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whats a good skill to get 99?


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To give you a better idea of fishing..


I did Monkfish from the middle of 88 to 99 (and to my current exp, almost 16.1m exp) and I've currently sold over 40M worth of raw Monkfish.


Now, this requires some timing. I learned to watch the G.E graphs, and found, whilst I was getting to 99, I saw them capping around 550 ea, and bottoming at around 420ea. My advice if you're going to take the monkfish route to 99 fishing? Go over the G.E graphs first, and look for a pattern.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Personally i would say if time was no factor at all Runecrafting, its great money per hour but very low xp....

If time was a factor i would go fishing... still low on the xp scale but not very low and it is quite decent money.

I would fish if you have a lot of homework to get through, or tons of movies/tv shows you want to watch.

You can watch shows/movies while you runecraft too.

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Personally i would say if time was no factor at all Runecrafting, its great money per hour but very low xp....

If time was a factor i would go fishing... still low on the xp scale but not very low and it is quite decent money.

I would fish if you have a lot of homework to get through, or tons of movies/tv shows you want to watch.

You can watch shows/movies while you runecraft too.


Not as well as you could with fishing, Runecrafting is pretty attention needed in order to maximize the xp/hr and gp/hr

Finally on here to update that I have officially quit! It's been fun.
R.I.P Billy Mays and <3 My Friend C.D.S 7/8/09 <3
60,816th to 99 Fletching 03/07/09|220,309th Person to be Able to Kill Dusties 10 Year Cape on 12/20/14[/hide]


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You can watch shows/movies while you runecraft too.


Youre joking right??? runecrafting is the most attention requiring skill after Firemaking -.- id like to see you post a vid of u watchin anything while rcing

As long as it doesn't have subtitles, you're fine. Just listen and use peripheral vision. And you can watch while you're running. I've watched tons of seasons of shows while rcing, and though I might not pay 100% to the show, it doesn't slow down my rcing at all.

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As long as it doesn't have subtitles, you're fine. Just listen and use peripheral vision. And you can watch while you're running. I've watched tons of seasons of shows while rcing, and though I might not pay 100% to the show, it doesn't slow down my rcing at all.



wow dude my brain would hurt if i tried rcing and movie-ing :blink:

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what every1 prefered skill to make 99 and make money from it?


This is a terrible question to ask (or at least, a terrible way of phrasing it). If you ask for everyone's preferred skill, you're going to get a list of every skill eventually. If you didn't already notice, people have also listed non-money making skills. (Cooking, for example.)


To keep this from being OT, Fishing is my "preferred skill".


*99 Cooking Achieved: 4th of July, 2009--99 Fishing Achieved: Christmas Day, 2009--99 Woodcutting Achieved: May 4th, 2010--99 Magic Achieved: September 11, 2010--99 Fletching Achieved: June 14th, 2012--2000 Total Achieved: July 2nd, 2012*

*1100 Dominion Bosses defeated*

Heroes of Newerth player -- IGN: SaveTehPanda

StarCraft 2 player -- IGN: plasmaJelly

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Get maxed melees through slayer :)


You'll _LOVE_ 99 slayer :)


It's insanely good money, I'm at almost 88 slayer and the money is flowing in :P

Visit www.trackscape.nl for RuneScape stat tracking! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, I made the site.

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Obviously, as mentioned, Runecrafting and Slayer. But Hunter's a good option too. Get 83 and you can average 800k an hour with Dragon Implings. (Well, I do anyway) D:

d imps is all about luck

Aye, it is, but it depends where you hunt. At Mos Le'Harmless I generally get one an hour at least, and believe me I've been doing it for a while. I know a few other people who catch them there too, they get similar results.


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My favorite noncombat skill is minning or crafting(both are money makers) ... My highest non combat skill is cooking now for that guy that said he enjoys cooking so much im wondering if he ever cooked a cake or pie or gnome foods or if his 99 cooking came from cooking lobs, monks and sharks, only 3 of the hundreds of things you can create with the cooking skill?? He said he enjoys the skills and im calling him out on that BS cooking 3 things thousands of times over and over again is not enjoyable sorry but its just isnt.

