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Next-gen gaming consoles prediction thread


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and nintendos next gen graphics are prolly not going to be good considering sony has Nvida on contract, and Xbox has ATI i beleive.











Last I heard Nintendo was using an ATI GPU for Revolution
















im gunna go look for what the 360 and rev. are using.

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3 core cpu, each core 3.2ghz




custom 500mhz ATI gfx processor




512mb ram :):):):)
















also i noticed another thing that will help the 360:




alot of APPs from the PC are coming to it so it should, and probably will be an alternative to people who play pc games ?

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3also i niticed another thing that will help the 360:




alot of APPs from the PC are coming to it so it should, and probably will be an alternative to people who play pc games ?




No idea what you mean by that first part (apps from PCs coming to 360? I doubt it), but Microsoft does want X360 to be the alternative to PC games. They basically want to kill off PC gaming. Microsoft says they want to breathe new life into PC gaming and stuff, but that's BS. ;)








Also, Microsoft won't allow game developers or gamers to use a keyboard or mouse on the X360. So I don't exactly see how they plan on killing PC gaming with that...








By the way, the technical specifications of the Revolution are not known. But that doesn't matter if you want to predict sales of a console.

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Quake 4, Half Life 2, F.E.A.R, ect.




and World of warcraft is romored to be coming out for it.








also i read something somewhere about Cross-platform gaming








like someone can be playing quake 4 on pc, while someone on xbox360 is also playing it, you can play together over a broadband connection.

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3also i niticed another thing that will help the 360:




alot of APPs from the PC are coming to it so it should, and probably will be an alternative to people who play pc games ?




No idea what you mean by that first part (apps from PCs coming to 360? I doubt it), but Microsoft does want X360 to be the alternative to PC games. They basically want to kill off PC gaming. Microsoft says they want to breathe new life into PC gaming and stuff, but that's BS. ;)








Also, Microsoft won't allow game developers or gamers to use a keyboard or mouse on the X360. So I don't exactly see how they plan on killing PC gaming with that...








By the way, the technical specifications of the Revolution are not known. But that doesn't matter if you want to predict sales of a console.








Agreed, nothing can replace the PC in RTS and FPS gaming :D


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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3also i niticed another thing that will help the 360:




alot of APPs from the PC are coming to it so it should, and probably will be an alternative to people who play pc games ?




No idea what you mean by that first part (apps from PCs coming to 360? I doubt it), but Microsoft does want X360 to be the alternative to PC games. They basically want to kill off PC gaming. Microsoft says they want to breathe new life into PC gaming and stuff, but that's BS. ;)








Also, Microsoft won't allow game developers or gamers to use a keyboard or mouse on the X360. So I don't exactly see how they plan on killing PC gaming with that...








By the way, the technical specifications of the Revolution are not known. But that doesn't matter if you want to predict sales of a console.








Agreed, nothing can replace the PC in RTS and FPS gaming :D








currently there IS a mouse and keyboard for the xbox, as for the 360, I doubt that microsoft wont make one, its another selling point and there trying to reach all audiences from: hardcore gamer to casual gamer.

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Quake 4, Half Life 2, F.E.A.R, ect.




and World of warcraft is romored to be coming out for it.








also i read something somewhere about Cross-platform gaming








like someone can be playing quake 4 on pc, while someone on xbox360 is also playing it, you can play together over a broadband connection.








already done with quake 3 on dreamcast ;)

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3also i niticed another thing that will help the 360:




alot of APPs from the PC are coming to it so it should, and probably will be an alternative to people who play pc games ?








I don't think Microsoft has totally thought that through. IF they make PC-Gaming to the XBOX and such, the XBOX would HAVE to be hardware upgradeable. Otherwise they'll have to pump out a new console EVERY SINGE TIME new technologies become available (which is pretty much monthly).








As it is now it is once every 3 years or so. Having it stay like that will basically force a lot of companies into liquidation and most likely decalre bankrupt. And, it would hold back development of games since 'oh [cabbage], there's nothing to supprot it yet, can't make a game now - time to lose money again'.












Be the stupied business decission in the history of microsoft. Almost as bad as making IE part of the OS.

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I think that most people will get both a Revolution and either an XBox or 360.








