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New Kids on the Block


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Well, with the new FA system finally out and about, we are back to TWR!




Clan Name: BlacKnight Initiates




Clan Officials (tip.it usernames):






Le2 Soilder








http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=bkcadets , possibly getting a new one.




The Cadets are history, BKI is a larger, more sculpted group of BlacKnights. Our first war was a matched options against MoD, which we pulled 17 to. We won it 3-0, a great start to our warring career. Our members are from all over, DF, CoR, RSD, ect.




Not going to make this long, we look forward to warring you all soon :)

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There is still confusion about exactly what BK Initiates is. It is not a team, all the people in BKI are either Future applicants, former cadets or trials (not including the staff from BK). The initiate rank encompasses these 3 stages.




Some say it is a part of BK and as such should not have it's own fights but some people say that it is modelled on how BKC was. BKC became difficult to run with very few new applicants with level 90 - 107 choosing other clans or simply not wanting to be in clans at all. We tried to keep it going but there was a growing feeling in BK leadership that it was not worth it. While for years members of leadership had been against BKC, 1 bad pull was the catalyst behind the end of this 5 year old program. What I understood was that we simply needed more people to be able to continue and so included other Pre BK ranks (FA, trial) in this group and merged the staff from our trial program (mentor program as it was called) with the staff from the Cadet program. Apparently I was wrong.




The confusion began with the changes. BKI was created when there were no BKC leaders or emeriti about to help with the changes and negotiate what should be kept and what should be lost. So created in the way BK leadership wanted, BKI was made into an FA program. With the return of BKC leadership members and the confusion around what was a mixture of 2 current programs in BK (unless you counted BKC as a seperate entity which it was to a point) BKI were given the go ahead to create their own wars after some nudging and our first was against MoD and was a great success. Not everyone in BK has been persuaded that wars for BKI are a good idea and I am sure plenty of people will have their own opinions on this but as we have now been placed on the TWR it looks as though BKI wars seperately from BK aswell as in FA allowed fights with BK.




I hope that answers any questions or atleast sheds some light on what the answers could possibly be, as someone who is not happy with the changes and how they have been handled this may be a bit of a critical account of how things have gone and I may have been unfair at points but that is a whole other story and is not for public viewing :D suffice to say I am a former leader of the Cadets so I have strong feelings on the matter.




I realise that this post is too long to expect alot of people to read, it is just for people who are interested.

Do you want to love me?

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I read all of it...to shorten it... BKI = BKC + Fa/new applicants? What happens when the FAs finish there FA period ? Wouldn't your ml drastically go down? correct me if i'm wrong but that's what i got out of it :lol:




Well yes, when people "graduate" (as we call it) BKI loses members, that was why it was such a problem for BKC to not gain enough new members, people were graduating and not being replaced. Hopefully we will have enough FA's to replace the people that graduate. The initiate program is such that it is not completely independent now aswell so if we do run out of FA's then the program may need to take a break from warring but will still be there as an FA program.

Do you want to love me?

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I read all of it...to shorten it... BKI = BKC + Fa/new applicants? What happens when the FAs finish there FA period ? Wouldn't your ml drastically go down? correct me if i'm wrong but that's what i got out of it :lol:




Well yes, when people "graduate" (as we call it) BKI loses members, that was why it was such a problem for BKC to not gain enough new members, people were graduating and not being replaced. Hopefully we will have enough FA's to replace the people that graduate. The initiate program is such that it is not completely independent now aswell so if we do run out of FA's then the program may need to take a break from warring but will still be there as an FA program.


Hmm that cleared it up a lot. Just wondering though how long is your initiate period generally last? Cuz Illusions is / was like 3-4 weeks. So i geuss if you got a good amount of new members applying generally near same time your ml would get weakened if you aren't getting new apps for FA.


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I didn't even notice BKC was gone...




But I am still wondering why you guys still use junior clans. Most of them died a long time ago because of the reasons you have stated that BKC died...




I'd lol if you guys are gone for a bit longer, then you guys come back as the BKNC (BK New Comers.)


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I didn't even notice BKC was gone...




But I am still wondering why you guys still use junior clans. Most of them died a long time ago because of the reasons you have stated that BKC died...




I'd lol if you guys are gone for a bit longer, then you guys come back as the BKNC (BK New Comers.)


