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Fastest way to Oo'glog?


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More dangerous - Mobilising Armies teleport/Spirit tree to Mobilising Armies, then running east.

Safer - Camelot teleport, run down to Catherby and charter a ship there.


I'm not sure which way is quicker, but there's two options.




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Also Larupia Teleport is probably the fastest and safest way there. But kind of a waste though.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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For a bit more information, I'll be doing this for Runecrafting. I'd like to waste the least amount of time while I get to Oo'glog to recharge my energy.


From the research I've been doing (without actually timing it myself) it's either: slayer ring to Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, then fairy rings to Feldip Hills; duelling ring to Duel Arena, then glider to Feldip Hills; or duelling ring to mobilising armies.


I'm not sure which is fastest, though. :???:

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For a bit more information, I'll be doing this for Runecrafting. I'd like to waste the least amount of time while I get to Oo'glog to recharge my energy.


From the research I've been doing (without actually timing it myself) it's either: slayer ring to Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, then fairy rings to Feldip Hills; duelling ring to Duel Arena, then glider to Feldip Hills; or duelling ring to mobilising armies.


I'm not sure which is fastest, though. :???:

Tbh i wouldn't do that, You can restore energy fast enough just resting and shouldn't have to worry about going there to get the infinite energy. Having to go there, restore energy and then go back to crafting cuts down on your exp/hr that you could be getting.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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Personally, I'd rather go to Oo'glog every six to seven hundred essence and recharge my energy than have to rest or worry with pots.


Pots or the charter method don't seem worth it economically, regardless of how efficient.


I think I've settled on what I'm going to do, and I'll share just for the sake of somebody's potential curiosity. I abyss craft using glory amulets to tele back to Edgeville after each run. When my infinite energy runs out, I use duelling ring tele to Mobilising Armies, run east to Oo'glog, recharge energy AND hp, and glory tele back to Edgeville; rinse and repeat.


About the loss of potential exp, I think the two minutes it takes me to recharge would produce a negligible amount of extra runes/exp when used in conjunction with resting, if that method is even more efficient.


Thank you to everyone who replied, and this topic may be locked whenever.

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Personally, I'd rather go to Oo'glog every six to seven hundred essence and recharge my energy than have to rest or worry with pots.


Pots or the charter method don't seem worth it economically, regardless of how efficient.


I think I've settled on what I'm going to do, and I'll share just for the sake of somebody's potential curiosity. I abyss craft using glory amulets to tele back to Edgeville after each run. When my infinite energy runs out, I use duelling ring tele to Mobilising Armies, run east to Oo'glog, recharge energy AND hp, and glory tele back to Edgeville; rinse and repeat.


About the loss of potential exp, I think the two minutes it takes me to recharge would produce a negligible amount of extra runes/exp when used in conjunction with resting, if that method is even more efficient.


Thank you to everyone who replied, and this topic may be locked whenever.

If you think that the 2 minutes won't affect how much exp you could be getting, you are dead wrong about that. Using the abyss to craft runes only takes about a minute or so for 1 full run, having to go out of the way to restore run energy cost you exp. And you can also rest while you're banking to help regain the energy you have lost. And drinking a dose of the super energy potion while banking won't hurt you either as you do it when you're refilling pouches/familairs.

[hide=Drops]Slayer:Draconic Visage x3, Abyssal Whip x23, Dark Bow x3, Dragon Platelegs x3, Dragon Boots x40, Dragon Plateskirt x4, Shield Left Half x3, Dragon Medium Helms x10


CS: Zamorakian Spear x2, Zamorak Hilt x1, Bandos Chestplate x1, Sara Sword x1

DKs: Dragon Hatchet x3 Beserker Ring x1[/hide]

[hide=Completed Goals]99Attack.pngAchieved April 26, 200999Defence.pngAchieved Sept. 15, 200999Hitpoints.pngAchieved Nov. 21, 200999Strength.png Jan. 10, 2010

99Slayer.png Achieved Mar. 5, 2010[/hide]


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If you have 60 agility or so, you won't need energy ever. If you are around 50's, you will be fine using a handful of super energy pots per hour. You' ll have to recharge the energy about 3x per hour. With 2 minutes each time, that is 10% of your hour. Basicly cutting 10% of your profit.


If you profit > 200k / hour, you are better of using 20k on super energies then to run. You won't use 20k worth super energies per hour.. so this could be more profitable.


Also, for 52 summong --> Terrorbird + scrolls >>>>>>>>> Oog' log. You can even use the scrolls while running, having no delay..


