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Tempted Killers re-opening


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How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? - Some clans especially dv will lose members imo... idk how much of an effect they will have... depends if they allow multi clanners again.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? -Doubtful... probably have a nice 2ish or so month run... and then close again... not stable at all.


Will they join TWR again? -doubt it... if they want to go for #1 on twr... they can have it lol... we couldnt care less.




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#Downfall on swift irc


>>110+ Clan (108+ for Fa) - 85+ Def. - 70+ Mage - 15+ Rune sets - TS3<<

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Nice Screeny appreciate the proof of your spy apping on our site... i loled when i found out this is 2bads old account... naise very naise..




Nathan you get out of the webs yet <3:


Do us all a favor, construct a proper sentence.

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Nice Screeny appreciate the proof of your spy apping on our site... i loled when i found out this is 2bads old account... naise very naise..




Nathan you get out of the webs yet <3:


i think i lol'd harder lmfaoo.




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#Downfall on swift irc


>>110+ Clan (108+ for Fa) - 85+ Def. - 70+ Mage - 15+ Rune sets - TS3<<

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Nice Screeny appreciate the proof of your spy apping on our site... i loled when i found out this is 2bads old account... naise very naise..




Nathan you get out of the webs yet <3:


i think i lol'd harder lmfaoo.



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How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? They won't.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? I don't know, I don't expect them to become powerfull tbh.


Will they join TWR again? Idk.


- Proud Corruption Oldschool till the end-

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How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? - Well, the first question should be if they would join TWR again, if they would they probably will have alot of DK members with them and destroy most of the clan on TWR like they did before.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? - If they recruit more fall in leaders and members.


Will they join TWR again? - Ask their ranks

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How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? They will take some members out of TWR clans.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? Yes, I don't care about these people crying about their multi clanners. Everyone complaining about their Multi clanners would and were 1 hit wonders against them.


Will they rejoin TWR? I wouldn't if I were them. Too many complainers on here for multi clanners.


Solace Member

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> I believe it will.


Will they join TWR again?

-> I guess they might do so in the near future.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> It would definitely be hard for them to get back the dedicated members who helped the clan rise to the top last time. But if the leaders do their home work right and stick to their game plan, then they definitely would. :)


How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? WELL for one... T0 has lost about 5 people from TK, DV will be losing LOADS of people for TK as who wouldnt want to be in TK over DV? I know I would.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? Yes, however this time they are going to be PVP based so it will be a different story about the "multi clan" issue.


Will they join TWR again? I doubt it, from what I heard they wanted to be PVP based, so TWR won't matter to them as much.



How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans?

No affect at all because no one takes TWR points serious except DV.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

If they start honor and doesn't allow no multi-clanners then yes.


Will they join TWR again?

Why you asking us idiot, ask their officials. But yea like I said 200 times, Downfall doesn't care about being #1 in TWR, so we can give it to them if they want it.


I felt the need to answer a few questions and get in some thoughts heard about these posts.


1. I do not find any reason as to why DV has to be mentioned here.


2. Wrong to assume that many would leave DV. DV lost only 1 member, a member who had been in the clan for less than 2 weeks. So no complaints there from us.


Only Hoangboi joined Tk. The rest like Itz Mohawk and Itz Death were kicked. I don't remember about abkb24.


3. Sorry to point out this time, but Amateur, It does not befit a clan leader to comment in such a way especially when posts do get dirty quite quick nowadays. Dirty due to fault from both sides. Your assumption that everyone having an opinion on DV such as you do is quite wrong.


4. Ray asked for your view on the subject, but the answer to the third question by Thehitman was quite not up to the mark and not sticking to the topic.


The above was to clear up some mistakes in the statements and quite regretfully had to add a few contradictions in the end as well. I would also like to state that if anyone has any questions or believes that I have made a mistake or mistakes in the above statements, you are free to PM me. I have tried to make sure that I do not flame bait and I hope that I have done just that. There might have been many more instances in the topic, but as of now, I had only checked the first page and a bit of the second page....



Edited to answer questions asked later on...


Divine Vindicators [DV] Clan Advisor

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Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> I believe it will.


Will they join TWR again?

-> I guess they might do so in the near future.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> It would definitely be hard for them to get back the dedicated members who helped the clan rise to the top last time. But if the leaders do their home work right and stick to their game plan, then they definitely would. :)


How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? WELL for one... T0 has lost about 5 people from TK, DV will be losing LOADS of people for TK as who wouldnt want to be in TK over DV? I know I would.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? Yes, however this time they are going to be PVP based so it will be a different story about the "multi clan" issue.