So I believe the numbers will be pretty close to:








360: 80Mil




PS3: 60Mil




Revolution: 40Mil



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and they had a xbox 360 there to test out. So I urge you all to go check your walmarts incase you can play it :). Someone else was using it, but Call of Duty was being played and it was pretty sweet :).[/size]

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I think that most people will get both a Revolution and either an XBox or 360.








So I believe the numbers will be pretty close to:








360: 80Mil




PS3: 60Mil




Revolution: 40Mil

Now those are figures with reasoning I can actually believe. However, they would be very dependant on what Sony does. Last I read they would hold off the PS3 launch IF the XBOX360 was slow sales at its launch, otherwise they'd launch it just after the XBOX360.








A situation like that might play in the advantage of Ninteno aswell, depends on which way it goes. It'll either be how you put it or more even spread (more toward 70 70 40 or perhaps even 70 70 50.).

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I think that most people will get both a Revolution and either an XBox or 360.








So I believe the numbers will be pretty close to:








360: 80Mil




PS3: 60Mil




Revolution: 40Mil

Now those are figures with reasoning I can actually believe. However, they would be very dependant on what Sony does. Last I read they would hold off the PS3 launch IF the XBOX360 was slow sales at its launch, otherwise they'd launch it just after the XBOX360.








A situation like that might play in the advantage of Ninteno aswell, depends on which way it goes. It'll either be how you put it or more even spread (more toward 70 70 40 or perhaps even 70 70 50.).








With the prices they have, I guess that should be a few more millions lower.








The disadvantages of the next-gen consoles are their prices. I'd be surprised if the amount of sales for next-gen consoles beat the number of sales Ps2 had. Twice or thrice the cost of the last gen consoles is a dent to most people's wallet. This is another reason why I think Rev. would have more sales than the other two.

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PS3 will win, because people prefer Sony when it comes to consoles. Look at the current sales. It'll be the same story with the next gen consoles.




Jesus Christ dude, how can you be this ignorant? No offense though.




180 million units... What were you thinking?




At least 180 million units, yeah. It will happen. The Revolution will appeal to a lot of people. I guess I can't properly argue that figure at the moment... But, in time, I will be proven correct. :)

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apparently sony MIGHT be holding out till 2007. if this is true the battle will be between nitendo and microsoft until the ps3 launch which people will have enough money to buy another console by then and people will think its another new generation so Sony would probably end up doing extremely well in sales and might even surpass xbox 360 because people will think thats old gen.

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I personally think the Rev will fail. Not that many people bought the GC, and the Rev scares away the more hardcore gamers that bought the GC. This just leaves non gamers, but I don't think many will be prepared to pay out the ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã200+ price tag that comes with it. It'll do well in Japan, but in a worldwide scale, I don't think it will do too well. That just leaves the Xbox and PS3. Although more people prefer Sony, the head start Xbox has is significant. It worked for the PS2 last time, I think this battle is hard to call.

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Could you please explain why Nintendo will all of a sudden outsmart 2 companies who are more succesful then them (console wise, of course) and sell a whopping 180 million units?




No. I cannot. :lol:








Well. I just did a lot of thinking. The posibilities... the appeal... everything. Do you have any idea how awesome it's going to be? It really is going to be a revolution. The introduction of the touchscreen and dual screen was nothing more than a novelty on DS. But this. Good Christ. This really is something. :D








I'm just laughing at people who think the Revolution will fail. Sure, I can fully understand why people don't think it will sell 180 million units, of course, but the Revolution will definately easily outsell the Gamecube (18 million units). The Gamecube is just horrible. Almost everything went wrong with. Even the first party was as good as usual (Wind Waker and Super Mario Sunshine weren't as good as Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64).








Still... when I really think about it with all the logic in the world. Yes. Yes, indeed. It is real. In truth, the Revolution will become a Revolution. It's only a matter of time now...








For example, the virtual console feature of the Revolution alone is good enough to make it better than the Gamecube. You can download NES, SNES and N64 games. Hell, it was confirmed very recently that you can also download games from other territories, meaning you can download games from Japan that were never released in the US or Europe.








Also, for all the people that are predicting such high numbers for Xbox 360, in order for it to reach such a high number, it must be a success in all territories, including... yes. Japan. Will it flop like the first Xbox? Not as hard, but I'm thinking yes.








