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A tip.it Afair


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So, as our active community may have now known that DV has been recently putting themselves into beef which they really shouldn't be. For those who don't know ill put this out for you. It started with DV and DF then constant flame baiting and such on these very fourms brought in the arival of t0 to the "hatred of DV" , then as our expert trollers the power rangers roll in with everton and generaldesor leading the trolls on dv topics made them rage and tpr tried to settle the beef in the Wildy however stubborn DV was to leave CWA. Now brings in Team Silent Ember, a very good team for the short time they've been open. Now on the topic of-http://forum.tip.it/topic/254255-divine-vindicators-vs-godz/ Lovelost, TSE warlord promises to hunt Dv into the ground, (might be difficult seeing as their a cwa clan) but on the occasional trips DV can rest assured that they will have some action.


Now this brings to mind, dosen't this remind you of a larger scaled rivalry? the DF+COR+ROT+whoever else vs VR? t0+df+tse+tpr vs dv sad thing is dv dosent hav e the man capability to fight off all these threats at once let alone at the same time. Seeing as DV wont get a peaceful moment in the wildy and as their slow but steady climb up the Clan world Ladder continues do you think this rivalry will bring them harm? Already most of the community is disliking them and getting constant trolls on their topics in a matter of seconds after a topic goes up. How do you think DV officials will take this sudden hatred of them. They can't really compete in the wildy with their inexperience and no doubt t0+df+se+tpr will rarley get a chance to hit them so what do you think this will come out? More beef will spread? Will this topic be locked because of the trolling? GL DV is what I would like to say and please refer to this:




Discuss the outcome of what may be played out. Will this just subtly drift off into nothingness or are the clans/teams set uppon to see DV close take it to another step and target forums and teamspeak possibly pulling a rot. W/e it is I would love to see your opinons on what may happen in the future to all the clans involved. Possibly bans on the clans may be handed out and kicked off TWR could we loose our number 1 ranked clan to trolling and flaming? What do you think?


Btw generaldesor dandaman619 make ur trolls nice so when i come back in five minutes they'll still be there for a laugh and not be deleted.


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how can you even compare this to the VR vs alliance rivalry , mental asylum guards trying to catch a [developmentally delayed] on the loose would be more accurate.

I already discussed this with ray,he says DV is gonna be nice to us , becuase he thinks thats gonna make tpr get bored, but it's not.

He also said he was considering pvping us but wanted to get more experience/some fights in pvp first. And thats how it is atm. He said he would try to get pvp with godz for the rm but they didnt,meh, they always act different as they say anyways.


some day upon a star, tpr will shout victory.






person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Not even comparable to the vr thingy.


The difference is VR can hang with those clans one on one and even against 2v1 etc.. DV can't even hang with all of us 1v1 pkri. It's really easy to talk [cabbage] when you're hugging cwa, making the transition to pvp is where you will feel the real pressure. Downfall made the transition and ni hit them every war i believe not to mention they had some beef with ph and they got hit by them as well, it honnestly isn't smart to talk when you can't walk the walk. Although this doesn't mean that they will close, as Downfall settled their problems with ph i believe.


However, TPR rarely seeing DV in pvp have already caused many problems for DV. We already get officals from DV raging and begging us to stop. Asking for a simple gratz and blnt to whoever they beat. They're asking us to not voice our opinions and give a generic response like uffan5.


TPR is willing to stop the beef on certain terms, some of which they say will happen or point the blame to us first, when clearly the beef started with them and downfall.


Wether DV goes into the wilderness or not I'm pretty sure they will feel some major affects as they already are.


DV, you made horible decisions and it's not BAMF to be most hated. Continue to make bad decisions it will only get worse, we troll with sense/proof/brains you troll with idiotic statements like 'lol illusion died'. Don't try and beat us at our own game.


I'd suggest fixing your rank problems and getting them all on the same page as you always contradict yourself on propaganda, declarations, and attempts at resolving problems. Honnestly you do have some good members, just your ranks give you guys the bad name.


Best of Luck.


Question though..why did TSE go against DV all of a sudden? [ Unexpected. ]


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Not even comparable to the vr thingy.


The difference is VR can hang with those clans one on one and even against 2v1 etc.. DV can't even hang with all of us 1v1 pkri. It's really easy to talk [cabbage] when you're hugging cwa, making the transition to pvp is where you will feel the real pressure. Downfall made the transition and ni hit them every war i believe not to mention they had some beef with ph and they got hit by them as well, it honnestly isn't smart to talk when you can't walk the walk. Although this doesn't mean that they will close, as Downfall settled their problems with ph i believe.



NI hit downfall because amateurnoob insulted my skills calling me a failed twr baiter and trolling my NI topics, so good ol david told me about their pkris by the exact time ni was out , LLLL.

