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Rejecting Censorship


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I really fail to see how anyone has a problem with this.


If your censor is on, you play runescape exactly as you do now. There would be absolutely no change, other than perhaps seeing *'s a little more often.


If its off, nothing is starred out.




WoW implements on optional censor, which is on by default, and you have to turn off manually. It's nothing complicated.




How would this effect children at all? If their censor is on, nothing changes from how it is now. People can cuss all they want, its still going to show up as a bunch of *'s to that little kid you want to protect so badly.




I think some people are interpreting an "optional censor" as this: If my censor is off, everyone can see me swearing, regardless of their settings.


Having a censor would mean that you, as the user, determine exactly what you see.




For whoever said Jagex wants to avoid lawsuits, I'm pretty sure having an optional censor that is on by default and must be changed by the user (with a warning of some form) makes them immune to any legal trouble.

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I think it's a necessary evil. It's annoying to legit and mature players...but without it, where is the line drawn? A child can easily lie about their age, turn off their censor, and then come crying to mommy once they realize that not everyone on the internet is the nicest person in the world.




Then Jagex deals with the backlash as a company. No one will care that the child lied. They'll only ask the question, "Why didn't Jagex protect my child?" And while you can say, "They tried!" they'll (and their laywers) will respond with, "They should've tried harder."




Overall it's just a liability, having the censor optional. They can't filter out everything naughty--god forbid the day they try--but they can continue as they have to cover their [wagon] and essentially their bottom line and image.




Would that I could disable it though...I'd be a happy scaper.


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I hate to cite WoW again, but its rated T (meaning if you're a teenager, aka 13, then you can play it). They have an optional censor, and I haven't been able to find a single lawsuit over offensive language.




I don't think a lawsuit would hold any ground given that runescape has legal terms you must agree to before playing, stating you are over a given age. You can't sue over an underage child getting verbally abused in-game, because they agreed to the legal terms before they started playing, and were in violation of those terms from the beginning.

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For whoever said Jagex wants to avoid lawsuits, I'm pretty sure having an optional censor that is on by default and must be changed by the user (with a warning of some form) makes them immune to any legal trouble.




Who said that?




I hate to cite WoW again, but its rated T (meaning if you're a teenager, aka 13, then you can play it). They have an optional censor, and I haven't been able to find a single lawsuit over offensive language.




I don't think a lawsuit would hold any ground given that runescape has legal terms you must agree to before playing, stating you are over a given age. You can't sue over an underage child getting verbally abused in-game, because they agreed to the legal terms before they started playing, and were in violation of those terms from the beginning.




I'm trying to figure out whose post you are referring to. If it was mine I wasn't implying law suits, but this is good knowledge.

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I think it's a necessary evil. It's annoying to legit and mature players...but without it, where is the line drawn? A child can easily lie about their age, turn off their censor, and then come crying to mommy once they realize that not everyone on the internet is the nicest person in the world.




Then Jagex deals with the backlash as a company. No one will care that the child lied. They'll only ask the question, "Why didn't Jagex protect my child?" And while you can say, "They tried!" they'll (and their laywers) will respond with, "They should've tried harder."




Overall it's just a liability, having the censor optional. They can't filter out everything naughty--god forbid the day they try--but they can continue as they have to cover their [wagon] and essentially their bottom line and image.




Would that I could disable it though...I'd be a happy scaper.


Well, I don't think you can sue over foul language, right? And you can still be not nice without having to use the forbidden swear words. After years of play with the censor, one gets creative.




It serves no purpose. The only thing that is happening is that you see **** instead of the actual word, while EVERYONE knows what you mean.





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IMO the censor is pointless. Not only does it censor out swear words (f-word, for instance), but it filters out OK words like oral and google.


I'd say remove the censor completely, since people like me don't give a CRAP about swear words.


And who cares about whining little kids? Those immature idiots aren't supposed to be playing in the first place. :roll:




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IMO the censor is pointless. Not only does it censor out swear words (f-word, for instance), but it filters out OK words like oral and google.


I'd say remove the censor completely, since people like me don't give a CRAP about swear words.


And who cares about whining little kids? Those immature idiots aren't supposed to be playing in the first place. :roll:


The kids that are ment to be protected from swear words in the first place are the ones that swear the most.




