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Official year of upgrades / Month 7 / FAILS


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Seriously just adapt to change or stop playing.




No one cares if you leave.




So stop spamming the front page with two threads saying the same thing in essence.


Kid, honestly.


By posting in this thread you're bringing it back to the top of the page, which is helping your so called "spam".


Do you see anyone here spamming OMG JAGX RUIN RS! No. No one here has been acting immature or unreasonable, except for you. I already left runescape, maybe 6 months ago. And yeah, people did care when I left. Now stop spamming yourself, and grow up.



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Seriously just adapt to change or stop playing.




No one cares if you leave.




So stop spamming the front page with two threads saying the same thing in essence.


Kid, honestly.


By posting in this thread you're bringing it back to the top of the page, which is helping your so called "spam".


Do you see anyone here spamming OMG JAGX RUIN RS! No. No one here has been acting immature or unreasonable, except for you. I already left runescape, maybe 6 months ago. And yeah, people did care when I left. Now stop spamming yourself, and grow up.




So this idiotic OP saying I'm not welcome here when its a public forum is mature?




Why don't you read the previous thread he made - how mature he was then?




Yeah, so you left. No need to REPEAT THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. All you "old" players care about is the wilderness and pking and free trade or something along the lines of that. And the so-called "good community" which was filled with scammers and RWTers and bots. And a whole assortment of other things which is still basically the same in the "new" RS.




Yes, the old RS is so much better.




How can I not be irritated if this idiot BANS me from posting here? Huh?

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Actually levelling agility to 99 is pointless currently. Even at level 80 agility it's possible to continuously runecraft without running out of energy. It's currently pointless to have higher agility - if the skill was tweaked this much that it should have been upgraded to reward those who do have higher agility with perhaps more shortcuts or increased running speed. The cape is pretty but there should be benefits to levelling a relatively hard and boring skill.





Technically, getting 99 in a skill is (supposed to be) for the love of the skill. Tactical advantage sure... but thats not why the majority of players do it.




There's nothing tactically advancing about 99 Construction or Firemaking, but guess which 2 skills just happen to be my favourites, and will also become my first 99s?




Yeah, exactly.

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Hey newge...you should have read his other post that tells us that scammers and stuff were cool because they made the game have a more midevil feel. Yeah, that's a great way to excuse yourself from scamming people.




Dear Jagflax,


I play your game for long time and must says I am disappointment about your latest updates. Dew you your removing the wildy I cannot help you attain the feeling of a truly midevil game by scaming othar players. Don't you want relism in you game? Who wants a fantacy game where everything is fantacy? I declar you guy idiots for stopping scamers from making you game realistic.


We just wanted to help! We just wanted to make people feel like they wer really nights of the midevil time!




Your friend,






P.S I hate you very much. You ruin game for the peple helping the game.










Dear Canadian Smurf,


We appreciate your letter and will look at it shortly. We have so much fan mail to go through, we hardly have the time to get through it all!




Your Friend,










Dear Jadflax,






Your Friend,


Canadian Smurf






Dear Canadian Smurf,


We appreciate your letter and will look at it shortly. We have so much fan mail to go through, we hardly have the time to get through it all!




Your Friend,














Dear Canadian Smurf,


We read your letter thoroughly and would like to tell you thanks for making our game much more realistic. We are sorry for stopping you from scamming people. When you log in next time, don't read the little pop up and think we banned you, you were merely in a realistic midevil setting and were caught and executed by the castle guards.


Thank you for helping our game evolve.




Your Friends,



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I like the Agility upgrade but it needs to be toned down.




PVP needs to change the drop calculator, i think, so payout is closer to opponents carried wealth, making its closer to old wildy. 26kers will only get around 26k a kill. Two pkers with 10m in equip could get a similar ~10m payout.




I wanna try out mobilizing armies now though. I hope it doesnt take too long to get my fremmenik rings imbued.

Brought to you by the word: Collusion (price fixing).

Its what Merchant clans do to ruin the economy for personal gain.

Balance out the GE! Skill Kill and Merch for YOURSELF.


May Guthix bring you balance.

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I wanna try out mobilizing armies now though. I hope it doesnt take too long to get my fremmenik rings imbued.


Maybe two games each




Though getting drops near what your opponent lost would be brilliant. It could easily be made to work without RWT too, with a bit of creativity.

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Yeah, so you left. No need to REPEAT THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. All you "old" players care about is the wilderness and pking and free trade or something along the lines of that. And the so-called "good community" which was filled with scammers and RWTers and bots. And a whole assortment of other things which is still basically the same in the "new" RS.




Yes, the old RS is so much better.





Look quelmotz, you really need to stop lording around here like your god, we should be able to talk about what we want. Sure, we may be reminiscing a bit about better times, but we have every right to do that.




Sure, some other rants have no posts on them, but thats because NO ONE WANTS TO POST ON THEM ANYMORE, its nothing to do with weather or not its on the top of the screen.


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I will continue posting my thoughts on the year of upgrades as I want to highlight that this year is shaping up to be one of the worst RS years. Ever. Shaping up to be. You have no definite proof yet. Especially with mobilising armies and a new skill (supposedly for f2p?) on the horizon.




I don't like being negative but I want Jagex to realize that the direction they are taking RS is not a turn for the better. As I said, look above.




More games are on the market daily, we have more choices now than ever, and there will be other games that will attract our attention. RS is special, while I play rarely now, I want this game to still be a good game. So? There will always be more games on the market. Its called change.




