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Whats better, full void or full aramadyal?


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Please only answer if you have used both. As soon as I get 99 str I think I want to boost my ranging a bit. Topic says it all, but consider that I need to spend time getting 2 pieces of void back. I have the cash to buy full armadyal if it buys in ge. Also in case it doesnt appear in my sig I have 85 range. And I dont plan on cannoning or chinning for now.

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It truly depends on what else you'll be using besides those 2, and if you'll have a good safespot. Void can be pretty powerful with the right equipment, and provided you get the range bonus up high, however it is weak defensively, and you can easily get killed if not protected by either pray or a decent safespot. Armadyl seems to be slightly weaker offensively compared to void, but its defence boost is waaaay better...

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Full armadyl:

-- Armadyl is for any scenario in which you need accuracy

-- Armadyl has amazing magic defense

-- Armadyl has decent melee defense


Full void is used when:

-- You want to train range

-- You want to max with dbow

-- You're hybriding (TD's, pvp)


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Why not do slayer and get a focus sight and Armadyl, then you're ranged accuracy and strength will be boosted more than the void would, and you'd have the added accuracy of armadyl


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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Why not do slayer and get a focus sight and Armadyl, then you're ranged accuracy and strength will be boosted more than the void would, and you'd have the added accuracy of armadyl


This. And as you said you're not planning on cannoning or chinning then there's no point in void really. Go with the armadyl. However I strongly recommend that if you go along the slayer route that you do invest in a cannon as it can boost your ranged XP by quite alot.





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Why not do slayer and get a focus sight and Armadyl, then you're ranged accuracy and strength will be boosted more than the void would, and you'd have the added accuracy of armadyl



Focus sight only gives +15% ranged when doing a task for the rest it's useless :rolleyes:

2016 goals: all skills +30mil xp - Completed this goal 11th December 2016 smile.gif
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1: Don't bother training ranged unless you are chinning. It is HANDS DOWN the best method of training ranged, and is efficient at surprisingly low income levels (~500k?).


2: Do NOT train ranging with slayer. It is very slow even with the max gear. I know because I did it <_<.


3: From Morionic's analysis (reader beware: math heavy) - Damage Theory 101. If you hit 74% of the time or better with Armadyl, you should switch to Void. What this means for you is if you are killing high defence monsters (like a metal dragon), you should use Armadyl; however, if you are killing low defence monsters (like a yak or a Skeleton Monkey while chinning), you should use void.

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1: Don't bother training ranged unless you are chinning. It is HANDS DOWN the best method of training ranged, and is efficient at surprisingly low income levels (~500k?).


2: Do NOT train ranging with slayer. It is very slow even with the max gear. I know because I did it <_<.


3: From Morionic's analysis (reader beware: math heavy) - Damage Theory 101. If you hit 74% of the time or better with Armadyl, you should switch to Void. What this means for you is if you are killing high defence monsters (like a metal dragon), you should use Armadyl; however, if you are killing low defence monsters (like a yak or a Skeleton Monkey while chinning), you should use void.


I got 99 range off slayer, I don't see what's wrong with doing it, since you're making alot of money, and gaining the Slayer Xp along with it. I don't regret doing it in the least bit.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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Because chinning, and then slaying with melee would be faster, saving you time to go MH to pay for your chins and leftovers.

Some people actually like slayer.

Anywho, void is better for general training and aviansies. Armadyl is better for bosses where you need defense and accuracy bonuses. Some say it's better for monsters which have high range defense, such as steel and mithril dragons, but I haven't compared them myself. Obviously for slayer a focus sight and armadyl would be better than void. It's worth noting that armadyl has negative melee attack.


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Personally, I'm in the middle of getting 99 Ranged through slayer and I find it very fun, I know it is much slower than chinning but I didn't enjoy that.

Some people actually like slayer.

That's why I finished ranged to 99 through slayer myself. But in the end, the only reason to slay is for slayer.

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World's worst spelling of Armadyl :razz:


Void is also like a lot cheaper than arma..


Yeah but you can sell Armadyl back, Void you have to spend a lot of time getting, and that's all you get for it.


Click the pic if you wanna see a Ranged Slayer blog.

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^the only problem with that now is there's the Focus sight, which is the same as voids set effect. If the focus sight weren't here, I would personally lean more towards void. But if you ever plan to do slayer now while ranging, I say Armadyl hands down.



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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if you're on a slayer task, I can't see any reason why void would be better. If you're not on a slayer task, then that should just be a given.

I've tested it, and the numbers show void to be better. My inclination is to believe that the bonus of the focus only applies to the nech you are targeting.

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