Jagex needs to learn that they can't babysit players. With the censor you might see a few ***'s now and then, but foul language can't be removed from the game. With or without the censor, the people will still be the same. It's not like everyone will just play nice with the censor in place.

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the limitations that it puts on communication are many, and therefore, I believe that it would be in the interest of everyone if the censor was made optional.
I aggree that it puts a bit too many limitations on our communication, but if it was optional, you'd get a whole bunch of hot-heads going round saying what they like to who they like :wall:




your both right, all the noob's would just go around *cabbage*ing everyone, but i also agree with a coment in the origenal post, people will do this but it would die down fast ( :pray: ). evan if it does not die down jagex could re instal the full out cencor anyway.




so as i see, this is a good idea, although some word's should remain censored allways (you all should know the few im talking about), so if a few of the worst stay censored, then this idea has my full suport.


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No one NEEDS to swear in a game where swearing is WRITTEN. Meaning your brain must process what you are thinking and send little electronic messages to your fingers, which than write it out on your keyboard and after pressing enter lets your thoughts into the game.


So if you are one of those people who "swear on accident" in RS, your just full of bull and nothing you can say can justify your actions..




If you can't control your fingers than you cannot play Runescape, am I right?




So next time you feel a need to swear in a game. Try shouting it out loud instead, its more therapeutic than writing it in a game...




Or would the reason why you write swearing in the game be, that your MOMMY and DADDY don't let you swear out loud IRL, I wonder.. :roll:

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For whoever said Jagex wants to avoid lawsuits, I'm pretty sure having an optional censor that is on by default and must be changed by the user (with a warning of some form) makes them immune to any legal trouble.




Who said that?







Jagex did on the runescape forums. I can't remember exactly where, but it was in response to making an optional sensor or something comparable.




Personally I really hate when perfectly normal things get blocked because some immature players abuse it. And for one I really don't get why can say things like [wagon], but can't say 'poof' or 'bugger' :evil:

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No. The RS censor should be worked on and fixed, but it shouldn't be rejected or optional. There are way to many that would abuse that.



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No. The RS censor should be worked on and fixed, but it shouldn't be rejected or optional. There are way to many that would abuse that.




How is that bad for you? Just keep your censor on. Note that they will be banned or muted if they use the language in a vulgar way, as I am NOT saying to remove rule 1.




Of course, you could have figured that out by just going through the OP.

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No one NEEDS to swear in a game where swearing is WRITTEN. Meaning your brain must process what you are thinking and send little electronic messages to your fingers, which than write it out on your keyboard and after pressing enter lets your thoughts into the game.


So if you are one of those people who "swear on accident" in RS, your just full of bull and nothing you can say can justify your actions..




If you can't control your fingers than you cannot play Runescape, am I right?




So next time you feel a need to swear in a game. Try shouting it out loud instead, its more therapeutic than writing it in a game...




Or would the reason why you write swearing in the game be, that your MOMMY and DADDY don't let you swear out loud IRL, I wonder.. :roll:


Swearing is not allowed, so we've got that covered. Next point is, why should it be starred out, when an individual DOES decide to swear? Because it hurts one's feelings? Doubtful. The evil intertubes wouldn't be a suitable place for such a person in the first place.

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No. The RS censor should be worked on and fixed, but it shouldn't be rejected or optional. There are way to many that would abuse that.




I agree, what's the point in the first place? Yes the censor CAN be very annoying, but at the end of the day, it's not unbearable.. :|


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I agree, what's the point in the first place? Yes the censor CAN be very annoying, but at the end of the day, it's not unbearable.. :|




I respect your point of view. If it only seems to be an "annoyance" to you, then that is very much okay. If the positives of it outweigh your perceived negatives, then feel free to keep it on.




However, for some people, there are no positives to a censor. We have seen bad words before, and the reason I don't like the censor is because it hinders communication, not because I like using bad words.

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No one NEEDS to swear in a game where swearing is WRITTEN. Meaning your brain must process what you are thinking and send little electronic messages to your fingers, which than write it out on your keyboard and after pressing enter lets your thoughts into the game.


So if you are one of those people who "swear on accident" in RS, your just full of bull and nothing you can say can justify your actions..




If you can't control your fingers than you cannot play Runescape, am I right?




So next time you feel a need to swear in a game. Try shouting it out loud instead, its more therapeutic than writing it in a game...




