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Collecting Charms.


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I've been training alot different skills lately to get all skills 60+, now it's time for the last skill in the list, summoning. Training summoning is easy, but collecting charms is another story. I currently have 43 summoning, i got all the levels from charms that i obtained during training slayer, but unfortunately im now out of charms.




My current summoning lvl is 43.




So, what monsters should i kill to get:




green charms?


gold charms?


crimson charms?


blue charms?






My f2p combat is 96, my melee stats are:




attack 76


strenght 79


defence 78


hitpoints: 79


prayer: 60


magic: 66


range: 65






ps: im POOR, so please do not suggest magic.

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green charms? Bloodvelds


gold charms? Fire Giants


crimson charms? Waterfiends


blue charms? Aberrant Spectres



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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Do what champ says or train Slayer. Most of my charms have come from Slayer, and it has most definitely paid off. Make Pyrefiends at 46 and Bloated Leeches at 49, then when you can exchange them for shards you'll get that initial investment back. I believe Leeches are best until either 61 or 64.

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All you need is crimsons. You can throw some golds in there for nice cheap experience, as you'll get a lot of golds no matter what.




Most of your experience on the way to 60 will come from bloated leeches once you get to them. I'd go ahead and make some spirit terrorbirds to keep as they're cheap and very helpful with everything.




At your stats, you can't really do waterfiends effectively. I'd suggest dust devils, as they drop plenty at a good rate.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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If you want gold charms pretty fast and easy to bank, go to ogres near castle wars. I got 100 in no time.




Fire giants are a lot better for gold charms.




Keep in mind that for monsters that do drop charms, their drop rate of charms are increased in the chaos tunnels.




Avoid hunting for green as they're the most expensive per xp. I would also recommend slayer.. it really gets boring just killing one monster for charms all the time.

[2010] Proud Member of Downfall

[2004-2005] Former Leader of The Unbreakables, Former Member of Corruption, Former Member of 'The' Clan

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I've heard armoured zombies are great for charms.


They drop a few Blue Charms here and there, but they are not good charm droppers, just better than other "grinding monsters" like Zombie Monkey's etc.

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I would go to Waterfiends, even without a bunyip. If you have guthans, you can still have decent lasting power.




If you have 72 slayer, you could kill Skeletal Wyverns for charms. Every other Wyvern drop crimson charms, and since the charms come in twos, you can expect 1 crimson for each Wyvern you kill. The bones are also worth something (take a while to sell, but sellable) and you have a chance at a visage and at granite legs.

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Waterfiends would tear through him. The highest he can wear is red dragonhide.




Guthans + range pray might be able to work out. The important thing to remember is always pray range, even though you're wearing guthans.




It worked well for me, although when I did it I had higher stats (around 85 melee and 80 magic).

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You didn't mention your slayer level. That's relevant for two reasons. First, if your slayer level is low enough that you should be training it anyway, it becomes an obvious way to add to your charm count without really trying. Second, one of my favorite slayer monsters is the dust devil. Dust devils are not as awesome for charms as waterfiends, but they have a few key advantages: they have very profitable drops that will easily fund your summoning training, they can be killed without the expensive gear and high levels you need for waterfiends, and out of all the top charm droppers, they provide the best combat experience. Also, since they're in the Chaos Tunnels, you can use a combat familiar, which will be a good thing even at a low-ish summoning level. (Their defence is weak enough that even low-level combat familiars can still hit frequently.)




You mentioned that you had 60+ in everything but summoning, so if you haven't already gotten 65 slayer, it might be worth training slayer a bit more, then fighting dust devils until you get enough charms for 68 summoning--a bunyip goes a long way towards letting you comfortably kill waterfiends.




Once you get your ranged up to 70 and your summoning up to 68, you should be able to gear up in Karil's and a Sara Sword or Zammy Spear with super sets and a bunyip, and you'll have no trouble at waterfiends. But even before then, they're still a viable option for charms, and you can feel free to try them out as well.

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You could try maging giant rock crabs. They drop 3 charms at a time, and you'll get a charm drop almost every kill. If you have ancients, you could use smoke or shadow burst, though without ice spells, it can be annoying to kill multiple rock crabs because they retreat. So you might want to just use the best wave spell you can. They drop mostly gold charms. Easily the best source for gold charms if you use ancients, which are the best to use at least until 52.

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You could try maging giant rock crabs. They drop 3 charms at a time, and you'll get a charm drop almost every kill. If you have ancients, you could use smoke or shadow burst, though without ice spells, it can be annoying to kill multiple rock crabs because they retreat. So you might want to just use the best wave spell you can. They drop mostly gold charms. Easily the best source for gold charms if you use ancients, which are the best to use at least until 52.


He said he can't afford mage, you might try trainings stas at cockroach soldiers, I've heard they drop some charms and are good xp for lower levels.


Corporeal Drops:2xHoly elixers

Bandos Drops: Bcp(soloed) 5x hilts 8x tassets

Armadyl Drops:Armadyl Hilt(trio)

Zamorak Drops: 2xZamorakian spear 3x Steam battlestaff

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You could try maging giant rock crabs. They drop 3 charms at a time, and you'll get a charm drop almost every kill. If you have ancients, you could use smoke or shadow burst, though without ice spells, it can be annoying to kill multiple rock crabs because they retreat. So you might want to just use the best wave spell you can. They drop mostly gold charms. Easily the best source for gold charms if you use ancients, which are the best to use at least until 52.


He said he can't afford mage, you might try trainings stas at cockroach soldiers, I've heard they drop some charms and are good xp for lower levels.


I would second roaches....I trained 90+ att there, and got k's of crimsons...plus they drop lots of stackables and are close to a bank (since he will need decent food)

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