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Is there evil?


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Well my english class had a discussion on wether evil is in everyone or not. But i came up with a third option. Is there even such a thing as evil?












I think not. How can there be? That would mean there were set rules to life, and that one thing is good, and one thing is bad. But how does that work? Look at terrorists. They feel it is alright to kill others for pleasure, and to make others feel pain. But most others think its bad to do these deads. Now this is the thing, are terrorists evil? I dont think they are. They are people that are doing what they think is right, and just so happens we dont like what they do, so we fight back.








Its all about perception. We are brought up thinking things are right and wrong, when in reality, it matters what we belive.








Thats my thoughts, what about all yours?


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Heh, funny, I was going to make this exact post several times and never did.








Anyway, I think that everyone is instinctful, and everyone would be willing to kill/steal etc. for what is needed if there life was on the line. But we are mostly all brought up to think that all that kind of stuff is wrong. I don't think we are much more than the animals, but since we live in society that prohibits this kind of stuff, that's what puts us ahead of the animals. Also communication.








So in other words, I don't know if we are good or evil, but without morals we would do whatever it takes.








And to answer your second question, I don't think there is evil. Because how can we know what evil is? We are told by general acts against humanity that that is bad, but you never know who's fighting for the right side. It's all point of view.








I don't have a clue what I just typed. I hope that it makes some measure of sence.

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I think there is such thing. For example, I know killing is wrong, bad, immoral, etc. But that doesn't mean I can't go kill someone and not know I'm doing wrong. I think that would be an example of evil.








Evil is all a matter of opinion, so yes, as far as I'm concerned evil exists even if someone else thinks I'm wrong. If everyone has their idea of evil, then evil must exist but the terms are different.

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I think there is such thing. For example, I know killing is wrong, bad, immoral, etc. But that doesn't mean I can't go kill someone and not know I'm doing wrong. I think that would be an example of evil.








Evil is all a matter of opinion, so yes, as far as I'm concerned evil exists even if someone else thinks I'm wrong. If everyone has their idea of evil, then evil must exist but the terms are different.








But evil is something that is compleatly bad, and good is just the opposit. Your saying that, its definitly evil to kill, but then how can percption come in, cause this seems to be dfinitly evil...


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Humans perceive killing etc as Evil. But we don't consider eating beef Evil (cept the vegetarians.. rofl).








Sharks don't consider eating seals evil.. we think its evil.. sharks don't consider eating humans evil either, it's just their natural tendency to eat.








I don't believe there is such thing as evil. If there was another intelligent race out there, which posed a threat to us, we'd probably call them evil. But they would probably call us evil too.








In movies there is always a good and a bad side, but both sides think they are the good side :twisted:

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Humans perceive killing etc as Evil. But we don't consider eating beef Evil (cept the vegetarians.. rofl).















How can that be, when there are plenty of humans out there that percive killing as a good thing, or something acceptable.


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It's instincts. It's like how certain whales head for the same place to mate, or turtles heading to the same beach where they were born to lay eggs. It was built into us.








However, as we are the most advanced species in this planet, we created a set of rules that lies with our basic instincts. It is wrong to steal, kill, etc. In a way, the ability to realize what is wrong and what is right was programmed into us. We just improved those basic instincts to have the most advanced society to define even the most confusing conflict that has ever reached us and to conclude whether it is 'evil' or not.

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Since nature has no concept of 'evil' I'll say no.








The only reason it "exists" is because humans used it to categorize things going against morals, religion and what not.

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Since nature has no concept of 'evil' I'll say no.








The only reason it "exists" is because humans used it to categorize things going against morals, religion and what not.
















Basically, it is only based upon perspective.








My life is the symbol of evil to someone, I'm sure. The way I live, the mere fact that I'm posting on these very boards. To others, such as most people posting here, it's just normal. All in the eye of the beholder...








Perhaps you all should read some Transcendentalism. Emerson, I suggest. Do what is right for you, and it will be right for you. Focus on the self. Hmm...look into that and Buddhism, as well as some of the philosophies of Yoga.








Now that I'm rambling, I'm stopping.

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I've noticed several people on this thread make a certain assumption - that perception determines reality. (e.g. Since people disagree as to what evil is, there must not be one set standard of evil.)








If I believe that I can walk into the middle of a busy highway and all the cars will just pass through me instead of hitting me, does that make it true? If I perceive a car as being just as valuable as a human, is it?



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Morality determines good and evil, moral and immoral.








