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50 albums you should have heard!


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Sorry for my late reply, I'm really staying up now making the list. I realized tonight that I was only half-way trough making the list. So I kind of rushed things, out of all people I couldnt be the one who was too late with his list. But its 23:30 and still Monday, so Im in time. Im sorry for the rather poor descriptions, Im not much of a writer, especially not in English, I hope I still managed to bring over some of my enthusiasmAbout the list, I dont think theres too much surprises on here, since I never made a secret of the things I like. But I hope theres still some surprises. Enjoy!












Scott Walker/Scott 4




Were starting this list with Scott Walker. Someone I found out about last year. This is his fifth solo album (the fourth is one with T.V. Songs). Before he went solo he was in a group called The Walker Brothers. Which is a little strange because they werent brothers and none of them had Walker as a surname, but it sounded nice. They made pop ballads, Burt Bacherach kind of stuff, and you might know them from classics such as The Sun Aint Gonna Shine Anymore (later also covered by Cher!). Anyway, Im promoting the wrong things now. This is about Scott 4. He continued making pretty conventional pop music, but his tone got a little bit darker and the songs more unusual with the album. I think this is my favourite. It brings me to tears every time I hear it, its so incredibly beautiful. Vocally hes brilliant as ever, the music is perfect from gentle and delicate to great kitsch and lyrically hes sharper than ever, reminding me of Morrissey at certain points. Heres an excerpt of the song Hero of the War:




He's a hero of the war


All the neighborhood is talkin' 'bout your son


Mrs. Reiley get his medals


Hand them 'round to everyone


Show his gun to all the children in the street


It's too bad he can't shake hands or move his feet












Antony and the Johnsons/I am a Bird Now




I find it hard to say something about Antony. I could say things about that hes a two metres tall transgender and all, but thats kind of old. I find it a bit hard to say something about this music. Since his music is so personal, and Im no Antony. Some might think hes whining or something. But hes not. This music is so incredibly honest, saying things you often dont want to share. So.












Naked City/Naked City




So, something a little happier and more energetic after Antony. I think the album cover of this record shows pretty well the way I felt after hearing this record for the first time. You just get a big punch in the face by the overdose of creativity that this record has to offer. The music bounces everywhere, and you cant stop it. Constantly in motion, changing genres every couple of seconds switching from ambient to country and so on. A record that I never get tired of, and opened a whole new world for me, musically.












Donald [bleep]en/the Nightfly




Were staying in the jazz atmospheres. This is somewhat lighter, though. Its the ultimate late night album. I found out about Donald [bleep]en three years ago when I was reading a music magazine at work. Morph the Cat ([bleep]ens last solo effort) was released, and they did a Donald [bleep]en/Steely Dan special in that magazine. Of course I never heard of it, I didnt want to see much music other than Deep Purple and Pink Floyd. The article got me pretty interested, and I browsed the store if we had one of his records. And yes! There was a copy of The Nightfly. I threw it in the player, and from the first second I loved it. I cant think of any reason not to like (or love!) this album. Its so incredibly catchy, smart, funny and perfectly made. There is no flaw in it, you could say its a machine. But unlike Dream Theater, [bleep]en manages to put a lot of life in his outings.












Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds/The Boatmans Call




Also the ultimate late night album! For another night, then. For a lonelier night and a darker room. Grab a nice drink, a cigarette (even if you dont smoke!), a comfortable chair (something like this), plug in the earphones and enjoy. The Bad Seeds are at their best here, gently assisting Cave and his piano.












Palace Music/Viva Last Blues




Finally! The first pick from the most talented and unique singer/songwriter since Bob Dylan; Will Oldham. Its a kind of hard job. He has about three releases a year, and its all good stuff. This is under the name Palace Music (he also has Palace Brothers, Will Oldham, Bonnie Prince Billy, Bonnie Billy, Palace and much more!). And in my eyes this is his first masterpiece (the other things are great too, but this is just too good). It has got the raw edge that I See a Darkness lacks, his voice constantly skips, the lyrics are depressing and funny, the music is lively and messy. I just cant get enough of it.