But if you really really really really really want Oog' log. Chartering from Port Sarim could be an option to (Lumbridge diary ring)

Camelot is still a long run to the docks, I wouldn't advice that. Duel ring to MA and run is a great option. What someone previously said, glory karamaja and charter. Glory to karamaja is a great option to but I don't recommend it as you will be using glory charges a lot and well..chances are you are going to hit dry. You should always have a duel ring wielded anyway in case of forgetting about the glory.

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If you have 60 agility or so, you won't need energy ever. If you are around 50's, you will be fine using a handful of super energy pots per hour. You' ll have to recharge the energy about 3x per hour. With 2 minutes each time, that is 10% of your hour. Basicly cutting 10% of your profit.


I have 61 agility, and i find myself needing energy quite often.


If you profit > 200k / hour, you are better of using 20k on super energies then to run. You won't use 20k worth super energies per hour.. so this could be more profitable.


Also, for 52 summong --> Terrorbird + scrolls >>>>>>>>> Oog' log. You can even use the scrolls while running, having no delay..


I'll try both of these options, and see if I like them better.


And by the way, I love the Phillip DeFranco show. ;)


Many thanks for the continued effort to change my mind. :)

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I'll try both of these options, and see if I like them better.


My apologies to both Cptbaker08 and 12pure34. I lose very little energy per run, and keeping super energy pots banked just in case seems to be significantly more efficient than using the Oo'glog pools.


Thank you both for correcting my poor crafting habits. :lol:

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If you have 60 agility or so, you won't need energy ever.


Just chime in here and say that's not quite true! I've got 96 Agility and I find myself occassionally down to 0% Run Energy whilst Graahk-Runecrafting. Not quite sure on the Abyss though, presumably the stand-still at obstacles will give more time to regenerate energy than Graahking.

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If you have 60 agility or so, you won't need energy ever.


Just chime in here and say that's not quite true! I've got 96 Agility and I find myself occassionally down to 0% Run Energy whilst Graahk-Runecrafting. Not quite sure on the Abyss though, presumably the stand-still at obstacles will give more time to regenerate energy than Graahking.

What are you carrying then? I rarely need energy (once, if not less per hour as the drain inevitably catches up with me) and I'm level 70 agility.

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What are you carrying then? I rarely need energy (once, if not less per hour as the drain inevitably catches up with me) and I'm level 70 agility.


I've got the full-agility outfit on so my weight is less than 0 constantly. The problem lies in that with the pouch changes it's now very much possible to spend minimal time at the altar when crafting and very little time at the bank. (Due to MouseKeys and not-depositing Nature Runes). With the combination of the two, even with high-agility and a negative-weight outfit it's still possible to get down to 0 Energy as you are, almost, always running.

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For a bit more information, I'll be doing this for Runecrafting. I'd like to waste the least amount of time while I get to Oo'glog to recharge my energy.


From the research I've been doing (without actually timing it myself) it's either: slayer ring to Fremennik Slayer Dungeon, then fairy rings to Feldip Hills; duelling ring to Duel Arena, then glider to Feldip Hills; or duelling ring to mobilising armies.


I'm not sure which is fastest, though. :???:


The much better option is to just use super energies. It's worth it.

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The problem lies in that with the pouch changes it's now very much possible to spend minimal time at the altar when crafting and very little time at the bank. (Due to MouseKeys and not-depositing Nature Runes).

Were there changes made to the pouches recently? I haven't been runecrafting in a few months.

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Honestly, chartering ships to Oo'glog takes up quite a bit of cash, especially if you do it constantly. I would recommend utulizing the Mobilizing armies teleport to get to Oo'glog, but only if your character is able to fight off the dangers that are inside the place. If you have a fairy ring, use code AKQ to get there.


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Honestly, chartering ships to Oo'glog takes up quite a bit of cash, especially if you do it constantly. I would recommend utulizing the Mobilizing armies teleport to get to Oo'glog, but only if your character is able to fight off the dangers that are inside the place. If you have a fairy ring, use code AKQ to get there.


Ring of Charos and Cabin Fever makes it about a quarter though, so it's not totally unrealistic.

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The problem lies in that with the pouch changes it's now very much possible to spend minimal time at the altar when crafting and very little time at the bank. (Due to MouseKeys and not-depositing Nature Runes).

Were there changes made to the pouches recently? I haven't been runecrafting in a few months.

The only thing I can think of off hand is that you can now use NPC contact to contact the mage in the abyss to repair pouches...

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