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Final version of my big gory pixel.


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I think you need to work on the values in the signature... Like the guy on the far left... I can't even tell his foot is on the cut off head really... it looks flat. A shadow under that would help.








The second guy from the right... his legs are very flat. Yes, they have alot of detail but they look like 2d patterns, not 3d legs.








I think if you fix a few things you have alot going for you as far as this is concerned. Maybe tweak the composition a bit too, it's pretty wacky right now.








Nice work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lol nice bump :D Sweet pixel, best ive seen from you :shock:

And no lol why do you always want to get stuff from John Lewis. Its over ̣̉300 more then than what i paid.


John Lewis is a great, great shop.

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I got to say TJ that ranger is boss man. I just looked at him and my jaw dropped, I love it. Just the sky, only thing mate, just doesn't tickle me like the rest of the sig.








The ranger is ACE. The detail on that and every characters' armor is stunning.

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The sky is incredible!




A lot of action going on there as well, it's a sig to be watched, not just viewed :P








It's too dark for my preference though :|








But I overall like it a lot :)








wow very nice i worryed it will be too dark finished product but its not
















sky = amazing for well wow








Everyone is commenting on the sky....It is just a Clouds/Different Clouds filter on photoshop....

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I have to agree with venomai; there's nothing that jumps out, it's far to busy (Not only with all the things happening, but also the immense color scheme) and it's really flat.








Awesome detail though, and I love the gerbil.


"Do you really know me? I might be a God."

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Everyone is commenting on the sky....It is just a Clouds/Different Clouds filter on photoshop....








:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:








It's not , Rofl








:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




















my fav part is the lava :P

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