I hate to see this year of updates turning into a year of downgrades. UPGRADES not updates you fool! Sorry to insult you, but I'm really sick of you saying updates instead of upgrades. There are entirely different things with entirely different meanings. Every year has new updates.




And what "downgrades"? I don't see any "downgrades" here, except for minor stuff. Don't spout nonsense just because what Jagex has done is not to your liking.




Since my last post, Jagex has tackled agility. While it's a great idea to have rest and to essentially be able to do everything faster, this update has essentially ruined the agility skill. There is very little point in training agility past the short-cuts.


In my opinion killing a skill to please new players and f2p without putting in benefits for higher levels beyond clothing is just wrong.




"Please new players and f2p"? Seriously, you need to look at this from the point of view of JUSTICE and FAIRNESS. F2P deserve less updates, but do members deserve to have an advantage over f2p in F2P WORLDS? NO.




Why level agility besides a 99 cape now? Why level besides a 99 cooking, fishing, mining, woodcutting, attack, strength, defense, prayer, etc cape? Seriously.




Also in true jagex fashion, while they try to fix things they make things much worse like the PVP 26k trick, that is ruining the economy. Ok, stop pointing out everything they did wrong. Appreciate the fact that they're actually trying to give you updates and improve the game. Better some crappy updates than no updates, don't you think?




It's ironic that the party room which was a beloved fixture for years on RS was removed from so many worlds while the new pvp allows wealth to be directly generated in the players account with such little risk. Another example of the illogical thinking jagex has.




This I agree with.




Also why exactly is the Grand Exchange still in beta version two years after it was created? And why take out lists that were being used by players like the most valuable items list? Again, in this year of upgrades much more seems to be taken away than is given.




Since Jagex does not wish to update the GE any further (other than minor stuff), this GE is probably here to stay. So stop dwelling on every single fault or tiny matter/issue.




Also jagex continues to be out of touch with how people play their game. GOP 50/50 games were being played socially and creating community. Jagex tweaked this to disable that feature. Why exactly was that neccessary? Why change something no one was complaining about. It seems like jagex is focussed on updates that kill community on rs. It's too easy to play this game without ever interacting with anyone else.




Read the tip.it times on how jagex has been trying to improve their communication with their players. Please. Don't talk rubbish and make yourself look like a fool before reading up a bit. I admit, Jagex isn't the most open company, but at least they're TRYING. It's better than some permanently closed company.




The same goes with the most valuable and most traded items lists that were on the GE database. Players were using these lists, but to jagex these lists were boring. Where do they get their ideas from? No player I know ever thought these lists were boring.




And upgrades seems to be a codeword for dumbing down the game, and reducing the effort needed to play it.




So? I really don't want to get carpal tunnel (spelling?) trying to level to 99 in a skill, as so in mining and some other finger/wrist/hand breaking 99 skills.




What is wrong with making the game more convenient and simple? Who wants to play a super complex game or a game where everything requires a few years to get? RuneScape is already one of the slower to "so-called" complete games.




I can create a new account today, and it will automatically be created with advantages that took my old character a lot of time to get. This new account will have access to easier levelling, instant access to agility due to rest and the lute players, and once it reaches lvl 20 it can start to generate wealth comparable to a main character using PVP.




Change. Period.




Seriously, you need to reflect on two things.




1. Change. Can't a game change? To be more simple, more user-friendly, more convenient? Why can't it? You mean just because some old players "got it the hard way", it means nothing can change? Cut the crap, seriously.




2. Stop dwelling on every small thing that Jagex does wrongly. No one is perfect, but you seem to expect perfect things from Jagex.




So I'm illogical, stupid, and "just an f2p player" now? Just because I ripped up most of your arguments?




Firstly, I don't see myself as illogical, based on what I wrote.


Secondly, I'm not stupid. Anybody who can tear up your arguments is not stupid.


Thirdly, just because I'm an f2p player, I can't comment? Most of your rants were not based on p2p stuff. So stop making excuses.

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The old days (on my old, now banned account) were in some ways a lot better. Scamming was part of the game for real.




I remember buying an Adamant (g) Platebody in Varrock general store and making a 50k profit on it. I remember noobs being noobs, not psycho d-bags.




Case in point:




I'm burning logs in the G.E.




A level 11 noob says, n00b gimme phr33 st00f pl0x or i burn fires in front of yours. Yeah, I just world hopped, but that sort of stuff didn't happen as much before.






I think that Runescape as a whole has gotten better though. There's so much variety in the game today it's impossible not to find something you like. And if you don't like anything, that's totally fine! Just stop playing is all. It's not hard.



I piety the fool.

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Yeah, I mean the game itself isn't as bad as it has been in the past. Thank God many of the kids have left from 2-3 years back.




I think the whole making the game too easy is valid. I don't mind some streamlining and making things clearer, but they have clearly done it with too heavy of a hand. I don't care how much people love it, there never should've been any kind of do-x or do-all options. Some of the "quick" options are fine.




As far as the year goes, I think it's been a horrible year content wise. Every update has been bugged out the [wagon], or has been short quest, other than 150, but then again 150 was meant to be an awesome quest, and we got filler.




That's why I'm calling 2009 the "Upgrayedd" year. Idiocracy fans will get that.

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First of all the dudes name is quelmotz...learn to spell his name. Secondly, why don't you practise self restraint. This is the rants forum, and it is open discussion. If people have a different opinion than you, and you have to tell them to get off your threads, you are made out to be an idiot who can't take the heat. And how does posting on a thread need self restraint. I know, damn you Quelmotz for posting on a thread! How could you do that, the integrity of this site has broken!




