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Trying to lose weight - HELP!


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Well I have decided to lose some weight as I am overweight. I am going to cut back on rs a ton and only play after exercising or at night.








I am also going to eat healthier by intaking more fruits, vegetables, meat, and only whole grain breads.








I plan on biking for 5 miles per day around my neighborhood. I also plan on doing 50 push-ups and sit ups in the morning before school and 50 of each before bed. Also I love to swim so if the weather is nice enough I can do that also. Once I feel a little more fit, I will try to run 1-2 of those miles.








:arrow: Is this a good exercise plan or do I need to do more or less of a certain thing?








I am looking to lose around 35 lbs. Once I have lost significant weight I will go to the gym to build muscle and to keep fit. Only problem is that the only gym around here is very expensive at about 600-800 dollars per year. I am only 15 so that kind of money is a slight problem. :wink:








Can anyone suggest what kind of weights or things to buy for exercising and what exercises are good for losing weight? I was thinking about trying to buy a bowflex ( :lol: ) because I heard they produce very good results. Has anyone ever used one of these and are they any good?








Thanks a lot everyone, any input is appreciated. :)

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Sounds like a pretty good start. Make sure you don't drop too much weight too fast, work out (with weights), and try to get about 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass. You also need to consume less calories than you are using daily in order for your body to burn fat. Be warned though not to cut back too many calories, or you will start looking starved rather than fit/lean/healthy or whatever you want to call it.








The reason I put try is if you're pretty heavy it can be pretty hard getting ~200 grams of protein a day, but you definately don't want to not get enough. You can buy protein shakes. There are different types of protein shakes that come from different types of protein. There is whey protein- the most popular, whey protein is the most quickly absorbed and supposedly highest quality, use it right after a heavy work out or exercise session to make the best use of it. There is also egg protein and casein protein (from milk), these two are absorbed more slowly by your body and so are better to use during the day or before going to bed.








Try to cut back on fatty meats, instead eating leaner meats like chicken. Steak is still good.. but remember anything you eat must be in moderation.








Cutting back on fat does not mean trying to eliminate fat. Your body needs fat to function properly, make sure you get a good supply healthy fat in your diet, from things like natural peanut butter- not jif or peter pan or whatever, fish and nuts. This will help in having more healthy cholesterol and losing weight. If eating fish every day doesn't appeal to you, you can buy fish oil, either in liquid form or in "soft gels". Let me tell you from experience though that the liquid form tastes like pure booty, you should try the soft gels.








Try not to eat too many fruits though, as simple sugars will increase your blood sugar level slowing down yoru fat loss. You can eat almost unlimited vegetables since they have almost no calories though.








Depending on your age, and if your parents allow it, there are many supplements out there that can help you lose fat, increase muscle, basically almost anything.








A great site to learn anything about dieting,exercise and supplemets is http://www.bodybuilding.com. You will find tons of great information there, with many people to help you on the forums. Take at least 10 minutes daily browsing that site learning about new exercises and foods and everything, knowledge is power. The more you know, the better you will be able to understand your body and what it needs and eventually customize your diet to suit you and what your goals are.








I wrote this up pretty quickly, and probably left alot of things out worth mentioning, so most of it might not make alot of sense to you, if any. Just go to that website and you will find all that I have told you (but explained much better) and much much more.




Good luck 8)

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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Wow thank you so much for writing all of that up! :D








I am going to the website to check it out. But I have just one question... If I get any whey protein, will it make me lose weight slower because I want to first lose the weight than gain more muscle. :)









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Good for you for trying to do this type of thing!








I run a mile every night, and I'd like to point out that when you first start it will be hard. It doesnt matter if you swim or do weights, it will hurt. But after a week or so, it won't, and you'll be like oh, im not running, I'm gliding. Well thats what it was like for me, for the first week it really ached when i put ran, but then i just felt smooth and such..