Will they join TWR again? I doubt it, from what I heard they wanted to be PVP based, so TWR won't matter to them as much.



How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans?

No affect at all because no one takes TWR points serious except DV.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

If they start honor and doesn't allow no multi-clanners then yes.


Will they join TWR again?

Why you asking us idiot, ask their officials. But yea like I said 200 times, Downfall doesn't care about being #1 in TWR, so we can give it to them if they want it.


I felt the need to answer a few questions and get in some thoughts heard about these posts.


1. I do not find any reason as to why DV has to be mentioned here.


2. Wrong to assume that many would leave DV. DV lost only 1 member, a member who had been in the clan for less than 2 weeks. So no complaints there from us.


3. Sorry to point out this time, but Amateur, It does not befit a clan leader to comment in such a way especially when posts do get dirty quite quick nowadays. Dirty due to fault from both sides. Your assumption that everyone having an opinion on DV such as you do is quite wrong.


4. Ray asked for your view on the subject, but the answer to the third question by Thehitman was quite not up to the mark and not sticking to the topic.


The above was to clear up some mistakes in the statements and quite regretfully had to add a few contradictions in the end as well. I would also like to state that if anyone has any questions or believes that I have made a mistake or mistakes in the above statements, you are free to PM me. I have tried to make sure that I do not flame bait and I hope that I have done just that. There might have been many more instances in the topic, but as of now, I had only checked the first page and a bit of the second page....

You guys are the angels, were the bad ones :(



3 Years Strong<3


PM TheHitman|Will in #downfall at swiftirc if your interested in a fight against Downfall Clan

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Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> I believe it will.


Will they join TWR again?

-> I guess they might do so in the near future.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

-> It would definitely be hard for them to get back the dedicated members who helped the clan rise to the top last time. But if the leaders do their home work right and stick to their game plan, then they definitely would. :)


How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans? WELL for one... T0 has lost about 5 people from TK, DV will be losing LOADS of people for TK as who wouldnt want to be in TK over DV? I know I would.


Is TK going to be a successful clan? Yes, however this time they are going to be PVP based so it will be a different story about the "multi clan" issue.


Will they join TWR again? I doubt it, from what I heard they wanted to be PVP based, so TWR won't matter to them as much.



How will Tempted killers affect TWR clans?

No affect at all because no one takes TWR points serious except DV.


Is TK going to be a successful clan?

If they start honor and doesn't allow no multi-clanners then yes.


Will they join TWR again?

Why you asking us idiot, ask their officials. But yea like I said 200 times, Downfall doesn't care about being #1 in TWR, so we can give it to them if they want it.


I felt the need to answer a few questions and get in some thoughts heard about these posts.


1. I do not find any reason as to why DV has to be mentioned here.


2. Wrong to assume that many would leave DV. DV lost only 1 member, a member who had been in the clan for less than 2 weeks. So no complaints there from us.


3. Sorry to point out this time, but Amateur, It does not befit a clan leader to comment in such a way especially when posts do get dirty quite quick nowadays. Dirty due to fault from both sides. Your assumption that everyone having an opinion on DV such as you do is quite wrong.


4. Ray asked for your view on the subject, but the answer to the third question by Thehitman was quite not up to the mark and not sticking to the topic.


The above was to clear up some mistakes in the statements and quite regretfully had to add a few contradictions in the end as well. I would also like to state that if anyone has any questions or believes that I have made a mistake or mistakes in the above statements, you are free to PM me. I have tried to make sure that I do not flame bait and I hope that I have done just that. There might have been many more instances in the topic, but as of now, I had only checked the first page and a bit of the second page....


ofc dv is going to get mentioned here lulul... when tk closed... dv got an influx of ex TK members... it helped your clan rise as well as the dk, tr, exo, df, rsd... and other various multi-clanning members and leaders that your clan brought in. Also from what i see on there ml u lost more than 1 member... notice how other clans were mentioned as well... not only your clan.




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#Downfall on swift irc


>>110+ Clan (108+ for Fa) - 85+ Def. - 70+ Mage - 15+ Rune sets - TS3<<

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so this turned into another df vs dv topic?


They're good at changing topics :P Looks like TK is doing ok with moving into PvP, would be nice to see some PvP wars soon :)

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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  • 2 weeks later...

They were killing our returners in one of our pkris, so they've already affected KO in a negative way.



no sarcasm on what im gonna say: thats awesome tk




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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