Or would the reason why you write swearing in the game be, that your MOMMY and DADDY don't let you swear out loud IRL, I wonder.. :roll:


Swearing is not allowed, so we've got that covered. Next point is, why should it be starred out, when an individual DOES decide to swear? Because it hurts one's feelings? Doubtful. The evil intertubes wouldn't be a suitable place for such a person in the first place.




You asked yourself a rhetorical question there. Seeing as you answered it before you asked. "Swearing is not allowed, so we got that covered". So the reason why it should be starred it is quite obvious. Swearing in game has nothing to do with ones maturity level. Its just not necessary and anyone who thinks it is is kidding themselves. Seeing as they could scream out anything they want in front of their screen. But than again.. Maybe mommy or daddy would smack them around for doing that, so they'd rather swear in a game and be "cool".




If you think i am pro-censorship think again. 60% of my name has been censored since mid 2002 so I if anyone, should understand why people want the censors gone. But I still see no valid reason why they should be removed.

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Well, you do state that it is obvious that it should be starred out, but I'm not reading a single argument that pleads for a censor. What is the added value of a censor, in addition to rule 1? And how does it justify the nuisances it causes by inappropriately starring out words?

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Well, you do state that it is obvious that it should be starred out, but I'm not reading a single argument that pleads for a censor. What is the added value of a censor, in addition to rule 1? And how does it justify the nuisances it causes by inappropriately starring out words?


Thats the thing, it doesn't justify the nuisances! The censor is annoying as hell! But like many laws and rules they must still exist for the good of the general population. People like you, me and others who are directly affected by it can only make movements for improvement. But suggesting to remove the censor totally is unrealistic.




When Runescape was not yet a popular game with "only" a few thousand online at once, there used to circulate hundreds of pics of people calling each other racist remarks. Players called "Niqqer Frank (q's are actually G's"), mothafuqqa" etc etc. All of this led to the first "chat system update" in 2002. That chat system update starred out literally every 2nd word you wrote. Since than Jagex have worked on improving the censor, and even recently they have updated it, allowing multiple new words that used to be censored i.e [wagon], balls, etc.




But when a large part of the RS community finds leisure in writing nonsense like "a qp ..... W" (a very large part), removal of the censor remains unrealistic.


But yes I agree that the censor needs lots of work put into it still. And I'm just not buying the arguement, that people find it necessary to swear in a game, where swearing is in no way, shape or form called for. It seems more like people have the attitude of


"i won't swear because im mature and I want to prove it to the rest of the world, by having Jagex removing the censor and not swearing, anyone who does swear is a little kid, and I'm not a little kid".






p.s. If the censor ever was removed for good. I wouldn't complain. I'd be happy. I'm just not sure that complete removal would fix anything at all. And knowing the community for almost 9 years now I'm pretty sure that removal of this 1 "problem", would generate at least 10 new ones, like the mythical hydra. You cut off 1 head, and 2 new ones appear.

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But suggesting to remove the censor totally is unrealistic.




How is it unrealistic? The only function the censor fulfills is making it less convenient for genuine players to speak. And your example of "qp" is a prime example that shows how useless the censor actually is when it comes to hiding offensive material.

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Censor should be optional in CC :thumbsup:




It should be optional everywhere.

You will earn my gratitude if you pick one thing about my post above which you would like me to change and send it to me in a private message.

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Sad thing is, many middle-high schoolers think that they make a big deal out of nothing by swearing (I said i want cheese on my *cabbage* sandwhich!) -.- Whenever I'm at school, people swear so much that it doesn't have any purpose. I can't go a day without hearing the F word from somebody, whether it be IRL or online. Personally it just gets boring since almost everyone uses it. It decreases the intensity of when someone actually tries to use it the way it was made for (Extreme stress) Heres some examples:




(Teen use) "What the *cabbage*? [laughs] That was sooo *cabbage* funny!"


(Intense)"You pathetic *cabbages*! How dare you think you cna get away with *onions*!!!"




Teens have destroyed the use of many swears, so adults/other teens come up with subsitutes, like "Fudge" and "(insert similar sounds here) you!"




Other new words that people make up can turn into swears if they replace other swears and if they are used often enough.




I support on/off censor thing :twss:

There are three sides to any argument: your side, my side and the right side.



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