But a word of warning, if you are planning to uphold this, dont run every night for more than a mile. If you run every other day your muscles will have time to build while you rest, but if you run everyday your likely to strain yourself. So if time isnt against you, take your time and build lots of muscle.








And if you think youll be playing runescape past 11pm you're in for a surprise if you manage to do swimming weights and running everyday :lol: .








Good luck let me know how it works out...

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No, protein is just used to build and maintain muscle, either way if you are losing fast first then gaining muscle or if you can pull both at the same time, you will need some protein...








Of course, you can achieve whatever you want without supplements, but supplements will help you achieve it faster and possibly have a better effect.




Note though that suppplements are legal and of course unless you are eating the whole 5 pound bag of protein, or gulping down the whole bottle of fish oil, or swallowing your whole multi vitamin box at once :P








But as I've said before, make sure you read up on anything before you start taking it or doing it or whatever, and if you live with your parents and they aren't willing to buy it for you, show them the website with all the information and have them read it. If they still won't buy it, theres not much you can do about that just wait till you old enough :( . Of course people always see the negative things, so they might think it's steroids or some sort of hormones or something like that (which it isnt).

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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No, protein is just used to build and maintain muscle, either way if you are losing fast first then gaining muscle or if you can pull both at the same time, you will need some protein...








Of course, you can achieve whatever you want without supplements, but supplements will help you achieve it faster and possibly have a better effect.




Note though that suppplements are legal and of course unless you are eating the whole 5 pound bag of protein, or gulping down the whole bottle of fish oil, or swallowing your whole multi vitamin box at once :P








But as I've said before, make sure you read up on anything before you start taking it or doing it or whatever, and if you live with your parents and they aren't willing to buy it for you, show them the website with all the information and have them read it. If they still won't buy it, theres not much you can do about that just wait till you old enough :( . Of course people always see the negative things, so they might think it's steroids or some sort of hormones or something like that (which it isnt).








Ok thanks a lot! I am going to show my parents this site and see what they will allow me to take.








Also thanks for the advice adthegreat and sunnman! :)

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What the hell Schwarz, losing weight isn't a science.




Eat healthily - not in excess - exercise plenty.




Piece of cake (which is banned on your diet).




The most important thing about losing weight is being committed. What you said sounds really good, but you have to do it 100%. You can't cut corners or mess around on it, then you'll get nowhere.

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What the hell Schwarz, losing weight isn't a science.




Actually, I think you will find that plenty of people have spent their whole lives studying losing weight as a science, and all of the most successful techniques were developed through science.

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What the hell Schwarz, losing weight isn't a science.




Eat healthily - not in excess - exercise plenty.




Piece of cake (which is banned on your diet).




The most important thing about losing weight is being committed. What you said sounds really good, but you have to do it 100%. You can't cut corners or mess around on it, then you'll get nowhere.








Heh thanks for that, made me laugh. :lol:








I am 100% committed. I biked 5.2 Miles today along with the 100 situps + pushups. Man I am pooped. :wink: :P

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What the hell Schwarz, losing weight isn't a science.




Eat healthily - not in excess - exercise plenty.




Piece of cake (which is banned on your diet).




The most important thing about losing weight is being committed. What you said sounds really good, but you have to do it 100%. You can't cut corners or mess around on it, then you'll get nowhere.




If it were that easy why do you think theres so many overweight people who want to lose it but cant :roll:

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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no no no u cannot wait to add weight lifting, infact that is the first thing you need, weight lifting adds muscle, which in term will speed up your metabolism at rest ex: ur at home on the couch watching tv, or playin runescape, ur metabolism will be alot faster than it originally was without weight training, also DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT!!!!!!! restrict urself on your diet, restriction on your diet, leads to one day u saying o one pizza cant hurt, u will feel bad about cheating, say u cant do it, quit and gain even more weight, eat anything you want, basically all i do is tell myself do i really need the pizza, i mean it wont make me any healthier :P, however i eat it for lunch at school everyday, but by doing so i eliminated fried foods from my dinner, which i used to eat a huge plate of french fries over 800 calories in that plate alone, and basically well i switched to steamed potatoes and its awesome. Now if you are as overweight as you say, and have never been introduced to weight lifting, then by following ur plan, plus the weights (WEIGHT TRAINING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, BECAUSE IT WILL SPEED UP YOUR METABOLISM AT REST AND MAKE YOU LOOK BETTER, THE CARDIO ONLY HAS TO BE ABOUT 10 - 15 MINS 3 TIMES A WEEK IN UR TARGET HEART RATE ZONE ANYTHING HIGHER AND UR BUILDING MUSCLE NOT BURNING FAT, ANYTHING LOWER AND UR NOT DOIN ANYTHING) u will recieve a fast initial weight loss, but this is because of mostly water weight, so do not become discouraged when u only lose 1 pound a week if that, THAT IS THE HEALTHY WEIGHT DROP, IT MAY ONLY BE 1 POUND A WEEK AFTER THAT, BUT IT WILL BE PURE FAT, WHILE U ARE GAINING MUSCLE, the truth is the scale will not be ur friend, as the weight training will add weight to ur frame, but muscular weight, hence DO NOT GUIDE URSELF BY A SCALE in stead use the mirror and how ur close fit on u. also drink plenty of water, the body never knows when it will get water again, so by drinking a decent amount a day your body will leave its defese mechanism, once it learns that it has an excess of water, and it will actually let go of the water it stores, hence more initial weight loss, and btw u dont need a gym ur push ups will be fine, add squats with proper form, they work out most of the major parts of your legs, and ur sit ups keep doing them now until summer, by then you should have a low enough body fat, considering u follow my advice, to show them off on the beach, and please do not get discouraged like i said when u only lose one pound a week if that!!!!! IT WILL BE PURE FAT!!!!!!!!! ok thank you for reading, and good luck :) and remember what i said about the heartrate, also just look at ur diet and u will see somethings u can live without, i unfortunately need that pizza to keep me on my diet, but ive altered my diet so that it doesnt hurt me, also the best way to lose weight is 6 balanced meals a day to keep the metabolism up instead of 3 big ones, but as students we dont have time for that, so just make easy cuts here and there, and ull be fine, remember one more time BECAUSE I REALLY DONT WANT U TO QUIT AND I KNOW IT WILL CROSS UR MIND AND UR MORE LIKELY TO QUIT THAN TO CONTINUE, AFTER THE INITIAL LOSS THE WEIGHT LOSS WILL BECOME VERY SLOW MAYBE 4 POUNDS A MONTH IF THAT SO STICK STICK STICK TO IT!!!!! IT WILL BE PURE FAT 5 POUNDS OF BODY FAT CAN FIT IN THE PALM OF UR HAND AND IT WILL RAISE UP LIKE A TOWER ABOUT 5 INCHES think about it :) once again good luck, hope i helped, sorry for the lenght :P

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I want to first begin this with do not let yourself starve in anyway (but don't eat excessively) because allowing your body to start staving make your bodys metabolism lower and when that lower anything you eat increases your weight by more then if you were to only eat a little bit every once in a while.








The best eating habits for losing weight is to eat every 3 hours (not late at night though!). 3 hours is how long it takes for the body to digest food you ate 3 hours previously so if you eat a small amount of food every 3 hours it doesn't allow your metabolism to slow down, but actually speed it up and help you lose weight (You can't lose weight by just doing this!).








Schwarzenegger had recommended weight training but that is not needed if you are losing weight. Weight training, push ups, and sit ups are some of the most common thoughts to losing weight and targetting fat loss. You cannot target where you lose weight, your genetics determine it, but as you lose fat in other places you begin to lose it in other places too. You cannot do 100 sit ups every day for a year and pig out and thing you will get washboard abs, because this is not true. Although you might have them under fat they will not show at all. If you want to go into weight training and losing weight that will not happen. For lifting weights you need a lot of calories (depending on many things) and for losing weight you don't need even half the calories for (in most cases).








