for me on courtyard or whatever that map's called, and occasionally the g3 for close range sniping.



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Britain did the largest amount of work in WWII.




The Russians did the largest amount of work in WW2. 20 million plus dead, and something like 3/4 German soldiers died on the eastern front.




If the maps are too small for sniping you can still put ACOGs on them.

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Britain did the largest amount of work in WWII.




The Russians did the largest amount of work in WW2. 20 million plus dead, and something like 3/4 German soldiers died on the eastern front.




If the maps are too small for sniping you can still put ACOGs on them.




Germany did the largest amount of work in WW2... :roll:


And then either Russia or Japan, followed by Britain.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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Britain did the largest amount of work in WWII.




The Russians did the largest amount of work in WW2. 20 million plus dead, and something like 3/4 German soldiers died on the eastern front.




If the maps are too small for sniping you can still put ACOGs on them.




Yeah but I would rather not classify russians as much help since they were originally allied with germany 'til they bombed them.. That's negative points



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They weren't really allied with Germany, they just had a non-aggression pact.




Anyway, here's what I personally think of the WWII work distribution.




British I think did about the same amount as US in Europe, but not much else besides defending London until D-Day. I guess there was the liberation of Norway, so it's a little eh on who did more. The British definitely did the most in Africa, the US only had a small landing there, and our landing mostly failed until a small comeback at the end, but by that time the Brits had pretty much won. China took the worst beating from Japan, but was pretty well able to hold them off. By the end of the war though, it looked like they were going to lose eventually, and I think the US can be credited with doing the most in the Pacific Theatre. All in all I have to say the USSR did the most. They had the highest losses, but due to Germany not being able to supply it's troops for the winter, they were able to repel the invasion before it got to Moscow and eventually captured Berlin. Yay USSR.




Now the question is, how the hell did we get to this? I think it started with someone saying that Australia hasn't been in a game or something, what?






Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Britain did the largest amount of work in WWII.




The Russians did the largest amount of work in WW2. 20 million plus dead, and something like 3/4 German soldiers died on the eastern front.




If the maps are too small for sniping you can still put ACOGs on them.




Germany did the largest amount of work in WW2... :roll:


And then either Russia or Japan, followed by Britain.




I thought we were only talking about the Allies.




And yeah it was a non-agression pact, which also divided up Poland. So yeah that lasted until Hitler "rushed" Russia in 1941. But all of this would be more relevant in the WaW thread.

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