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Last one to post wins


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If I was an admin, I wouldn't close this thread. I would delete it.


That would make people more interested in the other games, wouldn't it?


No, not at all. We're all here because none of the games are really interesting any more to start with.

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Unsure if I should waste time tomorrow seeing relatives, some I've never met, or go on the day as normal.


Oh, and the relatives coming that I *do* know are idiotic as hell. Meet people I know that are annoying, but meet some new people for once. Would suck if I found out they were also annoying.


Although I might see a cousin who, from what I heard, looked like me once.

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Shifts at werk are usually 5 hours. I had a 4 hour shift tomorrow. I was excited for it. Then my boss be all like "Y'all can has werk an extra 2 hours tomorrow?" and I had to be all like "Yeah, kay." Oh well. At least I still get paid for it.

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