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There is actually a higher ratio of Christians in jail to Christians then Atheists in jail to Atheists. So that argument is complete bs.

Like i said, false prophets. Its like wearing a Slayer shirt when all toghether you really hate Metal.


So you're saying that every Christian who ever does a bad thing didn't love Jesus at all and was just jumping on a bandwagon to fit in? Thats rediculous. Just accept it - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics - everyone has the capability of doing bad things. The argument that as soon as they do something wrong they're no longer a Christian is a cop out.


Hah, i think you might have misunderstood me with the "do ehwhatever you like" part. I'm not saying you are gonna go around killing, stealing, etc. Im just saying that if you wanted too you had no religion to stop you. Also by "doing what you want" i refer more to drinking, smoking, having sexual relations...things like that.


Sure, there's no religion to stop us, but my post was to argue why that doesn't necessarily matter. However, it would be entirely reasonable to say that without specific religious rules, there is no barrier to often-indulged-in acts like drinking, smoking and sex. It doesn't bother me though, because I'm fine with all of those things, within reason.

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There is actually a higher ratio of Christians in jail to Christians then Atheists in jail to Atheists. So that argument is complete bs.

Like i said, false prophets. Its like wearing a Slayer shirt when all toghether you really hate Metal.


So you're saying that every Christian who ever does a bad thing didn't love Jesus at all and was just jumping on a bandwagon to fit in? Thats rediculous. Just accept it - Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics - everyone has the capability of doing bad things. The argument that as soon as they do something wrong they're no longer a Christian is a cop out.


Hah, i think you might have misunderstood me with the "do ehwhatever you like" part. I'm not saying you are gonna go around killing, stealing, etc. Im just saying that if you wanted too you had no religion to stop you. Also by "doing what you want" i refer more to drinking, smoking, having sexual relations...things like that.


Sure, there's no religion to stop us, but my post was to argue why that doesn't necessarily matter. However, it would be entirely reasonable to say that without specific religious rules, there is no barrier to often-indulged-in acts like drinking, smoking and sex. It doesn't bother me though, because I'm fine with all of those things, within reason.

Ofcourse im not saying that if you do a bad deed youre not a Christian. I know we do bad things. Its human nature. But i am trying to make the point that just because you grow up in a religios environment does not make you a religios person. I can walk around saying i'm fat even though i weigh 130 pound. saying im fat wont make me fat unless i do something about it.



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Just one question. Why are you Christian, instead of Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindi, etc.

I've asked myself that many times. And for a long time i thought about converting to Islam. And i've also thought about becoming Athiest. But truth of the matter is. I went through a very rough time from about 2002 - 2007. Life was hard for me and my family. I lost religion after believing in God for 12 years (i was brought up as a Christian ever since i can remember). Then matter got worse. Much worse. I decided to talk to God. If He didn't listen then fine, but lucky for me He did. I now have a great life. Where 5 years ago we were on the verge of losing our house we now own properties in several countries. Sure, you might argue that it was "fate", but i'll always say that God heard my prayers. After something as emotional as that its hard for me NOT to be a Christian.


Also Budism is not a religion, and the reason for me not being Islam is because its a religion based on hypocracy and slander. Oh and as i has mentioned i belive religion should be a choice and Islam makes it something forced upon you.



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Islam isn't anymore hypocritical than Christianity. Buddhism is a religion. I think you might be thinking of Confucianism, that's more of a way of life.


EDIT: Rocco, if god answered his prayers, then allah did to.

The judaist, christian and islamic gods are one and the same. In fact, Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet, just not the final prophet.



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Just one question. Why are you Christian, instead of Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindi, etc.

I've asked myself that many times. And for a long time i thought about converting to Islam. And i've also thought about becoming Athiest. But truth of the matter is. I went through a very rough time from about 2002 - 2007. Life was hard for me and my family. I lost religion after believing in God for 12 years (i was brought up as a Christian ever since i can remember). Then matter got worse. Much worse. I decided to talk to God. If He didn't listen then fine, but lucky for me He did. I now have a great life. Where 5 years ago we were on the verge of losing our house we now own properties in several countries. Sure, you might argue that it was "fate", but i'll always say that God heard my prayers. After something as emotional as that its hard for me NOT to be a Christian.

This is the only thing that irks me about religious people. Go out and make your own destiny. Wouldn't you rather be able to be proud of yourself and say that you accomplished something rather than just, oh, God heard my prayers and allowed me to accomplish it?


And how do yuo know it wasn't Allah who heard and granted your prayers?

Ofcourse not all the credit goes to God. Trust me i feel great after doing something ive always wanted, or getting something, and for me there is no greater pleasure than ro shout up to the heavens and thank God. I know that this does not fully answer your question, but to me there is no greater satisfaction in achieving something i know God will be proud of.


And also, i did not pray onto Allah, so he has no reason to listen to me :P

Hah, i can't really answer that question with a serious answer. Best answer i can offer is that i don't believe in Allah so i have no reason to believe he will ever listen to my prayers. Very close-minded, i know.



