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Fastest typist ever... On a qwerty keyboard?


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The fastest typist on a 'dvorak' keyboard is 226 WPM by some old lady, to lazy to find link (merciful will no doubt).








I've searched and searched, but have been unsucessful in finding the Worlds Fastest Typist on a qwerty keyboard.








Anybody know?

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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http://www.speedye.com/archives/2004/05 ... stest.html








I think that's the old lady you were talking about. The noob can only do 212 WPM, not 226. :P








http://www.almanacnews.com/morgue/2000/ ... typer.html








That's the best I could find (although I didn't look too hard) for a QWERTY keyboard typing record. 145 WPM.
















The layout for a Dvorak keyboard. It's supposed to make typing faster, more accurate, and with less stress to your fingers/wrist since the most commonly used keys are in a more conevenient position. Apparently takes an average of 100 hours for a QWERTY touch-typer to switch and type on a Dvarok keyboard efficiently. But once you do learn how to, your typing is supposed to become significantly faster and more accurate.








Here's a page on the history of Dvorak and QWERTY keyboard.





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I think that's the old lady you were talking about. The noob can only do 212 WPM, not 226. :P








http://www.almanacnews.com/morgue/2000/ ... typer.html








That's the best I could find (although I didn't look too hard) for a QWERTY keyboard typing record. 145 WPM.
















The layout for a Dvorak keyboard. It's supposed to make typing faster, more accurate, and with less stress to your fingers/wrist since the most commonly used keys are in a more conevenient position. Apparently takes an average of 100 hours for a QWERTY touch-typer to switch and type on a Dvarok keyboard efficiently. But once you do learn how to, your typing is supposed to become significantly faster and more accurate.








Here's a page on the history of Dvorak and QWERTY keyboard.












That keyboard is pretty interesting, but I guess it's strictly for fast typing as shortcuts such as Control+V,C, would take two hands on that keyboard instead of one hand on the QWERTY keyboard.








226 WPM is about 4 words per second. Theoretically, if you had already thought out an essay in your head, you could write a 2000 word essay in 10 minutes. :lol:


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Does the keyboard withstand that much stress? :?








216 words a minute is 20 keystrokes/sec if 1 word is an average of 6 letters.








Slapping keys that fast makes my Windowze beep. :oops:








i can imagine having letters imprinted into the tips of ur fingers :lol:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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Even if this Dvorty keyboard offers significant speed improvements, there is no motivation for me to switch over to it. I test around 75-80 WPM on a QWERTY keyboard, and rarely do I ever need to type that fast.

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Even if this Dvorty keyboard offers significant speed improvements, there is no motivation for me to switch over to it. I test around 75-80 WPM on a QWERTY keyboard, and rarely do I ever need to type that fast.








Dvorty :D nice way to butcher a name :D


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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I normally type on an AZERTY keyboard, but I tend to use a QWERTY one for programming...








Adjusting to a change takes me about 2 mins... And I can type azerty on a qwerty keyboard, and vice versa..








Got my dactylo diplom, virtuosity in both english and dutch, 400-450 keystrokes a minute, something around that.

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96Wpm is what I clock at...I wonder how much faster you can really type, without looking stupid lol. If I remember correctly, gsw does a decent bit over the 100 mark...130 was it? We had a topic on it a while back, remember?

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I took a 10 minute typing test using only homerow on the qwerty keyboard, resulting in a 96% accuracy with 149 wpm








i am horrible with the 'unused' letters like z, q, and i often reach the v instead of the b. I am set on becoming the worlds fastest tho :twisted:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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