I will continue posting my thoughts on the year of upgrades as I want to highlight that this year is shaping up to be one of the worst RS years. Ever.


Apparently you weren't around a couple years ago when everything was worse than it is now?




I don't like being negative but I want Jagex to realize that the direction they are taking RS is not a turn for the better.


Negativity created this thread, and your being negative toward Quelmotz...




More games are on the market daily, we have more choices now than ever, and there will be other games that will attract our attention. RS is special, while I play rarely now, I want this game to still be a good game.


First of all, learn how to put together a sentence. Secondly, there have been games on the market for as long as Runescape has been around (a little game called World of Warcraft?). How is this year any different? There is always a steady stream of games coming out for computers and consoles, but that apparently hasn't stopped people from Runescape. And if you rarely play, what the hell do you care what's going on to the game?




I hate to see this year of updates turning into a year of downgrades.


Every year someone complains that Jagex updates are downgrades. What's special about this year?




Since my last post, Jagex has tackled agility. While it's a great idea to have rest and to essentially be able to do everything faster, this update has essentially ruined the agility skill. There is very little point in training agility past the short-cuts.


First of all you used "essentially" two times in a sentence. Next, the rest is there so that people can easily get their run back. Very little reason to train in agility? As you stated, their are the shortcuts. Plus you can get longer run time. I don't know what your talking about.




In my opinion killing a skill to please new players and f2p without putting in benefits for higher levels beyond clothing is just wrong.


But you haven't posted specifically how it killed the skill. It didn't do anything but help the skill. It shouldn't matter to you though since you play rarely. It didn't kill the skill, it just made it easier to get your run back.




Why level agility besides a 99 cape now?


So that you run longer, so that you can get past all the shortcuts, so that when you are in the elven woods place you don't have to worry about all the traps everywhere.




Also in true jagex fashion, while they try to fix things they make things much worse like the PVP 26k trick, that is ruining the economy.


Oh god, the economy! It's always the ruining of the economy! The economy is fine! It is going, people can make money, no ones been laid off, and I don't see what it matters.




It's ironic that the party room which was a beloved fixture for years on RS was removed from so many worlds while the new pvp allows wealth to be directly generated in the players account with such little risk. Another example of the illogical thinking jagex has.


How's that ironic?




Also why exactly is the Grand Exchange still in beta version two years after it was created? And why take out lists that were being used by players like the most valuable items list? Again, in this year of upgrades much more seems to be taken away than is given.


I don't see why it matters if it is in Beta version. It still works. It's probably because it regularly needs updated. I never used a most valuable items list...




Also jagex continues to be out of touch with how people play their game. GOP 50/50 games were being played socially and creating community. Jagex tweaked this to disable that feature. Why exactly was that neccessary? Why change something no one was complaining about. It seems like jagex is focussed on updates that kill community on rs. It's too easy to play this game without ever interacting with anyone else.


Yup, that's Jagex logical plan. They plan to kill off the community in their game! That way no one will play runescape and everyone will be mad! HAHAHA! :twisted: That devious corporation!




The same goes with the most valuable and most traded items lists that were on the GE database. Players were using these lists, but to jagex these lists were boring. Where do they get their ideas from? No player I know ever thought these lists were boring.


Said the same thing twice...as I said, I never used the list. I never thought it was worthwhile.




And upgrades seems to be a codeword for dumbing down the game, and reducing the effort needed to play it.


I'm sorry, but the game is getting dumbed down specifically because Jagex knows that the original version of RS2 was messy. Autoers, scammers. Remember your first time playing? You were thrown into Lumbridge with absolutely no idea what to do. Now new players can easily learn how the game works. There are more and more new players coming in, and Jagex is catering to that crowd, and also the crowd that plays the game because they enjoy it. Why nitpick every bloody thing about the game. If you don't enjoy it, simply leave. You say you play rarely, then what does this matter.




So what if you can create a new account and it will be much easier to play than before? Deal with it! Deal with the fact that you had to play through the game and work harder than the new people playing. What the hell does it matter anymore. Play your original character, do whatever you do with him, and deal with the fact that you had to play through the game harder than the noobies. All veterans are probably kind of pissed, some may not be. I personally don't really care. Because of how much more help there is, the noobs are bothering me, they aren't asking for free stuff as much. And what does agility matter? You don't have instant access to agility anymore, the rest is just there so that you can easily regain your running stamina. You can't run as long as a person with 99 agility, and you can't get past traps and shortcuts.




As I say with everyone else who complains that Jagex is ruining the game, if it's so bad that you have to complain that much, then either A.) Leave B.) Live with it C.) Keep complaining and see how far that gets you :roll:





you make a point, its your thread doesnt mean other people cant post their opinion and it being in rants give everyone to flame about stuff, doenst matter sitt there and take it or retaliate by making a point not just by saying , your wrong and get off gtfo blah blah blah



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you make a point, its your thread doesnt mean other people cant post their opinion and it being in rants give everyone to flame about stuff, doenst matter sitt there and take it or retaliate by making a point not just by saying , your wrong and get off gtfo blah blah blah
Normally I'm pretty good about this kind of thing, but what does this post mean? :?

