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So, what is your current project(s)


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Just started taking a 3D game programming course (C++ and DirectX 9), my goal for the end of the year is going to be making some sort of dungeon explorer game. It'll be a VERY long time before its done though.



Curious to see how it works out..i've always had the inclination to get more into c++ but never bothered. I do have a book on game dev in java though which is pretty interesting, although I've never actually gotten into it as much as I would have liked.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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Well, im a programming fanatic, so i have multiple projects and tasks (yes, people want me to wirte stuff for them...)


1. Password Generator - To start


2. Backgammon Scores Table - In Progress


3. TimeTable, A program for learning your times tables - Finished :thumbsup:


And now, when you think im finished, ...


4. Create an iPhone/ iPod app, in Windows - To start


5. Website - In Progress



So thats it!, a lot of projects...





Click here to go to School & Chat; An awsome forum!


Budding RuneScape Woodcutter | Budding I.R.C Expert | Former Whitewater Police Department Member (Wall Of Fame)


CO2 is bad, and so are bots.


99 Firemaking! 14/03

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4. Create an iPhone/ iPod app, in Windows - To start


Mind expanding?


Sure, I am trying to create a mobile app, for the mobile in a windows Operating system(i make the app on my pc, running windows) :)





Click here to go to School & Chat; An awsome forum!


Budding RuneScape Woodcutter | Budding I.R.C Expert | Former Whitewater Police Department Member (Wall Of Fame)


CO2 is bad, and so are bots.


99 Firemaking! 14/03

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4. Create an iPhone/ iPod app, in Windows - To start


Mind expanding?


Sure, I am trying to create a mobile app, for the mobile in a windows Operating system(i make the app on my pc, running windows) :)

I know I know, but specifics about what kind of app? :P





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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  • 2 weeks later...

A project of mine


(youtube embeds not working?) http://

Out of curiosity, why have you gone with a left-handed holding of the gun rather than right-handed?





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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A project of mine


(youtube embeds not working?) http://

Out of curiosity, why have you gone with a left-handed holding of the gun rather than right-handed?


It feels out of the way, hard to describe.

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A project of mine


(youtube embeds not working?) http://

Out of curiosity, why have you gone with a left-handed holding of the gun rather than right-handed?


It feels out of the way, hard to describe.

I get what you mean, I can see more of the environment than normal proportional to the amount of space on the screen that the gun takes up. Having it on the left just messes my head because I'm so used to it being on the right :P





"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Anyone here know vb5/6? I had a test today and I couldn't figure out how to convert a double into a string while only keeping 2 decimals.


The relevent code:


dblLoss = (dblEx1 * 245 + dblEx2 * 430 + dblEx3 * 360) / 3500
strLoss = dblLoss
picLoss.print strLoss + "Pounds were lost."


strLoss had about 15 decimal places though, and I had no clue how to round it to 2. Why am I using a picbox? Because out teacher has strange ways...


Edit: Damn, I'm an idiot, I could have just done dblLoss = dblLoss \ .01 . There has to be a way to properly round though.

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Anyone here know vb5/6? I had a test today and I couldn't figure out how to convert a double into a string while only keeping 2 decimals.


The relevent code:


dblLoss = (dblEx1 * 245 + dblEx2 * 430 + dblEx3 * 360) / 3500
strLoss = dblLoss
picLoss.print strLoss + "Pounds were lost."


strLoss had about 15 decimal places though, and I had no clue how to round it to 2. Why am I using a picbox? Because out teacher has strange ways...


Edit: Damn, I'm an idiot, I could have just done dblLoss = dblLoss \ .01 . There has to be a way to properly round though.


Math.Round(dblLoss, 2) should work.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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(I land the same jump that causes me to die if you stopped watching)


Work in progress. Jumpbug is where you can land a > 500u/s fall velocity without taking damage by releasing duck and pressing jump within 2 units of the ground. This was done on a localhost server so theres no ping prediction or u/frame interval prediction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's really cool! I used to be a pretty decent jumper, but did most of my runs by feel and practice rather than the mathematics.


That said, I flinched when I saw System("pause");

Follow my road to 5.6/Gold Reaper/True Trim - DAT BLOG

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That's really cool! I used to be a pretty decent jumper, but did most of my runs by feel and practice rather than the mathematics.


That said, I flinched when I saw System("pause");


What would you use instead and why is it better?

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That's really cool! I used to be a pretty decent jumper, but did most of my runs by feel and practice rather than the mathematics.


That said, I flinched when I saw System("pause");


What would you use instead and why is it better?

System("pause"); is Windows only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wrote code to convert a black and white bitmap of characters into hex pixel data, for hard coding data. Yes, I'm that awesome.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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  • 1 month later...

I made this post earlier:

Well, im a programming fanatic, so i have multiple projects and tasks (yes, people want me to wirte stuff for them...)


1. Password Generator - To start


2. Backgammon Scores Table - In Progress


3. TimeTable, A program for learning your times tables - Finished :thumbsup:


And now, when you think im finished, ...


4. Create an iPhone/ iPod app, in Windows - To start


5. Website - In Progress



So thats it!, a lot of projects...

Well, its debatable weather ive finished a few of them, but here is an update on the list!


Well, im a programming fanatic, so i have multiple projects and tasks (yes, people want me to wirte stuff for them...)


1. Password Generator - In progress


2. Backgammon Scores Table - Finished


3. TimeTable, A program for learning your times tables - Finished :thumbsup:


And now, when you think im finished, ...


4. Create an iPhone/ iPod app, in Windows - To start


5. Website - Done - Debatable



So thats it!, a lot of projects...





Click here to go to School & Chat; An awsome forum!


Budding RuneScape Woodcutter | Budding I.R.C Expert | Former Whitewater Police Department Member (Wall Of Fame)


CO2 is bad, and so are bots.


99 Firemaking! 14/03

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