Today (November 1st), the Xbox 360 Lounge in Japan opened up for press. Those pictures were taken o the day it opened (today). Do you see any press? :lol: I don't. It will open up to the public tomorrow, I'm sure it will draw in some people seeing as how it's free and stuff... but still. Xbox is just a big no in Japan. But, we shall see...

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Could you please explain why Nintendo will all of a sudden outsmart 2 companies who are more succesful then them (console wise, of course) and sell a whopping 180 million units?




No. I cannot. :lol:








Well. I just did a lot of thinking. The posibilities... the appeal... everything. Do you have any idea how awesome it's going to be? It really is going to be a revolution. The introduction of the touchscreen and dual screen was nothing more than a novelty on DS. But this. Good Christ. This really is something. :D








I'm just laughing at people who think the Revolution will fail. Sure, I can fully understand why people don't think it will sell 180 million units, of course, but the Revolution will definately easily outsell the Gamecube (18 million units). The Gamecube is just horrible. Almost everything went wrong with. Even the first party was as good as usual (Wind Waker and Super Mario Sunshine weren't as good as Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64).








Still... when I really think about it with all the logic in the world. Yes. Yes, indeed. It is real. In truth, the Revolution will become a Revolution. It's only a matter of time now...








For example, the virtual console feature of the Revolution alone is good enough to make it better than the Gamecube. You can download NES, SNES and N64 games. Hell, it was confirmed very recently that you can also download games from other territories, meaning you can download games from Japan that were never released in the US or Europe.








Also, for all the people that are predicting such high numbers for Xbox 360, in order for it to reach such a high number, it must be a success in all territories, including... yes. Japan. Will it flop like the first Xbox? Not as hard, but I'm thinking yes.








Today (November 1st), the Xbox 360 Lounge in Japan opened up for press. Those pictures were taken o the day it opened (today). Do you see any press? :lol: I don't. It will open up to the public tomorrow, I'm sure it will draw in some people seeing as how it's free and stuff... but still. Xbox is just a big no in Japan. But, we shall see...




Just because something is revolutionary, doesn't mean it will be a revolution. Sure the new method of gameplay is totally new, but that's no guarantee at all to anything. Haven't there been revolutionary systems just like the revolution with similar huge features that all failed? Yes, there have. I'm not saying Nintendo's Revolution will fail by any means. I think it will just stay how it is in popularity. Gamers won't be ready for it. They'll see all their friends this November playing Xbox360 and having a great time. They're going to be tired of their current system, and when the holidays roll around and they have nothing they want (intending on getting a ps3 or rev), they'll just instead ask for a Xbox360. A lot of gamers really aren't that loyal to a company. They get what their friends have. If a decent percent of people get Xbox360's, more people will buy them just to be like their friends. People don't like being the only one with a gamecube. That's why a lot bought a second system. So much of things depend on that (at least around where I live..).




Anyways, if Nintendo wants to do decently in this console war, they're going to have to appeal to more people. They're going to take a different stance than last year, and appeal to many non-gamers. While that disappoints me, at least they have a mainstream goal, and hopefully will stop with those stupid gimmicks that are mostly useless.




When it comes down to it, Nintendo just really isn't that capable of getting past that 1/3 of owners mark. But who knows. Maybe it is possible that they can really revolutionise things so much, blowing everyone else out of the water, and just become the system to own. It'll either be that, or a weak turnout like the Gamecube, I think. I'm not seeing any average showing from them sellingwise.




Anyways, when it comes down to it, people will buy the games that are most fun. If Nintendo can provide that, which they will, they should survive this war.

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It's going to be close between PS3 and Xbox 360. I say this about Xbox 360 for one reason: Halo 3. Since there is no Halo series for Playstation, Xbox will sell a lot. Nintendo will not sell much. I don't think they will ever have as good a console as N64. So i'm thinking that PS3 and Xbox 360 will pull away from Nintendo.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

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Guest andyizcool
It's going to be close between PS3 and Xbox 360. I say this about Xbox 360 for one reason: Halo 3.




Doesn't Halo always end up on the PC anyway? Well in my opinion I never buy Xboxs neither do my friends or anyone I know so that's down but I think it might beat Nintendo because they have a kiddy view on their games selection. I've always been a fan of the Playstation because the amount of RPGs it has and many types of other games. A massive selection of games should help it sell the most for the next Gen I hope.

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