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The Decline of a Runescape Respect


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Yea, but I think its pretty much a spiral, the lower levels are disrespectful of the higher levels because the higher levels call the lower levels noobs. It'll probably always be like this, but also you've got the lower levels who are probably similar age to the higher levels envying their head-start in runescape, which fuels "nerd," "nolifer," "sad."




It's a vicious cycle; and it's present in all games. The higher levels make fun of the lower levels, who eventually become higher leveled and continue the tradition making fun of lower levels.




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Yea, but I think its pretty much a spiral, the lower levels are disrespectful of the higher levels because the higher levels call the lower levels noobs. It'll probably always be like this, but also you've got the lower levels who are probably similar age to the higher levels envying their head-start in runescape, which fuels "nerd," "nolifer," "sad."




It's a vicious cycle; and it's present in all games. The higher levels make fun of the lower levels, who eventually become higher leveled and continue the tradition making fun of lower levels.




Present in life...except the younger kids wanna be like the older kids... [bleep]s and booze

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I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together




Older players should help newbies because the newbies are too lazy to read the manual or fansite guides?

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I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together




Older players should help newbies because the newbies are too lazy to read the manual or fansite guides?




You're assuming newbies know there is a manual or even fansites, and I'm pretty sure the tut island was no-where near as helpful as it is now.

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I remember when you started runescape as a level 3 in lumbridge there was nearly always a helping hand somewhere near whether it be a high level player or simply someone in your same position where you could work things out together




Older players should help newbies because the newbies are too lazy to read the manual or fansite guides?




You're assuming newbies know there is a manual or even fansites, and I'm pretty sure the tut island was no-where near as helpful as it is now.




If they don't know there is a manual, they must be blind. Above the "Click here to play" and "Create a free account" links there is a menu bar: Home - Play now - Account - Game Guide - Community - Help - Log in.




For fansites, Google exists.

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Well I'm back and yea I agree 'Grow some e-balls'.. meh not exactly the worst remark made to anyone. Omali.. he just automatically took a dislike to the fact this thread was being made again and very pettily decided to follow it to the end of the discussion by disquising it as "his opinion" and honestly Omali, your opinion is something i could live without? cause honestly I don't really care what you think I'm addressing the general people of tip.it...




Oh, and Danqazmlp is right, you 2 have proved my point to no end. L0l gf u gt 0wned kid


L0l u juz t00tally proffed mai point l0l i 0wnz0rzd u irl, lmao nub.




I win?




I think the general age of the Runescape Community is decreasing.




For the past year, I've been seeing high level players acting very immaturely, even more so in members than f2p. When I first became a member in 2006, people were different. They were less obnoxious about their fire cape or skill cape or how much the 'pwned' you.




I have been playing Runescape since 2004, obviously not all the time since I had to juggle things with school and uni. But, I grew along with it. I was 14 then, and now turning 19. I have never called someone a noob or any other offensive names, but thats just me. We had scammers back then and even some really immature people.




But now, what bugs me is the number of disrespectful high level players. There exist all the time, but I seem to be noticing them more often now. Level 110+ with skill capes and awesome stats which you look up towards. But, what is there to respect when they behave inappropriately?




Why respect high levels any more than low levels in the first place? Solemnly because what they have achieved? I don't care what anyone's level is. Interestingly, it's always the lower levels who are worshipping, nagging and complaining about high levels. If all those lvl 60-90 people wouldn't be constantly bothering me (for example) I might actually reply ingame.

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Yea, but I think its pretty much a spiral, the lower levels are disrespectful of the higher levels because the higher levels call the lower levels noobs. It'll probably always be like this, but also you've got the lower levels who are probably similar age to the higher levels envying their head-start in runescape, which fuels "nerd," "nolifer," "sad."




It's a vicious cycle; and it's present in all games. The higher levels make fun of the lower levels, who eventually become higher leveled and continue the tradition making fun of lower levels.




Present in life...except the younger kids wanna be like the older kids... [bleep]s and booze




True, true. Where I live, and I'm sure it's the same elsewhere, everyone's been drunk several times before they hit even 18 (Drinking age is 21). Vodka and cranberry. Mmm. I only drink a little at weddings and very specific other events. I don't see the appeal. Never smoked though, don't intend to.




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The game is no worse than it was ever.




Back when I started, I didn't understand some things, and one person was even willing to help explain everything. Though there are still problems.




Here we are, about 4 years later, nothing has changed. I've had decent conversations with other players while skilling on an alt account. No-one has given me grief over the level of that account (Level 5 because of Prayer). Most people have been decent in conversation, yet you still get the idiots we had years back.




