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i know you are older than me, and you flamming me by bumping up an old topic and flammin me by talkin about my dad, look whos flamming do you got an exscuss? btw how would you know it was my dad, you don't know me from a hole in the ground?




I never bumped an old topic. I said I'm not taking advice from someone who flames youtube vids. I don't know if it was your dad, but he said he was, and made a whole topic about "please take it easy on my boy, he's only 13 years old :( " The grammar used was pretty horrible, so everyone assumed it was not your "dad," rather it was you just acting silly. In fact, he spelled "flammin" exactly like you did there . . .




Anyway, you've got a lot to learn about flaming. I have never flamed you. No one on Tip.it has flamed you. The reactions you get are all based on your demeanor. If you want respect, you have to act respectful. Not that it matters to me either way, I just said I'm not taking advice from someone who would do this:




you all are a buntch of binder you guys cheated against tk


i got a good idea you all? checked out tk before going into war you buntch of chickens


i ain't gonna give you any respect till you beat tk with everything you got fire blast everything yall buntch of sissys




The fact of the matter is, you've never made any apology or concession for this. Which is fine, you don't have to. But don't expect me to take you seriously, ever.






tbh, i have and my dad never wrote that i did. my dad doesn't have anythiing to deal with this so keep my parents out of this end of topic. P.S i didn't read the quote up above "please take it easy on my boy" i didn't write that i never impersonated my father if that is what anyone is thinking i never read that part.

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unclebilly1, chill dude.




Lets stay on topic :thumbup:




He's perfectly chill ;) If someone's setting themselves up to be verbaled like Durai has been, he'll do it , that's the kind of epic guy he is. :thumbsup:





tbh, i have and my dad never wrote that i did. my dad doesn't have anythiing to deal with this so keep my parents out of this end of topic.




Don't impersonate them then :P Looks like nothing has changed, eh?


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searioucly? does anything about durai have to deal with this war? can we please stay on topic and wait for a Tip.It Forum Mod to look at this?




i am 100% behind you

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searioucly? does anything about durai have to deal with this war? can we please stay on topic and wait for a Tip.It Forum Mod to look at this?




i am 100% behind you




You started it




The subject already been handled with, as both clans are just going back-to-back with the evidence as neither will step down and let the other call win. Or even admit their faults.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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The subject already been handled with, as both clans are just going back-to-back with the evidence as neither will step down and let the other call win. Or even admit their faults.


We have already admitted our fault with the ranger cap.


warlordlol.gifCurrent Tempted Killers Council

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searioucly? does anything about durai have to deal with this war? can we please stay on topic and wait for a Tip.It Forum Mod to look at this?




Only because he was asking for a full-out rematch . . I was saying why we'd be hesitant to do so, 2 wars with 2 problems is not a good start. He is speaking for your clan all over this topic, if he doesn't want to be involved, I'm fine with that. But he should stop quoting and posting me if he doesn't want me to respond to it.




The evidence has all been presented, and the Mods will rule on it.




If you want the discussion to stop, then call your members off from posting here. I will do the same if you agree. Or, you clan leadership can request this topic be locked pending the outcome, you guys would have to request it since you guys wrote the topic. I can lock it, but not without your asking. If you prefer someone else do it, you can PM any Mod and they can take care of it.



124ecdx.gifFormer Admin of The Death Monkeighs124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Vengeance Council124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Eternal Honour Member124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifCurrent Runescape Dinasty Supreme Member124ecdx.gif

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understandable....and to be honest, we have presented our evidence and all we can do is wait for a mod to come and posting anything irelevant to the war wont help. There is nothing else to post either, lets just wait.

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To confirm, a decision will be posted shortly (an estimate would be about within a day or so). If you've further evidence to present, feel free to post it here or pm it to myself, Laikrob, Loge_05, or Gamerr.




I'm all for healthy, heated discussion but let's not drudge up the past nor take it too far.


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To confirm, a decision will be posted shortly (an estimate would be about within a day or so). If you've further evidence to present, feel free to post it here or pm it to myself, Laikrob, Loge_05, or Gamerr.




I'm all for healthy, heated discussion but let's not drudge up the past nor take it too far.




thank you for the respect that we should have gotten. and my father should have gotten.

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Danm it I wish I was aloud to post. -.-





Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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To confirm, a decision will be posted shortly (an estimate would be about within a day or so). If you've further evidence to present, feel free to post it here or pm it to myself, Laikrob, Loge_05, or Gamerr.




I'm all for healthy, heated discussion but let's not drudge up the past nor take it too far.




thank you for the respect that we should have gotten. and my father should have gotten.




Durai, you need to get a clue. You're intentionally stirring up drama, I've already asked TDM to stop posting and your leadership has asked for the same. Get with the program.



124ecdx.gifFormer Admin of The Death Monkeighs124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Vengeance Council124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Eternal Honour Member124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifCurrent Runescape Dinasty Supreme Member124ecdx.gif

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Locking this topic temporarily, as some members can't seem to listen to their clan leaders. PM any evidence to lady_ninane or myself.


Can also be contacted on IRC, in #clans.






Clan Staff.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Two styles of combat make a difference. A person's food will go down twice as fast as normal when you're blocking 40% of melee attacks and absolutely none of the range. TK ended with 7, but they might not've ended with anything had TDM's tanks had a better chance at tanking.




There was also a TDMWL member who wasn't added because RuneHead has been down, and should not have fought without permission from TK even though it was a caused by a technical issue. One of the bounds pictures was far out of bounds, the others were not.




Seeing as there were rules broken by both sides (and unnecessary drama involved) we ask for this to be decided in a rematch. This time without range. If the clan officials are unable to agree on a time and date, contact lady_ninane or myself via PM on forums or find us in #clans on SwiftIRC and we will help you find something out.




Good luck to both!








Clan Staff

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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Thank you for giving us a chance to rematch \'




Apologies to TDMWL for the rulebreaking but we didnt ignore the rules on purpose, it was just a miscommunication. Viking either forgot to tell us or didnt remember the rule and that's why we had more rangers than we were supposed to. We all make mistakes, hopefully you guys will forgive us for it :pray:




I'm sure the rematch will be a clean fight now. Good luck TDMWL :thumbsup:

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How do you even consider going out of bounds by maybe 4 squares and 1 person that wasn't added to runehead because of technical issues equal to have almost 3 times the allowed amount of rangers? Well anyways good luck TDMWL and TK during the rematch.

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How do you even consider going out of bounds by maybe 4 squares and 1 person that wasn't added to runehead because of technical issues equal to have almost 3 times the allowed amount of rangers?


That's what I thought, let's hope for a clean rematch. :thumbup:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Question - must the war be organized again in the TWR forum, or can we do it by other means (IRC/MSN?)? If other means are allowed, you know where to find me, Soulja. ;) GL TK.




You are always free to negotiate elsewhere so long as proof of this discussion is posted on the TWR forum. Since this is a rematch, you can use your original declaration topic for this. Another isn't really necessary.


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