For those who wonder why he has got so much different recording names, heres some info shamelessly copy pasted from Wikipedia:




WikiWiki[/url]":1z6g5ddj]Well, I guess the idea is that when you have a name of a group or an artist, then you expect that the next record, if it has the same name, should be the same group of people playing on it. And I just thought we were making a different kind of record each time, with different people, and different themes, and different sounds. So I thought it was important to call it something different so that people would be aware of the differences. I mean, I don't want people buying my records and being disappointed that it doesn't sound like the last one... Within my own tiny little world, the first full-length Palace record is with one kind of musician and it was recorded in a certain type of way, while the second one was completely different-sounding and there was a fifth of the amount of people involved. The songs to me also seemed really different. And then the third record was another completely different recording environment and I had different kinds of musicians involved. So those things seemed different enough for me to alter the name. I'll admit that that's just me in the process of moving forward without any benefit of perspective, distance, or time whatsoever.
















An odd pick maybe, since this one is a little bit of an outsider in the Radiohead catalogue. But I always cheer for the underdog (Pablo Honey is boring! Sorry). So. Amnesiac, the leftovers from Kid-A. For me it sounds as if Amnesiac goes further in their experiment than Kid-A. It also has got the best Radiohead song (Pyramid Song, the National Anthem is a good second by the way!), and it was the first Radiohead album I heard.












Autechre/Tri Repetae




This is such a beautiful record. And just like Adios pick this is from their earlier period. I enjoy this album so much because it is so surprising. When you first listen to it youll most likely pick up the abstract beats, but beneath all that machinery theres something living as well. And thats probably the biggest compliment that you can give this group: that they bring together two direct opposites and let them live together in harmony.












Marlena Shaw/Spice of Life




The Legendary, lovely, great and still performing Marlena Shaw, a bit forgotten maybe among the ladies of jazz. But remember that this girl was the first female artist singing for the famous Blue-Note label. This is the second record she made (for Cadett, before her Blue-Note period), and just like everything else on this list I love it (Im repeating myself). Its so diverse, I never get enough of it. It has her greatest song on it as well:

. How do you raise your kids in the ghetto? Do you feed one child and starve another?












Nina Simone/Pastel Blues




I havent heard much of Nina Simone. To be honest, I think its this one and some kind of greatest hits album. Her voice is so incredible, so much feeling into it. The A-Cappella Be My Husband that opens the record is so impressive. So is her Strange Fruit and it has got the classic Sinnerman on it, which is one of the best songs ever.












Dusty Springfield/Dusty in Mephis




Just a little lovin, early in the morning. It beats a cup of coffee, for starting off the day. Thats how it opens. Dusty Springfield, what a woman. Shes one of the best singers alive. She has got the unique ability to really live a song. This is the ultimate Dusty Springfield classic, and everybody shouldve heard it.












Spinvis/Dagen van gras, dagen van stro




So, our first Dutch contribution to this list. Hes a Dutch poet/singer/songwriter. He broke trough relatively old, he never wanted other people to hear his songs, eventually they did. This is his second album. On the first one he recorded everything himself on his attic, did everything on computer. On this album hes got a band. Hes great with our language, hes funny, sad, and most of the time you cant follow him, truly unique in Dutch pop music. Some might call him pretentious, but that can only be trough his lack of pretentions.












Ry Cooder/Chávez Ravine




Ry Cooder, what a guy! He travels around the earth, searching for music learning new things and using it in a creative way. This album is the first in his L.A. trilogy, and it deals with the neighbourhood of Chávez Ravine, that was broken down in the fifties so that they could place a baseball stadium there. The record tells the story, and it does so by going back to that era. People who lived there at the time play on this record, which makes it feel very authentic. They really make this place come back alive, which is fantastic.












Frank Zappa/Hot Rats




I think this is Zappas first solo album (or his second?), and its one of his best. Jesus, its so incredibly good what he does with those instruments, its full of virtuosity but not just for virtuosity. Fantastic jazz-rock. Non Zappa fans should really check this out, because it has got nearly nothing of his clownesque stuff, just superior sounds.












