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sign of a bot???


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Ok so today i was standing in the bk with my gf fletching and next to use was this guy who was also fletching. He kept saying random numbers over and over again and wouldnt respond to anyones questions. Is this a sign of him botting fletching or just a random case of someone acting stupid???


Heres a screenshot of the guy im talking about. As you can see in the chat box he starts randomly saying numbers for absolutley no reason as nobody was talking to him and the only other people in the bank at the time was myself and my gf.



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Is there a fletch-all option yet? Last I remember there was only fletch-x. If I remember correctly then possibly he was just entering stupidly high numbers into the fletch-x (or thought he was, hah) like I sometimes do.


Either that or he was just acting stupid.


Honestly dude the only sign of someone botting is either someone doing something in a very predictable and routine manner (eg following the same path to the bank every time, very slowly) or someone doing something too fast to be humanly possible (as in autotypers; no I don't believe someone can type at 300 wpm).

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I'm always typing "random" numbers in public when im trying to cook-x, fletch-x, withdraw-x etc.



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I'm always typing "random" numbers in public when im trying to cook-x, fletch-x, withdraw-x etc.


Yup, its the same at the GE sometimes for me. You type a split second before the box appears.


Just because he's saying numbers, doesnt mean he's botting.


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the only thing i can see wrong with that is that he was saying this every 5-7 seconds which dont make any sence.


Maybe butterfingers + stupidity = epic fail?


Or maybe it was a fletching bot who knows. Possible that it generates some random number to put into fletch-x to make Jagex's system think that it's just someone smashing their numpad when the thing comes up.


But I wouldn't report someone unless you can be sure. Don't report based on something that is simply remotely possible.

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well.. you have have fletch-all option right now, why would you want to type in some nunbers instead of one mouseclick?


fletch-all for what? certainly not arrows. Did this change recently???

There's fletch-all for bows. (btw, welcome back to Tip.It forums.) :thumbsup:

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we live in the same house [developmentally delayed], i was at work and she was at home so stfu. screw it im getting this topic locked seeing as all ppl wanna do is flame me now!



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