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Linking Xbox 360 and Ps3 online?


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I have been hearing alot of talk about Microsoft and Sony linking the online on Xbox and Ps3. A couple of my friends said they saw it on gamebattles.com, but I can't seem to find it.


I also heard that they're getting rid of XBL and PSN and coming up with a new name. ( if this is true.) I haven't heard anything on achievements/Trophys yet.




Has anyone else heard this?



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maybe they aren't linking the two services together but developers are making it so that you can play a game like Call of Duty with both Live and PSN users on one server. That would be pretty cool because then I wouldn't have to choice between systems when I buy online games.

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I have also heard this but still question whether it will happen or not.




However i do know there is a program that you can download on your console and it uses a different server than PSN and XBL so you can play games such as CoD together. Ill try find a link or something. Note: this is illegal and can result in a console ban etc, so i do not advise trying it.


Someone I know of had a dolphin tattooed on her chest. She got fat and the dolphin turned into a whale...
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They would never do that. Microsoft's biggest appeal is its larger online gaming base; merging PS3 online with XBL would be [developmentally delayed] for them.








Gaming between the 360 and PC is more likely.




Microsoft has already done that.

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Final Fantasy XIV will be cross PS3 and PC, but the reason it isn't coming out in Xbox anytime soon is because of Xbox live policys. Games are more likely to be cross console and pc before they are console-console.

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They would never do that. Microsoft's biggest appeal is its larger online gaming base; merging PS3 online with XBL would be [developmentally delayed] for them.








Gaming between the 360 and PC is more likely.




Microsoft has already done that.




It was promised to be the first game to use Games for Windows - Live that allows for Windows users to play with Xbox 360 users but, like with many other things with this game, it remained a promise unfulfilled
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Wouldn't some games on each system, have an advantage over the other system depending on was system they are on.


Like many FPS work better on PCs...


I only said xbox and ps3, not Pc.


The controllers are pretty much the same, and the computer the controls are nothing like ps3 or xbox.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Microsoft wouldn't do that because in the market we have now (A capitalist one), I think Microsoft would love the competition since they can make a profit from it. Meaning, you can lower the price on the console, getting people to buy it, thus, having more consumers for you and getting them to join your online set-up instead of the competition.




For people who like it short, Microsoft isn't going to merge with Sony for Online since there would likely be a loss of money for both companies.

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Microsoft wouldn't do that because in the market we have now (A capitalist one), I think Microsoft would love the competition since they can make a profit from it. Meaning, you can lower the price on the console, getting people to buy it, thus, having more consumers for you and getting them to join your online set-up instead of the competition.




For people who like it short, Microsoft isn't going to merge with Sony for Online since there would likely be a loss of money for both companies.




In a capitalist society companies don't benefit from competition, consumers do. Companies benefit from lack of competition.



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Microsoft wouldn't do that because in the market we have now (A capitalist one), I think Microsoft would love the competition since they can make a profit from it. Meaning, you can lower the price on the console, getting people to buy it, thus, having more consumers for you and getting them to join your online set-up instead of the competition.




For people who like it short, Microsoft isn't going to merge with Sony for Online since there would likely be a loss of money for both companies.




In a capitalist society companies don't benefit from competition, consumers do. Companies benefit from lack of competition.



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Microsoft wouldn't do that because in the market we have now (A capitalist one), I think Microsoft would love the competition since they can make a profit from it. Meaning, you can lower the price on the console, getting people to buy it, thus, having more consumers for you and getting them to join your online set-up instead of the competition.




For people who like it short, Microsoft isn't going to merge with Sony for Online since there would likely be a loss of money for both companies.




In a capitalist society companies don't benefit from competition, consumers do. Companies benefit from lack of competition.


Exactly. So if they merged and kept prices the same, they would be equally likely to sell consoles.



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