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I dont understand why there are so many topics like this. just do a skill that you want to do. for me my 99 of choice was fletching because i make money and i like multi-tasking (making bolts). my next 99 will probably be range because i've put a lot of hard work in and want to reap the rewards of owning. its up to you.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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I dont understand why there are so many topics like this. just do a skill that you want to do. for me my 99 of choice was fletching because i make money and i like multi-tasking (making bolts). my next 99 will probably be range because i've put a lot of hard work in and want to reap the rewards of owning. its up to you.


Yeh your right... I did Fletching cos i had lots of Homework and stuff and now im doing Defence in order to be able to Solo Bosses...


Its all up to what you do.....

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I got the cooking cape, but it took me 5 months because I didn't play a whole lot. I got it because I enjoyed the skill and it gave me something to do to take my mind of real life. Don't judge me because of my cape of choice. And these posts are just as annoying as the "which 99 for money" threads. All it is is people complaining about being tired of seeing it. If you don't want to see it, get off the boards and stop your complaining already!


Don't start thinking about getting a 99 until that skill naturally comes into the 90-92 range. If you haven't gotten it there naturally there's a 90% chance you won't get it to 99 from 60-80...or whenever else you start. Waiting for it to naturally come into the 90's will insure you actually enjoy that skill, then you can go ahead and finish it off for the cape. Just please don't settle for cooking or fletching, people look like total morons when they wear those.


Again, don't judge me because I like Cooking and wear the cape. That's total ignorance.


OT: I'd go through and do like an hour of each skill and just see which one you enjoyed the most, then keep going with that one. Most skills will earn you money throughout your trek, but some more than other. If you can handle the monotony of Runecrafting, go for that one.


Keep pretending you got 99 cooking because you enjoy the skill, gets me every time. I'd be willing to bet quite a bit it didn't turn into your favorite until skill capes were introduced.


Stop being a idiot and accept that jsut because you dotn bloody like the skill that noone else would train it other than wanting a "easy" cape. Its making you look increasingly ignorant and shows intelegence way below that of which you most likely have.


On Topic:

My advice would be to go for the quest cape (as odd as that sounds). While working towards it you'll most likely come across a skill yuo like/love to train (since you need to raise them all over time to meet all requirements), and then you can quite easly go for 99 in that. Unless it turns out to be construction you should be able to find some way to turn a profit at least in the long run, aru.

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Aye, it is, but it depends where you hunt. At Mos Le'Harmless I generally get one an hour at least, and believe me I've been doing it for a while. I know a few other people who catch them there too, they get similar results.


the loot is total luck

False. Dragon implings have a 100% drop of Dragon Impling Jar, worth about 450k on the GE.

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False. Dragon implings have a 100% drop of Dragon Impling Jar, worth about 450k on the GE.


You OBVIOUSLY dont know anything at all about the Hunter skill.... theres an option to LOOT the jar on dragon implings which is the whole Damn Point....

I like your item: 39 hunter.

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False. Dragon implings have a 100% drop of Dragon Impling Jar, worth about 450k on the GE.


You OBVIOUSLY dont know anything at all about the Hunter skill.... theres an option to LOOT the jar on dragon implings which is the whole Damn Point....

Looting the jars is a huge waste of money. Sell the jar unlooted, pocket the 500k, and let somebody else throw away their millions looting it. They get their overpriced rush of excitement and you get to keep your cash.

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False. Dragon implings have a 100% drop of Dragon Impling Jar, worth about 450k on the GE.


You OBVIOUSLY dont know anything at all about the Hunter skill.... theres an option to LOOT the jar on dragon implings which is the whole Damn Point....

Exactly, there's an "option" - you don't have to loot them. Easy 450k-500k if you catch one. Like the person above said, it's not worth looting.


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