But downfall and generaldsor beef is settled.


If downfall wants to not get crashed by ni all they have to do is tell ni that they wont ac them and that they will hunt dk and help them close dk.


doubt Ni will crash you guys again, think you guys got beef with dk now,but you just need the rising raiders and they hug moss for the rest of your wars.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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Lock every DV topic. Half of them are fake, like the topic they posted with setting up a war with Godz under a fake Nick which isn't even associated in Godz in any way.




Anyways.... this didnt start on tif... it started after a certain event that took place on our site.




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#Downfall on swift irc


>>110+ Clan (108+ for Fa) - 85+ Def. - 70+ Mage - 15+ Rune sets - TS3<<

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Not even comparable to the vr thingy.


The difference is VR can hang with those clans one on one and even against 2v1 etc.. DV can't even hang with all of us 1v1 pkri. It's really easy to talk [cabbage] when you're hugging cwa, making the transition to pvp is where you will feel the real pressure. Downfall made the transition and ni hit them every war i believe not to mention they had some beef with ph and they got hit by them as well, it honnestly isn't smart to talk when you can't walk the walk. Although this doesn't mean that they will close, as Downfall settled their problems with ph i believe.


However, TPR rarely seeing DV in pvp have already caused many problems for DV. We already get officals from DV raging and begging us to stop. Asking for a simple gratz and blnt to whoever they beat. They're asking us to not voice our opinions and give a generic response like uffan5.


TPR is willing to stop the beef on certain terms, some of which they say will happen or point the blame to us first, when clearly the beef started with them and downfall.


Wether DV goes into the wilderness or not I'm pretty sure they will feel some major affects as they already are.


DV, you made horible decisions and it's not BAMF to be most hated. Continue to make bad decisions it will only get worse, we troll with sense/proof/brains you troll with idiotic statements like 'lol illusion died'. Don't try and beat us at our own game.


I'd suggest fixing your rank problems and getting them all on the same page as you always contradict yourself on propaganda, declarations, and attempts at resolving problems. Honnestly you do have some good members, just your ranks give you guys the bad name.


Best of Luck.


Question though..why did TSE go against DV all of a sudden? [ Unexpected. ]


This sums up my thoughts on the topic at hand. Nice post Dandaman :thumbup:


As for TSE going against dv, from reading the dv vs godz (fake) topic and replies it seems like TSE's dv members ragequit when one TSE member joined one of dv's rival clans (see below).




- Ask Silent ember for a fight, since there is no DV left, no reason to fear anything anymore RIGHT?

I think you should respect that clan who left your team use their teamspeak for ever 2 months.


Anyway just someone like the others , like everyone. :thumbup:

I respect people who dont all ragequit because a single member joins a rival clan, but k bro!

Till 2bad4u is kicked Silent Ember will be after you on Pk trips. Can't wait to see ya broski!

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I've decided to reopen this topic, after people have changed my minds to eropen this topic, BUT If I do see any flames/spams/trolls, I'll close this topic again.


Divine Forces | #DF on irc.seersirc.net | Most Motivated |


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dv need to act more like a honour clan to get more respect and not make so many enemys.


if dv had any sense they would not put a toe in the wilderness until they act more maturely and settle things with the clans that hate them.


dv even started off life being hated, becuase their leader only made the clan becuase he had stolen the codes off TR's forums. lol, and now it looks like, a year on, they have made quadruple the amount of enemys.

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close topic lmao....

Love your sig bro.


OT: This isn't alike to the Alliance Vs VR. It isn't alike because one, DV can't compete with any of the clans. Maybe TPR.

I think TPR stands a chance in pkri but it's not a clear victor, as well as GODZ might have troubl because I believe they pull generally same amount as TPR.


Sadly DV is scared to pkri with us so we'll never truly know who'd beat who.


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Dv really need to learn what "fair" rules are.....


declaring a full out when another clan pulles 50% of your pull to me makes you look really stupid. and then to say that you should have more numbers because thats fair.... imr?

i realise guys this is just a game but twr isnt a tank test, its a competition.....

i aint telling dv to start kissing up to people but to stop thinking they know it all.... if your gonna gloat then

your gonna get the horns

its not like people are trolling you for no reason..... cuz their is a reason and certainly its part of your fault....


on another topic:

in a vid you made of a t0 staff meeting wich i thought was kinda funny u said you can beat us in pvp anyday.... but where is the declaration?

like dandaman said...


dont talk the talk if u cant walk the walk.


ill give you this much. these forums to me were pretty boring till all this happened.


if u thought any of this was a flame or a troll please forgive me it was not meant to be anything exept i was just giving in my opinions on the matter.


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