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TPR goes on a greenpeace mission


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So after getting notified by US president barack obama that some monkeys went missing from the zoo, we went on a hunting mission..




but all we found was re and tr










but we kept looking




wherestdm.png w1362.png




till we found them and shouted our epic pre-fight chant














serious now










-Meele/Binds Only


-2 man sniper cap


- Higher pull attacks


- No RSC post


- No GK Randys allowed




About 3 days ago,one of our fail warlords madcat had arranged a fight with tdm, we were pumped for this war, because it was the longest prep ever we had so far (3 days L)




Altought I was expecting to hit the 20 people cap, this was the starting opts:



TPR: 17








URL=http://img40.imageshack.us/i/startinopts.png/]startinopts.png[/url] w1362.png


The rules said matched, so we dropped to 11:








+ me and evertonfc88.




I epic leaded (/ego) from start to finish, it was a pretty close and enjoyable fight, but most of the time we had a 2 man lead, and we ended as winners.




The war started with a 2 man lead for us,wich turned into a 9v9, we had to kick Raddude_1_5 from the cc at a point because of the 2 man sniper cap and he wouldnt stop sniping, sorry about that. We slowly regained the 2 man lead, and thanks to a great job by our snipers, conman and borny it soon turned into a 4 man advantage, then five.




When we were about to lead, our dictator noob, evertonfc88, got k0ed :




URL=http://img246.imageshack.us/i/everdowned.png/]everdowned.png[/url] w1362.png




Wich actualy got rid of an annoyance and made our war easier, leading to a win:




ending opts:










BIG THANKS for the clean fight TDM, hope we can get a rematch soon.










TPR STRONG [bleep] !




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Gf TDM. Too bad I couldn't be there. :P






wtf is this strike system?


1 strike you are forced to look at nudes of generaldesor till your eyes bleed




Gl Rebuilding Killerred005




:ohnoes: :( :o :shock: :? :pray: #-o :wall:


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