The Birthday Party/Junkyard




This has got to be one of the ugliest album covers ever. Its a great record, though. Its dirty as well. Howards guitar has got the perfect sound, Pew on the sexy bass, Cave crooning and screaming it all together like hes possessed by some kind of Devil. Its a kind of cliché, but after listening to this record you really need a shower.












Can/Tago Mago




I never get enough of this album, and that while its so long! It always sounds so new. I love the drums, the guitar and Suzuki yelling in between, desperately trying to get above the sounds of the instruments. And then, all of a sudden, that radical change of style. Man, I love it. Aumgn is just so incredible, how could I describe it?












Retribution Gospel Choir/Retribution Gospel Choir




Its hard to find a decent straight forward rock album these days. Everybody adds funny little bleeps to it, and those who dont just plain suck. This makes this album something unique, today. The songs are about three minutes each, a very pleasant voice and the music is loud, raw and messy. Its the perfect rock record.












David Sylvian/Secrets of the Beehive




The fourth solo album, by David Sylvian, who you might know from the group Japan. Hes one of my favourite singers (from Tin Drum to now), and on this record I think hes on his best. A combination of jazz and ambient, with Sylvian describing all kind of stuff. Close youre eyes and see what hes singing.












Tom Waits/Swordfishtrombones




Crazy great stories told and sung by Mr. Waits, guided by some broken music that creates the world that these stories take place in. Something completely different than what he has done before during his Asylum Years, which was pretty conventional (I also like his early period) with the strings and piano.












Arcade Fire/Funeral




Its so naïve, and honest and well meant. 21st century Bruce Springsteen, for teenagers. Impossible not too like. Crown of Love. 25d1i.jpg












Vic Chesnutt, Elf Power and the Amorphous Strums




The last album of singer songwriter Vic Chesnutt. Vic is a kind of strange fellow, or well, his status is a little bit weird. Hes very popular among musicians (hes even got a tribute record with contributions from Michael Stipe to Madonna), but outside that and an alternative country scene, nobody has ever heard from him. Which is a shame, because he makes very interesting music with a lot of variation since he works with so many different artists. I like this album so much because it is so easy to consume, it has got so many surprising sounds for a folk record, Vics voice is so special here and its funny and dramatic. And it has got the song Mystery on it.












Siouxsie and the Banshees/Juju




The female version of The Cure, they often say. I know which group I like better. Lots of bangers on this record, and John Mcgeogh is a real guitar hero! Essential post-punk.












Vive la Fête/Nuit Blanche




Els Pynoo is probably the sexiest woman of the Benelux. This album is pretty sexy as well. Dirty electro-pop made in the new millennium. Best song of the record is Noir Désir, with Els Pynoo having one orgasm after the other.












Bonnie Prince Billy/I See a Darkness




The first Bonnie Prince Billy album. The production is a lot cleaner than his earlier stuff, but hes still pretty dark and depressing. Luckily theres also the typical Will Oldham jokes. The first half of this album is perfection. And the second half is nearly as good. Johnny Cash covered the title song on his American Recordings III.












Pink Floyd/The Wall




Not their best album, not even my favourite, but it has got something special for me. Its the thing that I grew up with, kept asking my dad to put on the record player so I could listen to it and watch the art-work that came with it. I really like everything on the record, as a whole and as loose tracks. But I cant stand Comfortably Numb, I think its a horrible song.












Goblin/Suspiria OST




The perfect soundtrack for the perfect Horrorfilm.












Neil Young/Tonights the Night




Neil Young at his most pathetic. Hes gone trough some [cabbage], lost some people, and hes letting it all out. Jesus, he sounds bad.












Steely Dan/Aja




After that rough Neil Young album time for something more smooth, some Steely Dan, who have a lot of good records. I like this one best, I think., together with the Royal Scam, I guess. Deacon Blues is so incredible, and the drums on the title track by Steve Gadd always amaze me, and despite its way too clean sound this record never bores me.