As Omali said, you are looking through rose-tinted glasses, and are simply seeing what you want to see. I spent awhile around Lumbridge and it's nearby skill areas on that account, and people were generally pretty good where I was.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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I dont really think theres been much of a change in the general populations attitude in runescape. I think RSC was way funner than the current runescape, but the people are pretty similair IMO. There's less respect because nowadays in RS literally everyones a high level. I walk around at level 101 and most people are red to me, wtf? Its much easier to accomplish stuff now because of the GE, and obviously accounts have been around longer, theres nothing really to respect anymore. Theres level 130s walking around everywhere. I remember seeing someone over 115 was a big deal..

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In a word: No.




Repost from my blog:




RS2: Blaming Miniclip for all the evils of Runescape




The golden age of Runescape




Long ago and far away in a land that time has forgotten there was a game called Runescape, which people eventually realized was NOT Run-escape but Rune-scape. In this fair land all were good, true, loyal, brave and polite.



Miniclip ends the age of innocence




Then came the evil known as Miniclip. Runescape was listed as the best free online world on this site. And lo! Evil newbies poured forth in uncountable numbers from tutorial island. The once fair land of Runescape was covered in darkness. Thenceforth good was vanquished forevermore. Scammers, beggars, trash talkers and the liked now ruled the once fair Lumbridge.




What is Meili babbling about this time??




Well, in plainer talk, there is currently a feeling or popular idea that the old Runescape used to be good until it was advertised in Miniclip, which caused it to be flooded with annoying 12 year olds. An example of this is this quote from Tip It:




I have been playin runescape for about a year now when i first started playing everyone was really kind and nice and the word noob was rarely used. varrock sq used to be full of people all lvls helping each other out it wasnt rare for a high lvl player to help out a lvl 3 the game wasnt about who had done the most quests or who had the highest lvls it was bout helpin ppl makin friends nd just avin a nice time on the computer. But now a year later that has all but vanished. There is no peace anymore Noob is the most common word in the Runescape dictionary people ask for help and they get called a noob there are no more helping other ppl u cnt even trust ur own friend ne more as you think theyll scam u. WHY HAS THE PEOPLE OF RUNESCAPE CHANGED?








I, for one, do not recall Runescape ever being noob-or-child-free. Never has everyone been always friendly and nice to me. Am I actually playing a different game from the person I quoted above? There have *always* been beggars, scammers, noobs, etc. for as long as I have been playing. Sorry, I don't removing Runescape from Miniclip would make the game nicer.

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There are many many reasons what the eruption of these attributes could be put down to, but these are my opinions:




1. The influx of a child-friendly game has attracted moody pre-teens or generally more nasty little kids


2. Runescape is turning more into a place where people log on just to insult someone else to make themselves feel better and they log off again, it's happened before.


3. It might have something to do with the increase of no-honor pking aswell, as the old bounty hunter taught everyone that to make the most money, you've got to be willing to kill people with penalties, has this increased the anger in players?


4. Wide open spaces and the decline of the "homely style" that the game used to boast with it's bad graphics and interface.


5. Greed, with more powerful and expensive things thrown into the game, people are more willing to stand on their fellow man to reach those expensive things.


1. I disagree. Granted, I don't hang around crowded places that much, but the people I've met on RS that were younger seem pretty cool to me.


2.I've never experienced this.


3.I don't PK, so I don't know about this one.


4. I would think that wide open spaces would mean less interaction with others. This would mean less rude people.


5. Is it greed for GP and items? Or could it be desire to level up? When there is a greater demand than there is supply, of course you have to fight for the desired item(beast, ore, log, etc).




I'm not saying that there aren't some a-holes in the game, but most RS players are pretty decent in my experience.

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There are many many reasons what the eruption of these attributes could be put down to, but these are my opinions:




1. The influx of a child-friendly game has attracted moody pre-teens or generally more nasty little kids


2. Runescape is turning more into a place where people log on just to insult someone else to make themselves feel better and they log off again, it's happened before.


3. It might have something to do with the increase of no-honor pking aswell, as the old bounty hunter taught everyone that to make the most money, you've got to be willing to kill people with penalties, has this increased the anger in players?


4. Wide open spaces and the decline of the "homely style" that the game used to boast with it's bad graphics and interface.


5. Greed, with more powerful and expensive things thrown into the game, people are more willing to stand on their fellow man to reach those expensive things.


1. I disagree. Granted, I don't hang around crowded places that much, but the people I've met on RS that were younger seem pretty cool to me.


2.I've never experienced this.


3.I don't PK, so I don't know about this one.