I love to meet people; send me a pm if you see me on RuneScape! :)

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you make a point, its your thread doesnt mean other people cant post their opinion and it being in rants give everyone to flame about stuff, doenst matter sitt there and take it or retaliate by making a point not just by saying , your wrong and get off gtfo blah blah blah
Normally I'm pretty good about this kind of thing, but what does this post mean? :?


basically you cant tell people to gtfo when they dont agree with what your saying



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I'm am going to have to both agree and disagree with you on this topic. First off do I miss the way that RS used to be? You bet I do. While i havent been around since the begining (mid-2005 is when I started), I have been around long enough to know how RS used to be. I miss the way that you went about RS not knowing what danger lurked around every corner. Nowadays the newer generation has the luxury of danger signs letting them know that they could lose their items if they enter a dangerous place. Back in the day (old timer eh?) if you went into a dangerous place and died, you learned from your mistake. Do i think the newer generation has an advantage? Absolutely. Does it bother me? Not at all. I think that by learning from my mistakes, no matter how expensive my mistakes were, it has made me a more cautious player. The same analogy can be used for hackers, scammers, and pk lures. Over my RS Jagex has done their best to eliminate these by adding bank pins for hackers, putting a price checker on the trader screen (Mith Full Helm swapped for Rune Full Helm), and the wilderness ditch for the old wildy and now PvP worlds and warning screen at login. While I do think they have "dumbed" down the game, I also think it was for the better. People were getting rich the wrong way; by scamming hacking and luring people. These updates eliminated all of these treats, for that I am grateful....On to the Next Topic...




I'm not sure about this one but i believe the GE is no longer in Beta Stage.. Correct me in I'm Wrong. As for removing the two sections of them, I do miss them. However, I can see the reasoning behind it.




The 26k trick-for the most part it has been eliminated after the previous update, while it can still be used, the risk involved in doing it has just become alot larger.




The Rest/Agility update. This one I am kind of slip inbetween. I both like the update, and can feel for the select few who do have 99 agility. I am enjoying this update because it has made my goal of 70 agility alot easier because i never run out of energy training agility. This is also why I can understand why some of those select few with 99 agility are displeased. hech if they ever added a "burn x" or "burn all" into the game I know I'd be mad as a grasshoppers in a can. for the most part it is a beneficial addition to a relatively slow and boring skill.




The Party Room pretty much became unused after they added the announcements when there was a drop party. Sure it was fun when you could Throw a party for just you and your friends.




Year of Downgrades? I think not. Year of Upgrades? Not exactly.. I would call it more or less "Year of Necessary Improvements in Order to Keep the Game Running." Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?




Anyways, thats my two cents. Sorry it ran so long.





Proudly achieved 99 fletching before the 'string x' option

Proudly achieved 99 firemaking before the Grand Exchange was introduced

Call me crazy but I alched all the way to 99 magic

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The 26k trick-for the most part it has been eliminated after the previous update, while it can still be used, the risk involved in doing it has just become alot larger.




After this current pvp update 26king / 76king is easier with less risk..




How did it become easier with no risk? First of all now you need to kill someone who has 75k of wealth to get a randomized drop.. second when you go kill your "partner" you become autoskulled.. let me put it into a timeline for you...




at the begining of the day you build your ep up... by 2 o'clock you are ready to do the "trick" with one of your friends... you go to ardougne bank with your friend.. he takes out 76k (increase from the previous 25k) and waits for you... you go and put your three best items, and carry a whip to maximize your earnings. now as soon as you leave the bank you become skulled and lose everything if you are tbed and snared after you kill your friend. where as before you could keep you three best and even the fourth item if you put prot item on... to make a long story short




before-> security net




now-> none





Proudly achieved 99 fletching before the 'string x' option

Proudly achieved 99 firemaking before the Grand Exchange was introduced

Call me crazy but I alched all the way to 99 magic

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i view agility to be a skill that can be compared to cardio. if you jog for 2 miles straight, no stopping, then you've worked for it. but you shouldn't have the same amount of training and some guy that has jst started running has the same stamina as you. you have to work for that.




low levels making a lot of money at lvl 20. is this bad? i was level 80 and i could comfortably afford one set of rune. now with inflation, exposure of resources, rune is now easily available and cheaper. when i bought my first set of guthans, it was almost 10m. now it's at a laughable price. is that bad? not really.


if they can make money, then so be it. in fact it's good for them! they can afford to buy their food, their runes, and armor.




money also slips through the hands of the low level'd anyway. the majority of skills now require money instead of promising money. smithing crafting, fletching (with acceptions), construction, cooking herblore, and runecrafting up to a point makes your money slowly just fall into the abyss.




the game hasn't been dumbed down, in fact i think it's become harder! look at the skills i just mentioned. pre-ge you could make money off of ANY of those skills making 99's easy to get to. fletching was profitable just buy buying logs and selling the bows. and although the armor is cheaper, the prices change daily, so you may not be getting the same price to sell your obby cape as you bought it for.




quests are harder now that they have more demanding requirements and the monsters at the end can be very difficult.




i'd like to know how making money has been made better for the lower level'd. because i have to severely disagree with you. log prices have been cut in half since the addition of the grand exchange. bars are worth less than the ore, the tanned hide of dragons is worth more than the vambraces. a level 20 the same as a pker!? please do go ahead and give some hard reliable facts on how they can make money because you just threw it out there and people just went along with it. in my opinion, that is total and utter B.S.


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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No reason for this. ~meol




the majority of skills now require money instead of promising money


I agree that skills cost more now, and you lose gp skilling, I also agree that pre-GE the game was much more balanced and skillers earned a healthy profit for their time.




