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Weekly Poll: What weekly website feature do you enjoy most?


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This week's poll asks:




What weekly website feature do you enjoy most?


    [*:3bq75f1w] Poll
    [*:3bq75f1w] Hot Topic
    [*:3bq75f1w] Tip.It Times




Feel free to suggest ways to better these weekly features here as well. :)




>>> Vote Now! <> View the Results <<<




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Remember, you can also submit your ideas for future polls here.




~N_odie <3:

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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:thumbup: I am so biased with this poll.




It would be cool if some of ya have some suggestions for any of the above as well. We are always willing to take them.




What do you mean "Hot Topic"?


The Hot Topic is a topic that the community has found to be especially interesting. It is not usually a update topic and cannot be bashing Jagex or Tip.It. As far as the forums go, nothing is done. However, the topic is linked from the main site, directing lots of site users to take a look at the thread. :)




Take a look at the newest news post for an example.

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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Tipit times, simple because there is more too it. Don't get me wrong, the poll and hot topic are good, but they don't take up about 10 mins of my time reading them and replying etc (except a good hot topic but not most). The tipit times is usually a very good read.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Every Sunday, I look for the times, and then a few days later I look forward to the poll (man, that just sounds wrong...). It was close, but I went Tipit Times. Reason being, polls are quick. Vote, and done. Times, on the other hand, gives me 4-5 mins of new stuff to read.

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I love waking up Sunday to see The Tipit Times!


Even before i was a member here I would love to check in to see what Major RS fans would say about a new update or quest. Also the little tips on the end are awesome, not to mention useful. I have to say that I think all the articles are written well too, then again, Im not much of a writer so I really wouldn't know.


Keep up the good work; I'll be back here tomorrow to see what you came up with.



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There's a bit of a problem with this poll because you're giving the option of a poll. If you think about it - people who are answering the poll may be more likely to enjoy the polls since they ARE answering them so it's a bit biased.




I voted for teh times :)


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I had to go with the Tip.it Times. I love the poll and the hot topic, but goodness, some of the Tip.it Times articles are pretty good, especially the ones a while back that were interviews with top ranked players.



"Call now, and I'll replace your old television with a new one that looks just like it, while you sleep!" --Dogbert

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I enjoy the articles the most. The poll of the week is superfluous to me and I never really care what the hot topic is, I generally read all the topics anyways.

EDIT - Signature far exceeds our sig limits but since it's so colourful you can keep it.

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Polls rule!!




I havent read every issue of the Tip.It Times, but I did like the ones I did read. I get excited about the new polls, and even on the official RuneScape website, I get excited when theres a new poll.




I like the hot topic too, but polls still get my vote.

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