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Anyone else like to workout?


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If i go to the gym and don't come back sore I feel like I havn't worked hard enough, if your muscles ache at least you know your doing it right :!:








Couldn't be further from the truth. :?




Well, it depends how sore or achy you are.. if it's a little I guess it's normal, but if it's alot, you don't have good form or are really overtraining.








By having good form, if you don't know what that means- it means doing the exercise well with the full range of motion. Unlike the people who claim to squat 34729058 pounds, but only go down two inches. You have to go down parallel with the floor. It's better to lower your weight and do it properly, than trying to look hard with heavy weights you can't handle.








I'm not saying that using lighter weights is better, but if your form is not good then yes it is. The weight you use and number of reps you should do depend on what your goal is building mass or increasing strength.








For raw strength training you want to do few reps 1-6, for getting big a little more 6-10. I'm not saying bench the bar 3 times to train strength, I'm saying use a weight that you can only do 3 times without a spotter or cheating... If you have good form.








I'll shut up now as I think I'm starting to not make sense and I'm ready to go eat. If anyone wants me to try to explain more or give tips or something you can just send me a message (I'm no expert and not trying to be cocky, but I'm pretty confident I know more than 95% of the people that post here, hey... I am Arnold so I should know a couple things, right? :wink: )

Runescaper (off and on) since late 2001

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am i the only one that never works out here?








I haven't worked out since about this time 2002. There were odd bits of time where I'd do a few pushups and sit ups, and some reps with my weights. But they were like months between each other :P








and I'd do that for like, 10 minutes at most/.

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I'm a cross country runner, so I love running for miles, and this summer I started to really enjoy lifting weights too. Sadly, I've got an injured back right now, so I can't run or lift. :(








6'0 and 130lb.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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If i go to the gym and don't come back sore I feel like I havn't worked hard enough, if your muscles ache at least you know your doing it right :!:








Couldn't be further from the truth. :?




Well, it depends how sore or achy you are.. if it's a little I guess it's normal, but if it's alot, you don't have good form or are really overtraining.








By having good form, if you don't know what that means- it means doing the exercise well with the full range of motion. Unlike the people who claim to squat 34729058 pounds, but only go down two inches. You have to go down parallel with the floor. It's better to lower your weight and do it properly, than trying to look hard with heavy weights you can't handle.








I'm not saying that using lighter weights is better, but if your form is not good then yes it is. The weight you use and number of reps you should do depend on what your goal is building mass or increasing strength.








For raw strength training you want to do few reps 1-6, for getting big a little more 6-10. I'm not saying bench the bar 3 times to train strength, I'm saying use a weight that you can only do 3 times without a spotter or cheating... If you have good form.








I'll shut up now as I think I'm starting to not make sense and I'm ready to go eat. If anyone wants me to try to explain more or give tips or something you can just send me a message (I'm no expert and not trying to be cocky, but I'm pretty confident I know more than 95% of the people that post here, hey... I am Arnold so I should know a couple things, right? :wink: )








Thanks for the lecture lol :wink:




However, Im sure you know this as you seem to know what your talking about, when you work out, the muscles tear, the protein you eat afterwards heals the muscles and makes them stronger, so when you ache after working out it shows you have worked hard and its actually doing something.








When I first started working out (its been a bit on and off lately) I'll admit I had bad form, I was trying to do everything fast and using large weights, so when bench pressing, I was doing it so fast the motion would help me lift it, when using less weight and doing it slower, its harder and thats good, right?

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Lol, im thirteen too, and have one of those six-packs...i dont find it that far-fetched, i mean, why not?








I love working out because i usually have nothing else to do...when im bored i drop down and do some push-ups and sit-ups...or i just do some pull-ups or chin-ups on a bar installed on my door. (there's not much to do in Kuwait)








Still working, because im always so damn bored. I cant really go to the gym here: minimum age is 15. Darn.


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A runescape player that works out? No Way!!! I thought they all just sat in the basement clicking on the game all day!? :shock:












Also a 13 yr old with a 6-pack isn't as uncommon as you are trying to make it out to be. :wink:








Zezima's Finger muscles are probably bigger then my Biceps by now








i bet the guy (or girl) has people working under him. heh. if not, zezima probably has a rock solid bottom, muscly fingers, and cataracts in both of his/her eyes. must be pale as a vampire too. (reminds me of artemis fowl....anyone else agree....?)












anyways, 5'5" (GIRL), 110 lbs, soccer/basketball/lacrosse player 15 years old, shall i give you my waist and bust too? lol jk jk jk jk.








really, it seems as if you guys are showing off. it really really does.

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I work out, mainly 5 mile runs at 14 (im in my school cross country) Tomorrow im gonne find out what i can lift...But i can lift my own body weight (55k) Im quite light for a 14 year old 55 kilos.








The most sit-ups i've done at once was 1500...




Also i do alot of chin ups to develop my upper body str for judo.