I disagree that the game is harder or that skilling is harder now. Actual skilling is easier now with make-x, fletch-x, smith-x, cook-x, grind-x at ecto for prayer and all that. Plus stealing creation tools do half the cost of construction and some other very expensive skills. There are also fishing gloves for bonus exp and brawlers. Also random events that interrupted skilling have been taken out of the game (like the woodcut spirit, or the exploding pickaxe). There are still a few randoms but they are rare now.






low levels making a lot of money at lvl 20. is this bad?




While skilling isn't profitable, PVP is profitable, which is why I said now the lvl 20 has the same earning potential through PVP as a higher level experienced player.




This imho unbalances the game. Higher level players should be rewarded with more gp as they've put more time into the game. People with high skills should be rewarded for having a high skill level, but right now it's not working that way except for runecraft and for the moment woodcraft, and mining as raw material prices are at an all-time high. Also if you fletch maple logs, you do earn a nice profit, the problem is that fletched maple longs are junk, and never sell.




I don't understand your question?


level 20 the same as a pker!? please do go ahead and give some hard reliable facts on how they can make money




With the PVP update, you need to be at least a lvl 20 to PK. While drops are random, lower levels could potentially earn as much as higher levels. A newly created account which can be easily trained to lvl 20 could start generating as much wealth as someone who has higher combat, because of the random but generous PVP drops. There's the 26k/76k tricking that makes this easy.




Also these drops are based on the amount of time you've spent building potential in dangerous areas on PVP worlds. The PVP worlds also are more rewarding than monster drops. Monster drops are based on luck, and the PVP drops are based on earning potential, so with PVP you get better drops than if you were 99 slayer even.




This does make the game easier for new players especially, but also causes inflation and pisses off those who don't PVP.




How does this dumb down the game? All you need to do on a new account is pvp, earn some gp, then watch tv while using fletch-x or something while you get 99's easily. No one needs to pay attention as skilling randoms have been taken out. Just check back to see what your character is doing every few minutes while you afk. And hey if you manage to die, that nice gravestone you bought means you won't even lose anything.




The game is dumbed down and too safe currently plus new players almost have the same advantages as people who have been playing the game for a while. I wouldn't have a problem with this if RS was always like this, but RS before used to reward higher levels, now it's more geared to beginners and the casual player.




log prices have been cut in half since the addition of the grand exchange




Have you noticed the inflation happening lately? Yews have doubled or tripled from pre-GE prices.




quests are harder now that they have more demanding requirements and the monsters at the end can be very difficult.




I disagree, higher requirements doesn't mean that a quest will be harder. It just means it has higher requirements.




While monsters in quests have higher hp, that doesn't make it harder. We have weapons now that do much more damage, and if we can't afford the very expensive weapons we can always borrow it. Also now your gravestone will appear if you die to a monster in a quest. So what if you have to attempt to kill a quest monster a few times, it's not risky.




Also, the "hard monsters" are not so hard if you go in prepared. I don't find it a challenge. Like for fire capes, pures can do this easily as long as they are prepared, and this is meant to be a hard boss.

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Seriously [bleep] up you [wagon].




Nice hypocrisy.




I did spend time ripping up your arguments and without even replying to say why are they pointless and stupid you say all I do is bore people with the same old insults?




[bleep] up you bastard. And stop [cabbage] and avoiding my post because you can't reply to it.




by you throwing about obscenities, it invalidates your arguments. it shows you as being immature and that you will retaliate against some one simply because you do not like them. they could have a more valid point than yours but you are just going about saying f bombs left and right.





Higher level players should be rewarded with more gp as they've put more time into the game.
now although this may be true in the sense of business, it's not true in a game. when you have a customer that has been coming to your store and enjoys your business, then theirs is more valuable than some random guy. that's because it's society and word can spread and there's human interaction.


however- we are talking about a game. in a game, a non-human machine just does whatever it's programed to do. it has equations and random number generators that aide in it telling what will happen to your character. it's not going to specifically cater to me because i've played rs for 4 years, nor because my combat is level 122. actually in my opinion, it should be harder for high level'd players to play this game. i can kill a vast majority of monsters easily, i can telleport anywhere, my agility is high so i can run anywhere, and i have a quest cape so i'm not limited to locations, i can make a crap-ton of money easily, and i'm only 16 levels away from the highest combat level possible in the game.


at level 14, i'm running away from level 6 muggers. it's already really difficult for me at level 14. i have to run everywhere! and i can't train mage because i have no money. i'd get money by wood cutting and maybe fletching afterwards to get more bang for my buck, but i can't sell the logs OR the bows. willow logs haven't moved in the ge since it came out. so tell me this- the game is hard as it is with all my skills at level 1, so why is it so bad that i have 3m?








by the way- how's a low level'd player going to make money with the 76k trick, if it's hard for them to make the 76k and they need the protect item prayer? you have to get the bones for the prayer which is going to run you a huge bill. then once you get it, you have to make the 76k to make your millions. even then, if you get cornered, you're going to lose that money. and you're forgetting that doing this takes a lot of time. as a new player, i'm not going to be as committed to that as some one else. then you have to make that money back etc. etc.




willow logs pre ge- 30 each lots of people buying. willow logs now- 18 each no one buying. yew logs pre-ge 300 people buying. yew logs now- 502. i don't know maple logs, because i was still f2p by the time i had 75 wood cutting.






by the way- the reason no one wants to do a quest now-a-days is purely because of the requirements. if you just had to run to point a to point b and get a bunch of experience and rewards, people would do it in a heartbeat. if some one has a quest cape then, they're a skiller.






the hard monsters? did you did summers end part 1 and part2???????? there's your example. and the mourner in mep1. i almost died and i had 100+ cb <.<



This thread has been temporarily locked for cleaning. ~meol


And unlocked.


Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>

This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).

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quelmotz wrote:


Seriously [bleep] up you [wagon].




Nice hypocrisy.




I did spend time ripping up your arguments and without even replying to say why are they pointless and stupid you say all I do is bore people with the same old insults?




[bleep] up you bastard. And stop [cabbage] and avoiding my post because you can't reply to it.






by you throwing about obscenities, it invalidates your arguments. it shows you as being immature and that you will retaliate against some one simply because you do not like them. they could have a more valid point than yours but you are just going about saying f bombs left and right.




Lets look from my point of view, shall we?




Canadiansmurf starts this thread, insults me and "bans" me from posting here even though it is a public forum and he didn't have a very "good" impression of me from the previous thread.


He "bans" me from his thread, so naturally I get back at him by saying his thread is stupid. Won't you do the same thing?


Everyone suddenly starts flaming me. I flame them back. Retaliation is a part of human nature.


Now after I put in quite a bit of effort criticising his arguments without using much insults/whatever, he doesn't reply to them probably because he can't and he'll make a fool of himself trying to defend baseless arguments, so he uses sarcasm, sneering and quoting other people to insult me and make me feel angry.


I defend myself, and ask him to look through my arguments instead of insulting me, but he totally ignores me and insults me again with underhand methods.


So who do you think is more wrong? I definitely made some mistakes, I admit this, but everyone makes mistakes, but people who already know they made mistakes and still continue to try and hide it and insult people with underhand means are the kinds I hate most. If you want to say something say it to someone's face, not use sarcasm and a sneering tone to insult them.

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it should be harder for high level'd players to play this game.


I think RS IS harder for high level players, because high combat level doesn't mean they will always win the fight (obviously yes against a level 3, but not always against a combat 100+) and higher level skills don't have much rewards apart from RC, there are some monsters with nice drops like at GWD's but it's all based on luck.




I think it should be hard for lower levels to play this game, but it's just becoming easier and easier




My level three can survive muggers.




i have to run everywhere!




With the new agility and rest update at least you will get there faster and with teletabs you can tele without levelling magic. Plus rings & necklaces that tele you in members.




willow logs haven't moved in the ge since it came out


Plain logs sell - now willow's sell as they are junk used for the new MA mini-game






by the way- how's a low level'd player going to make money with the 76k trick, if it's hard for them to make the 76k and they need the protect item prayer? you have to get the bones for the prayer which is going to run you a huge bill. then once you get it, you have to make the 76k to make your millions. even then, if you get cornered, you're going to lose that money. and you're forgetting that doing this takes a lot of time. as a new player, i'm not going to be as committed to that as some one else. then you have to make that money back etc. etc.




It's not hard to earn 76k gp with very low skills, even by mining clay or rune essence or something. Soft clay takes no skill to make and is a nice profit atm.




Prayer? Protect item prayers have been removed from PVP it CAN'T be used




if you get cornered, you're going to lose that money. and you're forgetting that doing this takes a lot of time




Most people do the 26k in f2p / 76k in members trick with a friend. Gaining ep takes time, but you can afk gaining ep and the rewards are worth it. And the time to get an account to level 20, gain ep, gain 76k and then get a good drop is not that much. Once you get your first drop worth 1 mill+ there is no need to skill just keep doing the 26k/76k trick. And if you get killed my someone other than the person you are tricking, you've only lost 26k/76k. Most people are 26k/76king though so it doesn't happen that often, there is low risk.




The rewards are comparable to a higher level, and the higher level has put in more time into the game, this isn't fair. I'm not saying give higher level's more, I'm saying take away some of the benefits lower levels are getting, cap the drops they get or something. Also with EP nice drops are almost guaranteed. A higher level killing a monster for good drops, isn't guaranteed anything. To make monster killing profitable again, it would be fair to put in the EP system there, someone who's killed 10,000's of a monster should get a good drop.




by the way- the reason no one wants to do a quest now-a-days is purely because of the requirements.


Agreed, there are lots of people who don't quest or skill.




I still find the quest monsters easy, especially now that I can't die and lose stuff as my graveyard will be visible. Almost dieing, isn't dieing.

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There is a first time for everything, and today marks the first time I'm going to tear up a ranter with my same opinion, but whom I can't stand.




I'm not condoning or defending Canadian Smurf's actions, I am merely getting really pissed off at how full of himself Quelmotz is. I personally think this is the best place to talk about this.




Hmm, so I can't post here?


I wonder why he doesn't want you to post? Maybe because your being a major D-bag. Because you think you apparently run this forum. Most people who troll the rants, like me, know that you are prone to finding threads you don't like, that have a conversation going in them, and telling everyone basically to shut up and let the thread die. Thank you Mister Moderator. And so I wouldn't wonder why Smurf would want you to not post here. Maybe because everytime you post a counter rant, you also have to tell us that you think that this thread should die, sometimes because YOU say you tore up his arguments (which I'll get to later) or because you feel there is no discussion value. If he doesn't want you to post, why not just leave him be? That way there won't be this large flame war and you wouldn't look like such a big [wagon]. If you can't make a logical rant and can't make it without basically telling everyone that you think the rant should die, then why not just say "Fine, I won't post here, the guy doesn't want my opinion, whatever". I know I defended you at first, but you have gotten out of hand to tell the truth.




Too bad, I've just posted.


Just adding to the douchebaggery.




Why, scared of me ripping up your thread again?