4. I would think that wide open spaces would mean less interaction with others. This would mean less rude people.


5. Is it greed for GP and items? Or could it be desire to level up? When there is a greater demand than there is supply, of course you have to fight for the desired item(beast, ore, log, etc).




I'm not saying that there aren't some a-holes in the game, but most RS players are pretty decent in my experience.




From what I've heard so far, I've come to the conclusion that it must either be the places that I'm at, or the times that I am on. I usually hang around at gwd, slayering, training some skills in the fastest possible ways and well.. minigames. I mainly hang around those places, so I wholeheartedly think now, that the minority ruin if the for the majority YET AGAIN.




For all those that commented that runescape respect was declining, I now believe that its not declining in the population it's just the minority that CAN but not always ruin the atmosphere.

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Admittedly I did not read the entire thread but:




3. It might have something to do with the increase of no-honor pking aswell, as the old bounty hunter taught everyone that to make the most money, you've got to be willing to kill people with penalties, has this increased the anger in players?




No, BH did not bring this forth, you know what it was? Pest Control.




Lot of you may not believe me, but Pest Control allowed for quicker training of your account, and so suddenly people had 90+ stats, but with little PK'ing experience, which taught them no respect/honor for other PK'ers, and so it only grew from there as previously honor PKers were forced to adjust and more PC prods came. Soul Wars is doing the EXACT same thing but on an even WORSE level.




THIS is why I hate BH and SW. This is why I hate prods.

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Yup, runescape has a horrible community filled with people who feel better about themselves making fun of others. I honestly can't log on without someone calling me a nerd, no-life, loser. I also get called a fat [wagon] a lot, everyone assumes I'm overweight or something lol. Not everyone who plays Runescape a lot is a loser.




It really annoys me though that people don't even have basic respect for others anymore, but what can you do it's the internet....that guy acting tough is probably some 11 year old kid who thinks he's so cool. When there's no repercussions for what you say to people, why would you care.




Anyway, not all people are like that, and that's what the ignore list was made for.

Sleep on...fly on.

In your mind, you can fly.


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Yup, runescape has a horrible community filled with people who feel better about themselves making fun of others. I honestly can't log on without someone calling me a nerd, no-life, loser. I also get called a fat [wagon] a lot, everyone assumes I'm overweight or something lol. Not everyone who plays Runescape a lot is a loser.




It really annoys me though that people don't even have basic respect for others anymore, but what can you do it's the internet....that guy acting tough is probably some 11 year old kid who thinks he's so cool. When there's no repercussions for what you say to people, why would you care.




Anyway, not all people are like that, and that's what the ignore list was made for.




It's just a shame they didn't make the ignore lists longer

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i honestly agree that the respect has declined alot since i first started.


i used to be able to ask for some help and get the answer straight away, and ofc from time to time, those people just ignore u or say no even tho that happen , i still say ty.


But now... oh no !!! people underage start playing rs and follow u around to make sure u help them, and when u say no, they swear and call u a noob. AT one point i actually helped someone and that person just ditched me without saying ty afterward :cry:


you sometime get the odd nice people who have a nice conversation while u train, but it is very rare these days.


Legendz - 100+ F2p combat !! Join today and get TWO free cookies @@@@@

crowngolduh9.gif - Proud Leader of LEGENDZ

warsword.gif - Proud Warlord of Clan Europe

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Honestly, I agree.


I'm getting sick of going round every corner and seeing people calling other people 'Noobs' or 'Kids', because their VIRTUAL level is lower then they are. It's a lack of manners as they were growing up, their mum's were probably the kind that gives them a key and says 'GTFO', and they take their 'rage' out on the people on RS.


The only time I show disrespect is when someone has insulted, and I retaliate.


I don't know why this thread has become what it is, to be honest. It's a well-written thread on a well-thought out idea.


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If you don't like the lack of respect create a pure and get a 90+ stat. Then only zerker nerds will disrespect you.




I never get called a noob.




lol have u been f2p at all ? people don't respect u for having a 90 + stat, they want to befriend u to rip u off. As i say before... it is very rare to have a decent conversation these days and make a good friend :cry:


Legendz - 100+ F2p combat !! Join today and get TWO free cookies @@@@@

crowngolduh9.gif - Proud Leader of LEGENDZ

warsword.gif - Proud Warlord of Clan Europe

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Don't hate on Miniclip. :cry: If it wasn't for that, none of my classmates would've found out about RuneScape, which means I wouldn't have either! (Even though they quit like a few days later and now all play WoW -.-) Then I would've never gotten hooked on MMORPG's!




Don't you see? It's like a gateway drug! :D

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