Judy Garland/Judy at Carnegie Hall




So, I would be one of those few heterosexuals in the Hall if I wouldve been alive at the time. Theres a reason they call it the greatest night in the history of show business. ;) Judy has got such an amazing voice, and heres shes come back after everything shes been trough and does all of her classics. I love when she goes all false during Over the Rainbow. 25d1i.jpg












Bob Dylan/Blonde on Blonde




Dont tell me you dont own f*cking Blonde on Blonde!?












Bob Dylan/Bootleg Series vol. 1-3




Two Bob Dylan releases after each other, lets be done with it. Everybody knows the classics, I just had to mention Blonde on Blonde because it probably is my favourite record of all time. I realize this is a classic now as well, but the Bootleg Series still arent heard enough in my opinion. This is the first one and its full with treasures. Demos, outtakes, live versions, alternative versions from his debut album to Oh, Mercy. The song Blind Willie McTell alone is worth this record, since its one of his best songs.












Joy Division/Closer




I think entire books have been written about this album. I dont know what I could possibly say that hasnt been said?












Electric Masada/At the Mountains of Madness




Two live recordings near the end of the European tour in 2004. Theres not much music that I can listen to for two and a half hours. But this is it. Its so incredibly well played, surprising, energetic and free. This is how music should be made: together and with a lot of pleasure.












Talking Heads/Remain in Light




One of the best albums of the eighties. David Byrne nervous as always, music is incredibly funky and so many strange sounds, yummie.












Syd Barrett/the Madcap Laughs




I really like Syd Barrett, maybe even better than Pink Floyd. His songs are so funny in the Syd Barrett kind of way, kind of spooky and sad as well. Dark Globe is the best song on this record.












Britney Spears/Blackout




I dont know what was going trough he head when she was doing that photo shoot. I wonder if there was anything going trough her head when she was recording this record. Anyway, hottest comeback of the last decade and one of the best pop-albums of this decennium. People should get over their pathetic thoughts and give Britney a chance.












Einstürzende Neubauten/Alles Wieder Offen




A lot calmer compared to their earlier stuff when they were really tearing things down using those huge drills on stage and so on. They still have weird instruments, but their music has matured. Seeing them live last year has been one of the best concerts ever.












Joanna Newsom/Ys




A bit of a strange girl, this Joanna. Its pretty hard to get into her music, shes got a pretty different voice, the songs are long and have a bit of a classic feel to them and shes got a pretty complicated vocabulary. When you get to know it its pretty rewarding, though.












Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds/Murder Ballads




A lot of death on this album. Dark and funny, some pop-hits even! Song of Joy is fantastic, Stagger Lee is sexy as hell and OMalleys Bar is pretty frightening.












John Zorn/Godard/Spillane




The record that I listen to the most the last months. The way this music is composed is pretty unique (Zorn didnt invent the file card method, I think hes one of the first to use it for music though). You think of a subject, within that subject you think of musical themes, write them down or draw them out on file cards, you put the cards in the order you think is best and you start writing and recording the music. You would expect that this would result in something very fragmented, but it doesnt, it changes form every thirty seconds or something, but it really feels like a whole. Brilliant players, as always with Zorn. Its pretty easy to get into, so if you want to try something different for a change, this is it.












Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band/The Wild, the Innocent and the E-Street Shuffle




Bruce Springsteen before he got all big and annoying, still discovering his sound experimenting a bit here and there. The music is lively, the scenes charming. Best song on the record is Rosalita.












Brian Eno and David Byrne/My Life in the Bush of Ghosts




Some brilliant sampling here and great percussion. Very influential record by these two very influential gentlemen. Mae Culpa. 25d1i.jpg












Toru Takemitsu/In an Autumn Garden




I found out about Takemitsu trough some scores hes done for Teshigahara movies. Hes combining the western avant-garde with traditional Japanese music putting these two opposites against eachother to go forward. Dont expect much melody, mood is what its all about here. Very calm work, but it leaves me breathless out of excitement.












Matt Elliott/Howling Songs




Elliots music isnt very happy, as weve heard on Drinking and Failing songs. This is the last record of the trilogy, its harder, angrier more violent and desperate. The mournful tone of Elliotts voice with the Eastern-European music is a great marriage.