I can't type anymore tonight, I will finish it tommorow. Thanks for your patience.

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Weights training poop








Dont know where you are getting this from. Weight training is the least important thing. Building muscles has no use, except to gain strength. Now if you do endurance weight training, that is better. It just makes it so your muscles can continue to work longer. That means you could take like 10lbs weights, and do like 30 reps in a short period of time, and that will make you more endurance for muscles.








But as i said, muscles arent important. Cardiovascular (sp?) is. You have to train that alot, as so you can actuly do more stuff, even if you dont have muscle endurance.








What i learned in gym was that you need "Continuse, vigurus, activity". This means, dont just bike the amount of miles, bike for the amount of time. To get any return at all for your training, you have to constantly (with little to no stoping) do an activity for 20 minutes. 60 minutes is the max or you run the risk of hurting yourself.








I sugest if its around your middle area for weight, that you just do sit ups. If you want to build really good abs and that, dont just do straight sit ups. Sit up normaly, then do it to one side, then the other. And like the cardio training, dont do to many.








Hmm gym was preatty usful... lol.








(BTW, im in no perfect shape myself, but i am about a medium doing the shuttl run)


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First off i wouldn't recommend any muscle building protein supplements, since actually most people living in MEDC's get more than enough the amount of protein they can physically convert into muscle daily. The whole biology staff at my school have a simple attitude: expensive supplements = expensive urine, since most of it is excreted because it we simply cannot deal with that much.








To the guy who ranted about muscle weight training, that kind of weight training has very little effect. Since when is an olympic weight trainer any fitter than a marathon runner? or a Tour de France cyclist? The key thing to build is cardiovascular fitness. Running is particularly good for losing weight and increasing cardiovascular fitness since your weight isn't supported. Cycling is just as good (and i prefer it, since i can cycle for much longer).








A good routine would be to work out a running or cycling course, and get a stopwatch and try and set personal records and beat them daily, gradually you will notice your time get much faster.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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As a former teacher at a sports college I have these advices for you:








Eat regularly; 5 to 8 times a day - while you excersise, this will increase your metabolism. Dont overdo the excersise either - its easy to be dispirited if you dont have the time or energy to keep up a to long excersise-plan. Its more important that you excersise regurarily ( 3 to 5 times a week) then to excersise in bulks.








Just walking a few miles every day is a great way to loose weight, and then slowly increase as you build more and more condition and muscles and loose weight.








If you have a flu or fever you must not excersise or strain your self in any way since you can seriously harm your heart.








Eat lots and lots of green vegetables. Beans - nuts and lentils is way better then red meat since they contain the same amount of important proteins but without slowing down your digestion or metabolism (red meat stays in your digestion system for more then 72 hours).








Poultry and fish is excellent meat sources.








Instead of rice or potatoes eat salad with your meals. Instead of gravy use light sour cream ( to fish) or clear broth (to poultry).








You will have urges for sugar (our body needs it) - so instead of banning all sweets, do allow your self a treat once in awhile.








The best way to avoid a sweet hunger is to eat plenty of fruits :)








Eat apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi fruit and berrys.








Tea, coffee ( both tea and coffee triggers the metabolism if taken a few minutes before any meals in the morning)and water is better then juice and soft drinks.








Never eat between meals - instead drink a lunk warm glass of water if you get hungry :)








Decide on a "eat schedule"! If you eat 6 times a day be sure to eat at the same hours every day. That will help your metabolism and digestion. You will also loose weight much faster. Keep the meals small though. Its essential to eat frequent and small meals. Never eat only 2 - 3 huge meals a day, this will slow your metabolism and prevent you from loosing weight!








Last but not least; Consult your doctor/health nurse at school before any major training schedules or diets.