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i worked out immensly all summer, but i've slacked in personal workout since football started.








Basketball starts on Monday so i might be in trouble.. :oops:

- Only character in Runescape History maxed out in RSC and RS2


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Here in the belgian army we HAVE to exercise sports 2 hours a day, and we're paid for it :D




So it's kinda obvious I train a lot too... Every two days I do my exercises (benchpressing, curl, sit-ups, squat, etc.) and the days I'm not in the gym I go running. Usually 10 kilometers depending on the weather and how much I drank the day before :P Yeah a soldier doesn't only shoot and work out :wink:

2016 goals: all skills +30mil xp - Completed this goal 11th December 2016 smile.gif
2017 goals: get at least 3 more master capes (start xp: invention done@21st Jan, mining done@2nd April & ranged 76/104mil done@June 20th) & all skills +40mil xp (done 24th August)

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Im 17








im 6 ft 1 260 lbs








bench -> 320 -> can do that onyl 5 tiems cuz its my max -. can do about 290 about 10 or 20 times in row








leg press 700 -> 800 max








started out varsity high school football at 8th grade i was a linebacker and still am and not im in grade 11








i work out every day in summer and run around 6 miels in morning and 6 at night

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i work out every day in summer and run around 6 miels in morning and 6 at night








if you had been telling the truth, you would know that it is not healthy for you to run more than 10 miles a day especially if you are still in high school.








and, by rare possibility, if you were telling the truth, you probably have no life to be running 6 miles at night. Thats not healthy either, because you make the most out of any excercise done in the morning.












Also, lol, wondering if anyone still wants to know my bust and waist. i think i'll exaggerate it a little bit like you guys are doing, no doubt. :lol:

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i work out every day in summer and run around 6 miels in morning and 6 at night




If by working out u mean lifting weights, then u should stop ASAP!!




Excessive exercising can quickly lead to overtraining, an imbalance between training and recovery. At ur age u should give at least 3days rest for each muscle group to recover. And keep ur cardio(running) days seperate from ur work out days. trust me m8, back when i was a noob bodybuilder i was overtraining it actually made me weaker. now im 17 and loving my new routine :D ... now cutting for summer

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  • 1 month later...

i feel really ......big... i was expecting a little more from people ctually taking time to post on an exersizing thread lol (jp) i wont share my maxes unless asked (no need to show off now lol)












i dont see how that is possible...unless u use anabolic steroids or something. looks to me like ur showing off or lying.











you always have your abdominal muscles, if you have low enough body fat they will be visible no matter what... abs are NO way to measure strength... strongman competitions about 1/5 or less dont have a stomach (at least a little one) im very fond of my abs, but if i could do what they can id give em up in a heart beat......








i also despise running, the only good thing running is good for is wrestling, it m akes you loose mass and weight, putting you in an advantage to your weight class...i run about a mile or two a day solely for this reason *cept for on pt days etc. ruck runs blah blah*








i do however suggest not trying to traing strength until at least 15 *hormones are being produced most around this age* it will give you the best results








also a moderate-heavy workout in the morning, a light wojout (yoga aerobics etc.) in mid day) and a run at night (not only eefective but also lets you fall asleep easiest) is probably the best



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Im 15 and Im 2 weeks into a routine of workout. Does anyone know a way to increase your STAMINA inside your house? It's not safe to have a run in my town :evil:








Here's a few tips for any of you weightlifting.








1. Make sure you're wide awake. You need to be aware of what your're doing. Don't get injured.








2. Have a good diet. Eating healthy will improve your results overall. If you're like me and really can't stand sprouts, at least have a vitamin every night.








3. STRETCH!!! This will make our muscles ready for the workout, and will greatly reduce chance of injury.








4. Drink plenty of water. Exercise will dehydrate you.








5. A personal one of mine. If you can get yourself "turned on" you're making a fair bit of testosterone, which is what makes a man biologically a man, (muscles if you're catching on). :P

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if you had been telling the truth, you would know that it is not healthy for you to run more than 10 miles a day especially if you are still in high school.








and, by rare possibility, if you were telling the truth, you probably have no life to be running 6 miles at night. Thats not healthy either, because you make the most out of any excercise done in the morning.















Oh please, More than 10 miles isn't unhealthy. And what's wrong with running six miles at night time? During CC season, we would do two miles warm up, then do a ten miler, then finish off with some suidices (sp?).




And myself, I've once ran ten miles with two pounds weights each arms. I know it doesn't seem that much, and I thought same... But, I swear, I thought I was gonna die around eighth mile. Running improves your overall fitness.








Well, I'm on my HS XC team. 17:30 5k and 5:01 mile to my credit, but I know I can do much better than that. This track season, I'll probaly do 3200.








I don't know about my max... I can do three sets of 95 pounds 15 times, if it means anything.








Also, I'm shocked by the amount of CC runners on this forum...

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