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Rofl @ decebel.






To answer Danda's question:


BKI's can begin to intro at 100 f2p combat and have a 4 week trial period where they must attend 'x' amount of wars and 'x' amount of fun events. If they haven't reached 110 f2p in 4 weeks, they are given a final 2 weeks to get it before they are guested and have to wait a month to reapply. If 110 is achieved prior to the 4 week trial period, they finish the trial and are sent into voting. To get into voting, they must log all of their events with pictures, get 'x' amount of forum posts, and gain 'x' amount of referees.




To answer decebel's question:


We use trial systems prioraly to not cluster our ML more then it already is, to teach lower level intros how to tank, fight, war, pk, ect. and to have them all in one place where they can interact with each other, as well as get to know the staff and BK members.






Anymore questions, ask here, pm me on Tip.It forums, or come on #clans and look for ``Jordan.

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Rofl @ decebel.






To answer Danda's question:


BKI's can begin to intro at 100 f2p combat and have a 4 week trial period where they must attend 'x' amount of wars and 'x' amount of fun events. If they haven't reached 110 f2p in 4 weeks, they are given a final 2 weeks to get it before they are guested and have to wait a month to reapply. If 110 is achieved prior to the 4 week trial period, they finish the trial and are sent into voting. To get into voting, they must log all of their events with pictures, get 'x' amount of forum posts, and gain 'x' amount of referees.




To answer decebel's question:


We use trial systems prioraly to not cluster our ML more then it already is, to teach lower level intros how to tank, fight, war, pk, ect. and to have them all in one place where they can interact with each other, as well as get to know the staff and BK members.






Anymore questions, ask here, pm me on Tip.It forums, or come on #clans and look for ``Jordan.

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I didn't even notice BKC was gone...




But I am still wondering why you guys still use junior clans. Most of them died a long time ago because of the reasons you have stated that BKC died...




I'd lol if you guys are gone for a bit longer, then you guys come back as the BKNC (BK New Comers.)




To expand on what Jordan has said:




Like I said earlier, this is an FA program with some differences. BK doesn't target people with prior experience in warring and we never have, we are happy whether or not people have experience as long as they are willing to try. BKC was great as it allowed new people to get used to things and that is what BKI now does for a larger group of newcomers, alot of people felt that the cadets were great apart from the difficulty in gaining new members, with BK FA's also coming through they have slightly bigger wars now with slightly higher levels but they still have the chance to experience some important things before being plunged into a 50 v 50 or whatever BK does in fullouts on the weekends. If the members dry up for any reason then BKI will survive as an FA program so there will not be a new junior clan at any point while BKI is around as that is a part of the larger program.




As opposed to going back to the old junior clan or leaving behind something that worked for 5 years completely, we have mixed the junior clan which we liked with the FA program which we liked. BKI has people below BK reqs who train up, their own ml to keep things more tidy and their own wars for practice like BKC had and they are also a way of keeping track of Future Applicants and making sure they are active and happy with things. What's not to like right? :D

Do you want to love me?

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I didn't even notice BKC was gone...




But I am still wondering why you guys still use junior clans. Most of them died a long time ago because of the reasons you have stated that BKC died...




I'd lol if you guys are gone for a bit longer, then you guys come back as the BKNC (BK New Comers.)




To expand on what Jordan has said:




Like I said earlier, this is an FA program with some differences. BK doesn't target people with prior experience in warring and we never have, we are happy whether or not people have experience as long as they are willing to try. BKC was great as it allowed new people to get used to things and that is what BKI now does for a larger group of newcomers, alot of people felt that the cadets were great apart from the difficulty in gaining new members, with BK FA's also coming through they have slightly bigger wars now with slightly higher levels but they still have the chance to experience some important things before being plunged into a 50 v 50 or whatever BK does in fullouts on the weekends. If the members dry up for any reason then BKI will survive as an FA program so there will not be a new junior clan at any point while BKI is around as that is a part of the larger program.




As opposed to going back to the old junior clan or leaving behind something that worked for 5 years completely, we have mixed the junior clan which we liked with the FA program which we liked. BKI has people below BK reqs who train up, their own ml to keep things more tidy and their own wars for practice like BKC had and they are also a way of keeping track of Future Applicants and making sure they are active and happy with things. What's not to like right? :D

Do you want to love me?

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