This is the point that makes me cringe. I hate people that are so full of themselves. "I ripped your thread Tee hee". Sure, I could call myself "Ratchet the Rant Ripper" but I don't. In some people's opinions you may not have "Ripped" up his rant. Don't be so full of yourself.




Sorry, ratchet has already done the job.



At this point I don't know what to say. I would have liked it if you would have added an opinion, just to loosen up some of the douchebaggery (a lot of words in a post means people forget something you say...I would know :lol: ).




I could rip it up again, but since ratchet has already said pretty much everything I wanted to say, I'll save myself the trouble.


See, I don't really like people who come on threads to make fun of the person, I like people who actually rip the thread, if you would have added your opinion on the ideas placed in the topic post (and I know you will eventually...) you would have, once again, seemed less like you wanted people to know how mad you are that someone doesn't want you to post.




And why make another thread? You could just update your old one.


The other thread was kinda where you were being an a-hole, so he probably was trying to create another one to start off with a cleaner slate.




So this idiotic OP saying I'm not welcome here when its a public forum is mature?


And when other people agree that you are not taking the right approach to the situation, suddenly we have to call the OP an idiot and write a nonsensical sentence. "When its a public forum is mature"?




Why don't you read the previous thread he made - how mature he was then?


Personally, I believe that he is being a lot more mature with the situation than you are. He is giving counterpoints, and you have to be the big bad boy who's opinion is far superior to everyone elses. Here's the thing, in this forum someone rants, people either support or are against the rant, they state why and they move on. Some people may turn to crazy OP idiot stuff (I do it sometimes when people can't get it through their thick skulls what I'm talking about) but we don't continue on afterwards. Seriously, maturity is not a huge factor in this thread, because as long as Omali is here, I can know there is no reason to be mature here (sorry Omali, but the approach you take to rants is more funny than it is mature... :D ).



Yeah, so you left. No need to REPEAT THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN. All you "old" players care about is the wilderness and pking and free trade or something along the lines of that. And the so-called "good community" which was filled with scammers and RWTers and bots. And a whole assortment of other things which is still basically the same in the "new" RS.


You repeat things over and over again, hell in this thread alone you've repeated that you've torn up his posts and multiple times you have found some sort of rant too unfit to still have a discussion value...




How can I not be irritated if this idiot BANS me from posting here? Huh?


"I'm irritated!"


"Why's that?"


"Because some guy on a forum told me I'm not allowed to post on his thread!"




"Because of this, he's an idiot and I am going to continue to make myself look bad by making fun of that idiot and defending myself til I can't defend myself anymore!"






So I'm illogical, stupid, and "just an f2p player" now? Just because I ripped up most of your arguments?


Back to the "I ripped up your arguments" thing. Actually, apparently I did since you never did post anything ripping up the first argument presented in this thread. So I should be the one who gets to proudly swing my arms around and go "I RIPPED UP THIS ARGUMENT!".




Firstly, I don't see myself as illogical, based on what I wrote.


Once again, full of yourself. So just because you don't think you are illogical, that means everyone else should think you are logical. I like that thinking.


"Hey Tom."


"Yeah Ratchet?"


"I'm putting cyanide in my water bottle to flavor it."


"That's illogical!"


"Not it's not."


"Yeah, since you said that, I guess it is logical!"




Secondly, I'm not stupid. Anybody who can tear up your arguments is not stupid.


More "Har Har Har, I tore up your argument in a previous thread, and then said that Ratchet said everything I wanted to say so I won't say what I was gonna say because Ratchet said it, which means I tore up your arguments Har Har Har." You need to quit thinking that way...you merely put your opinion (wherever I can find that) out....so did everyone else but we don't all walk around with gold belts that proclaim in large letters "TORE UP SOME GUYS ARGUMENT".




Lets look from my point of view, shall we?


We know your point of view, "I am god, and your thread sucks."





Canadiansmurf starts this thread, insults me and "bans" me from posting here even though it is a public forum and he didn't have a very "good" impression of me from the previous thread.


And the impression continues to get better? I don't know about you, but I personally think by continuing to post in this thread you were banned in, you make yourself out more and more as a guy no one wants to rant.




He "bans" me from his thread, so naturally I get back at him by saying his thread is stupid. Won't you do the same thing?


Everyone suddenly starts flaming me. I flame them back. Retaliation is a part of human nature.


Because, naturally, when someone says they don't want you on the thread that makes every point below that irrelovant and makes the whole thread stupid.


I wonder why everyone's flaming you, maybe because you are so [bleep]ing full of yourself.




Now after I put in quite a bit of effort criticising his arguments without using much insults/whatever, he doesn't reply to them probably because he can't and he'll make a fool of himself trying to defend baseless arguments, so he uses sarcasm, sneering and quoting other people to insult me and make me feel angry.


You put in a lot of effort to criticize him as much as you did? How the hell long did it take you to make those three wimpy posts with barely any criticism in them? It takes me about half an hour to make this, and I probably won't be getting anything out of writing this except you defending yourself...Most people on this forum take time to make arguments, and it can't take too much time to write the posts you have. They were short, and were basically stuff that other people were saying...might need typing classes if it takes you that long to write that little and you complain how long it takes to make them. And who cares if you use sarcasm and witty remarks and crap mister "The OP is stupid and his thread is stupid too." And it's pretty bad that you are getting angry over some guy you don't know talking about you over a forum.


I wonder why he's ignoring you...




I defend myself, and ask him to look through my arguments instead of insulting me, but he totally ignores me and insults me again with underhand methods.


