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The Best Things In Life Are Free...


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They say the best things in life are free, what 'free' things do you most love, show your appreciation for the little things that make you smile or keep you sane. :P








For me, getting up an hour early and sitting on my sofa in silence is really nice, no one is around and i can think about life, and where it might lead me today.








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Well, Im down in Louisiana and got hit pretty good by hurricane Rita, so at the moment Im loving these food rations FEMA is givin out! Been without power and stuff for 6 days (just got it back this mornin). But yea those rations were pretty good.








But on a regular basis I like sporks! Not only is it a funny word, but its pretty handy too! I have a few in my backpack just in case!

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The only reason I go to church is so that I can freely shake people's hand. Well, not really lol, although, I do like that part.








Bikeriding around the park right beside here is one of the best times I get. I only do it during summers but I love going at around 7-8 pm. It's still light outside but at the least, it's not as hot as in the afternoon.








Reading when it's raining in my grandma's house was another love of my life. It's so comfy and felt very secure for me.

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My girlfriend's smile.




That feeling of wonder during an eleven mile run in the rain.




That satisfaction of having done a hard day's work well.




A hot shower after that hard day.




A great conversation with a close friend.




A homecooked meal.




Knowing that no matter what may happen, God will sustain me.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Hmm...well...you know when you're walking home at night, with only dim street lighting from yards away lighting your path and you think you feel a raindrop on your head or face? Well, whenever I look up to check and I see the star-lit sky, I just think to myself that life is so very special, so full of hope, mystery and dreams.








Couldn't and wouldn't live without that feeling.

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The only reason I go to church is so that I can freely shake people's hand. Well, not really lol, although, I do like that part.








Bikeriding around the park right beside here is one of the best times I get. I only do it during summers but I love going at around 7-8 pm. It's still light outside but at the least, it's not as hot as in the afternoon.








Reading when it's raining in my grandma's house was another love of my life. It's so comfy and felt very secure for me.








Heh, im not to big on the shaking hands part....I always find it really awkward when you have to greet the people around you at church.








Im supprised someone hasn't said f2p yet :? lol. (im member though so its not like I can say that)








I like to sleep and thats free so thats my choice.








Oh and shadowfax, as i look at your sig, I thought rivendill (sp?) disbanded?

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Oh and shadowfax, as i look at your sig, I thought rivendill (sp?) disbanded?








It's Rivendell. Why can't people spell that -.-








Yeah, it disbanded a while ago, around June as I remember. I like the signature and I can't find the .psd file. Even if I did, I can't be bothered to re-do the animation all over again. Besides, I loved the clan and am proud to be (or that I was) in it.








I try to sit around girls on church so I get extra points lol.

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The expression on people, when I make them laugh.




Free water, bottled water= ehh




Free public parks- meet new people, play competive sports




Free library- the awesome




Free samples- it's free :)




Free willy- Was pretty good movie




Hugs :)




Sleeping/naps is pretty cool too.




Free sunlight




Going to a park and just breathing in that fresh air and just relaxing and all your troubles go away.

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Hmm....I was looking at this from a more material point of view =/








*changes viewpoint*








Ah ok...Well, when me and my friend go skateboarding and one of us nails a trick we've been trying to land it feels good.








When my girlfriend makes me laugh or smiles at me, just knowing that she cares for me.








Knowing that I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in at night!








Pretty much any little thing like that always makes me feel good! :P

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Finally, a good topic here!








For me, just staring up outside is priceless. I just love looking at the clouds some days, staring at the sky, wondering whats really out there. The world is so huge...its just...amazing when you actually take time and look at the world around you. Storms are also nice, not the damaging kind, just thunderstorms. One of the things I love most in life is just sitting outside on a stormy day, and watching. Not looking for anything, just watching. Its so...great. Cant even describe it :)

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I like public school. Way more fun, and a lot better then private schools.








School isnt as bad as everyone says it is. You sit around for 6 or so hours, and hang out with your friends. So what if youre learning at the same time? :P

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Night walks with music on! yay!








And uhm....








When it's cold outside, go on your bike in the morning, biking with the sun in your face...








And uhm....








Cooking with my friends and having an awesome night with eating it all and watch movies and so. :P








And all kind of other small things that are not big enough to post here.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I love to listen to music when sitting on the bus, train or just walking and looking up at the sky when it's just uber blue and clear.




I love to be outside and get wet when it's raining, and I especially love heavy rainfalls.




I love to ride my bike, especially when going downhill and feeling the wind rush past your ears and hair.




I also love to see random people you meet on the street or anywhere else, smile at you and you smile back.




And I love tons more things.








Cool topic, btw! :)


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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I kinda like the feeling you get when you solve a statistical problem. The feeling of knowing that your answer is correct, the most efficient, 100% right, and that the job has been finished and can be moved on from. I don't like it enough to enjoy the whole process of getting to the answer though.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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