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Prayers seem really selfish to me. Why would God/Allah/whatever listen too you and not someone else who is in more need? There are millions of prayers everyday, does he just pick and choose at random? Because he sure as hell doesn't grant everyone's. And if he does pick and choose at random that seems very un-godlike and silly. If he is God and all powerful shouldn't he be able to grant all prayers?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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Islam isn't anymore hypocritical than Christianity. Buddhism is a religion. I think you might be thinking of Confucianism, that's more of a way of life.


EDIT: Rocco, if god answered his prayers, then allah did to.

The judaist, christian and islamic gods are one and the same. In fact, Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet, just not the final prophet.

No, although Allah means God most Muslims will argue that they are not the same. Also the God of Jews is NOT the god of Christians. They do not believe in the Son of God and we do.

Oh and trust me, Islam is built on hypocracy. This i can tell you as a certain fact.



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Just putting this out there but your god and the muslims Allah are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Muslims have a different holy book and are taught (at least in the Quran) to respect the other abrahamic faiths. While a commandment in the bible is to destroy everyone in a city in which one person worships a "false" god. That being said if you pray to god and he answers you shouldn't you be worried in the least. Because you know that hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia...

EDIT: Also how is Islams any different that Christianity?

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Prayers seem really selfish to me. Why would God/Allah/whatever listen too you and not someone else who is in more need? There are millions of prayers everyday, does he just pick and choose at random? Because he sure as hell doesn't grant everyone's. And if he does pick and choose at random that seems very un-godlike and silly. If he is God and all powerful shouldn't he be able to grant all prayers?

you are just being a troll. But to answer your question. Got is good and fair and just. He will grant your prayer if he believes you need or deserve it.


And yes, i expect another insulting comment on what i just said.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

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Islam isn't anymore hypocritical than Christianity. Buddhism is a religion. I think you might be thinking of Confucianism, that's more of a way of life.


EDIT: Rocco, if god answered his prayers, then allah did to.

The judaist, christian and islamic gods are one and the same. In fact, Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet, just not the final prophet.

No, although Allah means God most Muslims will argue that they are not the same. Also the God of Jews is NOT the god of Christians. They do not believe in the Son of God and we do.

Oh and trust me, Islam is built on hypocracy. This i can tell you as a certain fact.

"According to the Bible, Yahweh is the personal name of the one true God who delivered Israel from Egypt and gave the Ten Commandments"


Oh and trust me, Islam is built on hypocracy. This i can tell you as a certain fact.

And Christianity is not?




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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Islam isn't anymore hypocritical than Christianity. Buddhism is a religion. I think you might be thinking of Confucianism, that's more of a way of life.


EDIT: Rocco, if god answered his prayers, then allah did to.

The judaist, christian and islamic gods are one and the same. In fact, Islam believes that Jesus was a prophet, just not the final prophet.

No, although Allah means God most Muslims will argue that they are not the same. Also the God of Jews is NOT the god of Christians. They do not believe in the Son of God and we do.

Oh and trust me, Islam is built on hypocracy. This i can tell you as a certain fact.

How is Islam built on hypocrisy? Just saying it means nothing.


All three are Abrahamic religions.

Jews believe the messiah has yet to come

Christians believe the messiah has already come

Muslims believe that Jesus wasn't the messiah. They do believe that Jesus was a prophet, just not the final prophet of god.


Muslims believe that the Jewish God is the same as their God, and that Jesus was a divinely inspired prophet and was neither God nor His son.



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Just putting this out there but your god and the muslims Allah are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Muslims have a different holy book and are taught (at least in the Quran) to respect the other abrahamic faiths. While a commandment in the bible is to destroy everyone in a city in which one person worships a "false" god. That being said if you pray to god and he answers you shouldn't you be worried in the least. Because you know that hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia...

EDIT: Also how is Islams any different that Christianity?

Funny, i have a lot of Muslim friends that will gladly prove you wrong. Also, your last sentence is just stupid -.-. Ofcourse we don't hear ACTUALL voices. Christian =/= Nutcase.


And its different in many ways. Rules, practice, theory.



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Its better to see the hypocracy than to explain it. I live in a Muslim country so i witness the hypocracy every day. I see Arabs drinking alcohol and smoking, i see them breaking their "dress code" i see them preaching in churches about "how USA deserves their current state and how they deserve 9/11 and tornados because they believe in a false god". And then i see them go out and break their own rules, i see them suicide bombing.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

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Just putting this out there but your god and the muslims Allah are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Muslims have a different holy book and are taught (at least in the Quran) to respect the other abrahamic faiths. While a commandment in the bible is to destroy everyone in a city in which one person worships a "false" god. That being said if you pray to god and he answers you shouldn't you be worried in the least. Because you know that hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia...

EDIT: Also how is Islams any different that Christianity?

Funny, i have a lot of Muslim friends that will gladly prove you wrong. Also, your last sentence is just stupid -.-. Ofcourse we don't hear ACTUALL voices. Christian =/= Nutcase.