John Foxx/Metamatic




Superior synth-pop by the voice of Ultravox. You might recognise Underpass from an Eighties music program, or something.












Sun Kil Moon/April




The best release of last year. I really love this record, its so long (unusually long for my tastes) and it sounds as if it never ends. Bit of guitar, and Kozelek wailing over the music. Love to listen to it when I have nothing to do.














Bonnie Prince Billy/The Letting Go




Will Oldham in his third stage, the music still isnt very happy, he still has those funny jokes he sings the way he does but the music is big with violin etc. hes got background vocalists and you name it.












Beastie Boys/Pauls Boutique




Gee, I just realised that there isnt a single rap album on this list. Well, this is my favourite. It is funny, quick, surprising and funny, some brilliant sampling.












Cage/Movies for the Blind




A bit like Eminem, but I think I like Cage more. Hes more deranged and his album is full of movie references. This guy has got some serious issues that hes letting out pretty well here.












Scott Walker/The Drift




Well, opened the list with Scott Walker, were also closing it with Scott Walker. Its funny if you listen to Scott Walker 4 and play this one right after it. I think those two records describe my tastes pretty well. I think this is by far the least accessible record on the list, sometimes I even have trouble myself trying to get it trough it. When I make it to the end its very rewarding though. This one is for the adventurous only.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Interesting list, lots of stuff I've never heard before. I'll have to give some of these albums a listen though, I'm always up for unique music. :)

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It's interesting to see everyone's lists. You seem to have more pop and traditional rock influences than the others; I'll have to listen to some of them, even if this isn't exactly the type of music I usually listen to. ::'


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There's probably no one whose music and movie recommendations I appreciate quite as much as I do yours, Daan. I just listened to "Scott 4" and wow, it's great. The Seventh Seal is a fantastic song.




I was looking for another album by Nick Cave too, so I'm glad your list had one I didn't already have. I've played the Murder Ballads CD a lot the past few weeks and it just gets better and better.




Going to go through these one by one. :thumbup:


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I've been looking forward to this one. I'm a bit disappointed in myself though, I've only heard of about 10 of the albums. Great choices with Electric Masada (thank you so much for introducing them to me), Will Oldham (ditto), Arcade Fire, and Joanna Newsom. I'll definitely be following up on these albums.


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Lots of great stuff for me to check out. I've already looked into Donald [bleep]en (how could I not with that ice cool album cover?) and I think I'm going to like him very much. Awesome to see Tom Waits get a mention too; I don't know why he didn't end up on my list. It's hard for me to pick my favourite Waits album. I would feel bad if I didn't say Small Change. I don't love every song, but I think Tom Traubert's Blues is one of the greatest songs ever.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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Thanks for the kind words!




Tom Traubert's Blues is a pretty brilliant, yes. It's also my mothers favourite song, if I am correct.




I think I'm expending the list this week to 75 albums. I woke up today, looked at my records, and decided that I didn't do justice to other albums, that I wanted to put on, which I couldn't do because of a lack of time.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Nice job. So far so good, listening to Autechre at the moment. (kinda surprised u haven't fixed the spelling error in the title yet though)


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As I was expecting from you, a fascinating and very eclectic list. I completely agree with nearly everything you mentioned that I've heard of, and I'll definitely have to check out Will Oldham's stuff now as well as the others.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Nice job. So far so good, listening to Autechre at the moment. (kinda surprised u haven't fixed the spelling error in the title yet though)




Ah, hadn't noticed it yet. Changed it now.




Awesome list! =) Good to see Goblin (which I neglected, but will touch upon on my expanded list!) and a bunch of stuff I haven't heard of. =)




Ah, great. I'm curious what you have to say about other Goblin stuff. I've only heard this one, and it's brilliant.




As I was expecting from you, a fascinating and very eclectic list. I completely agree with nearly everything you mentioned that I've heard of, and I'll definitely have to check out Will Oldham's stuff now as well as the others.




Thanks. :) I don't think you can go wrong with Oldham. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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