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The Gladiatorz Are No Match For The Might Of The Dragons!


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The Gladiatorz


A few days ago we set up a Matched Options PvP War with Gladz with the following rules...


Dragonwood -V- Gladz

Sunday the 15th of November

6pm EST - 11pm GMT

Matched Options PvP

Tree to Tree

Melee + Binds + Range

No blasts/curses

Rings allowed

No corrupt items

Lower pull attacks

RSC post allowed


After a little bit of confusion at the start as to who would be leading (Jack was having Internet problems and Alden's a pome-noob who didn't show up) we settled on Red Fat1 and myself and fell in on Fatty at BH before walking up. We got word from Gladz that they had found a world on 17 and hopped after walking up.


Dragonwood Starting:




The Gladiatorz Starting:




We started the fight with some excellent KO's and transitions right off the bat which gave us an early lead, thanks to Red's great leading and some Gladz members being kind enough to stand out with big signs above their heads with flashing lights saying "PILE ME!".


A shout goes out to Admyre and Red Fat who both tanked brilliantly (lost track of how long Admyre went for (actually I don't even think he died) and Red Fat tanked until the end of the fight!), as well as our awesome Range unit who did a fantastic job of keeping those snipers in check, as well as ripping our piles apart with their deadly pixelated arrows.


After some amount of time I don't remember we killed the last Gladz member and took ending...


Draognwood Ending:




A few pics of the fight:







Thank you for the fight, Gladz. It was a pleasure to fight you as usual. I hope we can get a PKRI or something with you sometime in the future. :-)


~Angel :-)


PS: Was my topic title almost as corny as Mr Jack's?


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH7DXUg5kUU

Proud Warlord of Dragonwood

If it's natural to kill, how come men have to go into training to learn how? ~ Joan Baez

Rest in Peace 3xtermination


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