And its different in many ways. Rules, practice, theory.

Oh, of course. We apologize for failing to realize that your muslim friends vastly override websites, research, the Koran, etc. Please forgive us.


And talking to pople that aren't there is also a sign of schizophrenia.

Lucky for me God is there :thumbup:



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

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Prayers seem really selfish to me. Why would God/Allah/whatever listen too you and not someone else who is in more need? There are millions of prayers everyday, does he just pick and choose at random? Because he sure as hell doesn't grant everyone's. And if he does pick and choose at random that seems very un-godlike and silly. If he is God and all powerful shouldn't he be able to grant all prayers?

But to answer your question. Got is good and fair and just. He will grant your prayer if he believes you need or deserve it.


And yes, i expect another insulting comment on what i just said.

That is [bleep]ing bull [cabbage]. Does he grant other religions prayers? Or does he just leave them to die/not get whatever they need?


People die because they put their faith into prayers and God and not into logical things. I know it might not be very many cases but people let their sons and daughters die because they have faith healers. Did God let those families down? Or was he just punishing them?


I actually saw a study where this (christian 99% sure) organization spent millions of dollar seeing if prayers actually helped sick people. Which is stupid in the first place.

But there was no correlation with prayers when the person being prayed for didn't know he was/wasn't being prayed for.

But in people who knew they were being prayed for they had a higher chance of things going wrong and unknowns happening and dieing.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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Its better to see the hypocracy than to explain it. I live in a Muslim country so i witness the hypocracy every day. I see Arabs drinking alcohol and smoking, i see them breaking their "dress code" i see them preaching in churches about "how USA deserves their current state and how they deserve 9/11 and tornados because they believe in a false god". And then i see them go out and break their own rules, i see them suicide bombing.

I'm in a christian country. I see Christians drinking, smoking, having pre-marital sex, selling drugs, killing people, and so on. I've heard Christians say that we should just nuke the middle east and be done with it.



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Just putting this out there but your god and the muslims Allah are exactly the same. The only difference is that the Muslims have a different holy book and are taught (at least in the Quran) to respect the other abrahamic faiths. While a commandment in the bible is to destroy everyone in a city in which one person worships a "false" god. That being said if you pray to god and he answers you shouldn't you be worried in the least. Because you know that hearing voices is a sign of schizophrenia...

EDIT: Also how is Islams any different that Christianity?

Funny, i have a lot of Muslim friends that will gladly prove you wrong. Also, your last sentence is just stupid -.-. Ofcourse we don't hear ACTUALL voices. Christian =/= Nutcase.


And its different in many ways. Rules, practice, theory.

Differences (just from memory so I may miss a few things but this is the gist of it)


Do not work on sunday (taken over from judiaism )

10 comandments

Give your first fruits to your local bishop

Smite all those worshipping a false god

(many more but those are the ones I can remember)

Give to the poor

Pray daily


10 commandments

Do not fight others of the same faith (currently disregarded)

Do not eat shell fish or pork

Give to the poor

Convert all worshipers of a false god

Pray thrice daily

Shariah law is widely practiced (covers things other than 10 commandments)


Not much of a difference in major rules




Jesus is the sun of god and was the first messiah

Satan even though he is the enemy of god will punish you because god tells him to after you obeyed him. (makes perfect sense)

Various signs of the apocalypse

Abortion = Very Bad 1,000s of babies dying in africa = Meh

(definitely forgot a few things)


Jesus was a prophet but not the messiah who has yet to come

Mohammed was a prophet and rode on a flying horse to jerusalem

Shariah law

Basically the same things aside from the signs of the apocalypse.

Not that much of a difference imo Also if I remember correctly the religion of islam counts the other prophets (think moses) as prophets of the same god.

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Look, you guys need to understand that i am just a simple Christian. I read my Bible and goto Church, i pray. I never studied Theology so most fo the questions i am bombarded with i am unable to answer. My knowledge about christianity is limited. I do not know it all. Maybe a pastor or a priest will be better suited to answer your questions but i feel that if i do attempt to answer them i might give you totally wrong information. I am very dure you can understand that?



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For the prayers helping the sick thing, it's either, Oh look we prayed and they got better, Oh look they got better it must have been God's will, or Oh look they didn't get better they must have tread on the toes of God.

I know that. But also another hilarious thing I forgot to mention was to increase anonymity they only gave the people praying the first name and last initial. And they expected God to know exactly what person they were talk about.


I just find it hilarious to know a group actually did that.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

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This last page kind of makes me feel amused and sad at the same time.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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This has gone from a semi-serious disscusion back to a troll fest. I'm wasting time here.

Good luck to you all.



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

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You know what's funny? Nuking the Middle East. A single nuke will never blew up the entire place, not even Iraq. The number of nukes able to destroy even 1 country would make all Americans die of the radioactive waste going through the winds.


Yeah! Lets nuke the Middle East!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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