So are you. You are just as much to blame for this little flamewar as he is. Don't blame him, it takes two to have an argument.




So who do you think is more wrong? I definitely made some mistakes, I admit this, but everyone makes mistakes, but people who already know they made mistakes and still continue to try and hide it and insult people with underhand means are the kinds I hate most. If you want to say something say it to someone's face, not use sarcasm and a sneering tone to insult them.


First of all, you turn from "The OP is an idiot and this thread is stupid" to make a little philosophical speech on how everyone makes mistakes? Am I the only one laughing my [wagon] off? And um...we're on an online forum, so he kind of can't talk to you in your face, but I'll get in your little online face. I'm telling you what I think, so what are you going to do. "Oh, Ratchet's an idiot. Ha, I tore up your argument!" Your the kind of person I hate the most, the kind that say something and then continue into the next week to laugh and laugh because you said that and tore it up. The kind of people who are full of themselves. The kind of people who at school make a funny joke, and continue to say it over the next couple days because it got scattered laughs at the lunch table.




So, I'll say it myself. This thread is apparently causing you a lot of strife and making you into more of a D-bag than you can apparently understand, so why don't you quite posting, and if you want to argue with me over your state of mind from what you have posted here, then PM it to me, because this thread is going way off topic as it is.


Please learn from this little argument. Maybe you'll be able to make a rant without sounding like your full of yourself and think you are the god of this forum.

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Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>




Edit: Wow, this looked really off-topic, so I'm going to steer the thread away from the quelmotz/canadiansmurf/ratchet war and comment on the original post.




Since my last post, Jagex has tackled agility. While it's a great idea to have rest and to essentially be able to do everything faster, this update has essentially ruined the agility skill. There is very little point in training agility past the short-cuts.


In my opinion killing a skill to please new players and f2p without putting in benefits for higher levels beyond clothing is just wrong.




So they killed Agility by making so that your run energy recharges faster based on your Agility level. Seriously, I've tried running in F2P. It fails. Sorry, but what you said makes no sense, I have more reason then ever before to train Agility now.




Also in true jagex fashion, while they try to fix things they make things much worse like the PVP 26k trick, that is ruining the economy.




It's ironic that the party room which was a beloved fixture for years on RS was removed from so many worlds while the new pvp allows wealth to be directly generated in the players account with such little risk. Another example of the illogical thinking jagex has.




I actually semi-agree with this one. This, along with the recent updates of no-protect-item-on-PvP-worlds and the BH+1 worlds, have caused prices on just about anything useful to go haywire.




But the 26k trick wasn't actually killing the economy, just the worth of GP. You could still sell an AGS and buy 2 BGSs with that cash, could you not? So long as you did both (selling and buying) at times that weren't too far apart.




Not gonna comment on the GE-still-in-beta section, due to my lack of info on whether it's actually still in beta, or whether just the GEDB is.




Also jagex continues to be out of touch with how people play their game. GOP 50/50 games were being played socially and creating community. Jagex tweaked this to disable that feature. Why exactly was that neccessary? Why change something no one was complaining about. It seems like jagex is focussed on updates that kill community on rs. It's too easy to play this game without ever interacting with anyone else.




In reference to the bolded text first: You said that the 26/76k trick is killing the economy. But in order to do that trick, you need someone you can trust, thus creating a small amount of community in and of itself.




GOP was meant for Runecrafting to get a boost and for people to have a new PvP minigame. Albeit that Jagex has released a lot of PvP recently, the GOP wasn't meant for 50/50, that was merely people messing with the system instead of learning how to win.




The same goes with the most valuable and most traded items lists that were on the GE database. Players were using these lists, but to jagex these lists were boring. Where do they get their ideas from? No player I know ever thought these lists were boring.




And upgrades seems to be a codeword for dumbing down the game, and reducing the effort needed to play it.




I can create a new account today, and it will automatically be created with advantages that took my old character a lot of time to get. This new account will have access to easier levelling, instant access to agility due to rest and the lute players, and once it reaches lvl 20 it can start to generate wealth comparable to a main character using PVP.




Most valuable? Most traded? I can see how those could be useful, but I never used them. I was more upset at the removal of the extra graph lines that helped me do some honest merching.




Dumbing down? Explain your definition of "dumbing down," please.




And as to the last paragraph.... Disclaimer: This is rather mean, somewhat rude, and probably rather trollish. This is due to the poster's anger at seeing so much of this type of stuff in and around RS and the forums.








There. Now it's not off-topic.

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Wow, watching this thread is better than pro wrestling! =D>




Edit: Wow, this looked really off-topic, so I'm going to steer the thread away from the quelmotz/canadiansmurf/ratchet war and comment on the original post.




This thread is probably better than pro wrestling because the fights here are real (And the boobs).







Not all veterans are like that though, there are some that think that every player in the world who has played for at least three years is like that now, but I sure as hell ain't and neither are a lot of my friends who continue to play despite the fact that everyone seems to think the game is ruined.

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Not all veterans are like that though, there are some that think that every player in the world who has played for at least three years is like that now, but I sure as hell ain't and neither are a lot of my friends who continue to play despite the fact that everyone seems to think the game is ruined.




That's why I put "veterans" in quotes, so that it only applies to those who think that they are veterans just because they played for a year and didn't like it. -.-




Technically, I myself would also be a RS veteran, excepting the fact that I took a 3-or-so year break. So yeah, I was around when the old wildy was there, and yes, I think that what they have now is just as sufficient, except much saferfor those who don't know better.

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