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could we make a pixel mmorpg together?


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hello everyone in the gallery :) some of you might remember me but ive noticed alot of new faces around here. I cant remember if this thread should be in the gallery or somewhere else but since its relating to pixels i figured it belongs here.




heres my question;


-after watching pomar's rpg grow over the last (half year now?) ive been curious about whether or not a MMORPG could be made. Ive heard of people making private runescape/wow/etc servers, how much harder could making our own server for our own mmorpg game be? it seems like we'd need two groups, a group of graphic people and a group of technical people. I say a pixel styled game because its the only thing im familiar with and i think a game with a pixel world would be pretty cool :) (isnt maplestory a pixel mmorpg?) itd have more dimensions then Maplestory though, itd be more like Zelda: A link to the past.




im not sure why im throwing this out there, i guess its summer, i need something to do and the idea of making our own game would be so cool.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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Working with private servers doesn't require any game development at all -- the game is already made for you!




An MMORPG is a much larger undertaking. Just to give you an idea, at the least it would require:


  • [*:wnxiadfk] A good set of written work, including design documents (i.e. exactly how the game will work, how it will be played, who it is aimed at, what classes and levels are available, a set of items and their descriptions, storyline, etc)
    [*:wnxiadfk] A very dedicated team of artists:

      [*:wnxiadfk] Digital artists for (a) concept art and (B) game art. Game art includes all pieces of an MMO world: hundreds of sprites including player characters, NPCs, buildings, usable items, tilesets, vegetation, books, tables and everything else you can think of. Keep in mind that animated sprites are drawn frame-by-frame, so those alone would be a lot of work.
      [*:wnxiadfk] Graphic designers for logos, GUI, splash screens, websites, etc.
      [*:wnxiadfk] At least one musician/sound expert


[*:wnxiadfk] A very dedicated team of programmers working on aspects such as networking, sound, GUI, artificial intelligence, content-creation tools, and of course the game engine itself


[*:wnxiadfk] A couple of content creators, who can actually create the levels, dialogues, NPCs, etc. for the game


[*:wnxiadfk] A webmaster and web designer to head up a website


[*:wnxiadfk] A manager/director to keep everything running smoothly, and to ensure that there is a large enough community following to make it "massively" online




The list goes on. Those qualified enough to make an MMORPG are not going to do it for free just because you're asking them to. This kind of project would take years of hard and consistent work from a dedicated team of experienced game developers.




Now... a more realistic undertaking would be a game like pomar's.

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:o the only difference between pomars current one and my idea is mine involves muliplayer right?


I'm no true expert on these things, but I'd say that seems to be the only thing keeping your idea apart from Pomar's. But, if you want any sort of MMO to be successful, it would need a dedicated staff to keep making updates and additions to it, a hardworking moderation staff to keep the game in-check and fair and handle abuse reports, skilled programmers to deal with bugs and glitches ASAP, and, generally, the whole thing would be a team effort of dedicated people. If you want an MMO that will eventually crumble to dust, you can ignore those requirements, but the results wouldn't really satisfy you :(. I'm mainly skilled with graphics, and I know how arduous a task it can be to make many sprites that all look good and blend in with each other. That still doesn't stop me from working on a game I plan to be making, but it won't be an MMO. If I ever gain enough knowledge of coding servers, I may be able to have a few multiplayer features, but it will still be an overwhelmingly single-player game. The sort of task you've described (and your description is still rather hazy in my eyes :?) would not just be something to fill your summer. It would take several of your summers away, so make sure that you're ready for this sort of commitment. I'm not trying to put you off of your ideas, but I'd recommend reading into it more before starting on something too big for you to ever accomplish. I once had plans for a Mario-themed MMO, but those plans have pretty much disintegrated for me :(. That won't stop me from making a single-player version, but I'm not going to start thinking MMO's any time soon. I suggest you try making a large single-player game first, to see the difficulty in that alone, and then you can decide whether to move back onto your plans for an MMO ;)


Fake Awards:


(The large number is the amount of awards I have gotten; only 8 are shown above. Click to see all of them.)

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I don't think you fully grasp the idea of how much work a game is, let alone an mmorpg.


Switching from a single player rpg to a mmorpg isn't just something you decide to do and edit a few minor things and you're done, it will most likely require rewriting a whole lot of the code that makes up your game. Multiplayer mechanics work very different from single player mechanics. If you wanna do it right anyways. You could just make the other guys appear on everyones screen and you're done, but what fun is that? To make it multiplayer you need interaction, and well-developed interaction at that.




If you're really interesting in making games, then just jump in yourself first. Start building. Start thinking. Try flash, try gamemaker, try whatever else is out there.


I'm no expert, but just saying hey let's make an mmorpg, without even knowing what it takes to make one, is just not going to work.

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Yeah, there is ALOT of work that goes into an MMORPG or any game really.




But if your interested in doing some pixel art for games, and helping out with code or anything, me and a few friends are going to try to build a RPG over the summer, and an extra set of hands could be useful:P




Just send me a PM or whatever if you feel like joining in :thumbup:

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Archi, Adrenal and I are also sort of working on a MMOG... The thread is viewtopic.php?f=245&t=796424


hehe. yeah. "working", "woooorrrrkinnnggg"




sorry for the spam.




something to add. :




I wouldnt reccomend doing it if you dont have very skilled sprite artists and people whom you can depend on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
not your personal army.





My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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not your personal army.








He's pretending he's from 4chan.




When did you stop being a mod?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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not your personal army.








He's pretending he's from 4chan.




How wonderful. :lol:




Pyromancer hasn't been a mod for quite some time, since March I think....

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Just to get back on topic:




Try making one together with Eckered, hes working on his own flying giraffe lazor beam banana shooting game



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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That poster was made wrong... it suppose to say "Yes, We Fail"

I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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Lets keep post election thoughts out of this one, okay? ;)

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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