Good luck! :D


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What the hell Schwarz, losing weight isn't a science.




Eat healthily - not in excess - exercise plenty.




Piece of cake (which is banned on your diet).




The most important thing about losing weight is being committed. What you said sounds really good, but you have to do it 100%. You can't cut corners or mess around on it, then you'll get nowhere.




If it were that easy why do you think theres so many overweight people who want to lose it but cant :roll:




Because they're lazy and uncommitted.




And if there really is a medical reason why they can't lose weight, your method won't help anymore than mine.

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Sounds fine, i like your idea of not starting off with running 2 miles because that can prove disasterous. Stick with the plan and i am sure you will be able to drop some weight. Diet with exercise is the best way to lose weight. Just drink a lot of water, i hear that helps.


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Go see a dietist. Losing weight can be dangerous and very serious. Not something you should ask for help on an internet forum that's dominated by thirteen year olds.








[edit] Missed the last advice in Sunli's post.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

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Go see a dietist. Losing weight can be dangerous and very serious. Not something you should ask for help on an internet forum that's dominated by thirteen year olds.








[edit] Missed the last advice in Sunli's post.








Don't worry, my uncle is a doctor and I have already talked to him about this. :)








Also Sunli, thanks for all of those wonderful tips! I am drinking about 2 liters of water a day and that is keeping my stuffed! :o








I don't really have a sweet tooth so that isn't a problem for me I don't think. :)








Thanks for the tips everyone! Starting Day Two today! :wink:

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Well when i was that age i lost a load of weight.








How did i do it? 3 simple steps:








1) As you plan, do all the exercise you possibly can. If possible vary things, play tennis with friends, golf, whatever your into and if your not into anything convince your mates to start a sport with you. That way its fun, and you lose weight.








2) See it as a challenge and keep focused. MAKE SURE you do you exercises everyday. If you dont, see it as a bad day, as if a relative as died and feel really bad about yourself. Tell yourself, "Ill be overweight forever because of not exercising today." Same with food - if you eat a cake, make yourself feel guilty about it and regret it.








3) Eat little or nothing for meals (Maximum 2 times per 3 days). This is the key. BUT, make sure you dont end up anorexic - once you reach your desired new weight, STOP DOING THIS. Best one to miss i found was at school - it saves you your lunch money which you can secretly keep ;) If you really cant manage this - just buy yourself a cereal bar for lunch. For dessert - fruit only until you eat your weight. One chocolate bar as a treat per week.








Really its about sorting out what you eat and exercising to an extreme level until you reach your desired weight. Then, eat normally, keep up the exercise and you should be alright for life,









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Well when i was that age i lost a load of weight.








How did i do it? 3 simple steps:








1) As you plan, do all the exercise you possibly can. If possible vary things, play tennis with friends, golf, whatever your into and if your not into anything convince your mates to start a sport with you. That way its fun, and you lose weight.








2) See it as a challenge and keep focused. MAKE SURE you do you exercises everyday. If you dont, see it as a bad day, as if a relative as died and feel really bad about yourself. Tell yourself, "Ill be overweight forever because of not exercising today." Same with food - if you eat a cake, make yourself feel guilty about it and regret it.








3) Eat little or nothing for meals (Maximum 2 times per 3 days). This is the key. BUT, make sure you dont end up anorexic - once you reach your desired new weight, STOP DOING THIS. Best one to miss i found was at school - it saves you your lunch money which you can secretly keep ;) If you really cant manage this - just buy yourself a cereal bar for lunch. For dessert - fruit only until you eat your weight. One chocolate bar as a treat per week.








Really its about sorting out what you eat and exercising to an extreme level until you reach your desired weight. Then, eat normally, keep up the exercise and you should be alright for life,
















If he exercises as much as you recommend and eats as much as you recommend he'll be burning off more energy than he's taking in, possibly burning off muscle, which is verrry bad. Guilt can possibly lead to depression, which often leads to overeating.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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