Ethics is more simple, determines what is ethical and what is unethical. Now these paths cross occasionally, oftentimes your moral system will dictate what ethical systems you can follow (in other words a devout Buddhist is unlikely to adopt Machivellianism). The converse is not usually true- usually the adoption of an ethical system will prevent the person from taking any preset moral systems.








Which brings us back to the question- is there such thing as evil? Well, that depends. If there is a universal moral code, then yes, there is.








If not, then no, there is not 'evil' as you might percieve it. However, just because there is (in that case) no universal moral system does not mean that there should not be laws and regulations. We can still set those up on ethical systems and base them as well on convenience... it is inconvient if you were to go out and shoot sixteen people.








It becomes easier to point fingers at those who commit actions that are considered unethical in numerous ethical systems (murder, rape, and other maladjusted actions come to mind...). Evil is still a stretch as there are as many ethical systems in the world as there are people.








So if you ask me, is there evil? I must hesitate before saying yes, but I do say "yes". I believe as creatures we are eventually going to force ourselves into principles of utilitarianism, and eventually adopt it as a substitute for a universal moral code.








In other words, what does more harm than good is "evil", or "bad" and what does more good than harm is just the opposite.








I am aware that utilitarianism is an imperfect system, but in my eyes, it's the most effective one we've got.

so there's this thread in p2p general called "the most annoying things ppl do on runescape" i am tempted to post "ya wen im cybering with a girl and they log off for no reason"

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There is no "evil". Evil is just the lack of good. It's how it is with life. Darkness is just the lack of light, cold is just the lack of heat. Also, it's true; animals don't have morals or values, they go by their "instincts". We're an advanced species, which live in an organized world with laws, ethics, morals, etc. Of course, if someone lived in the jungle for 40 years without any outside counsel, he wouldn't think killing or hitting someone just because they look threatening is evil. So by our values and our exposure to "rules" and "ethics", we know what is "wrong" and "right." We aren't like animals. We have structure. We can intelligently think on different platforms. That's why we do have "wrong" and "right." I doubt you'll raise a child telling them that "anything you do it ok," would you?

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First you should think what is good and what's evil. Personally I don't think they exist. There are things that are against your moral sense or law, but that doesn't make them evil or good. Look at killing for example. There are different "kill", a brutal murder, selfdefence or war. I wouldn't have a problem to do anything to defend myself, it's either kill or be killed.








Basically it depends on your culture what is wrong and what is right. In some cultures, killing isn't/wasn't as bad as it's in our western culture. Look at many primitive cultures with their human sacrifications. In their culture it was ok to kill for god(s), in our culture it is forbitten.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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It has to exist. Both good and evil have to exist for people to differentiate between the two. How can something be good if there isn't an antithesis to it?








Of course, what does one perceive to be evil? Is it an actual emotion or do people see it as figurative? Someone's evil may be another person's love.








We all have our own perceptions of what is evil and what isn't. However, if you're asking what evil is, as in an emotion or what have you, I couldn't possibly tell you. But if you believe things can exist in people's thoughts and perceptions alone, then evil has to exist.

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It has to exist. Both good and evil have to exist for people to differentiate between the two. How can something be good if there isn't an antithesis to it?








Of course, what does one perceive to be evil? Is it an actual emotion or do people see it as figurative? Someone's evil may be another person's love.








We all have our own perceptions of what is evil and what isn't. However, if you're asking what evil is, as in an emotion or what have you, I couldn't possibly tell you. But if you believe things can exist in people's thoughts and perceptions alone, then evil has to exist.








No, because when one referces to good an evil, they refer to something that is absolute, and objective. So it cant be in with percetion, because that is subjective. And some people see stuff wrong, while others see it as right, so thats percetion, meaning it cant be subjective.








The is another thing that is subjective though, love and hate. One can love what they want, while another hates what they want. Both are subjective, and creat the problem.








Look at terrorists. They love to cause confusion, pain, and suffering, and hate order. But on our side, we love order, and peac. But we hate suffering, pain, and confusion.








It is hate and love that creat the problems in the world, not evil.








Perception is our downfall.


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I think we determined in philosophy class that a completely evil being could not exist - since existence in itself is a good thing.








But as for evil deeds? Yes, I believe so (as I believe in moral absolutism).

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Look at terrorists. They love to cause confusion, pain, and suffering, and hate order. But on our side, we love order, and peac. But we hate suffering, pain, and confusion.








I find that quite naive, I don't think terrorists are terrorists just for the thrill of causing suffering. If we take the most notable Al Qaeeda and 9/11 terrorists, while they obviously did bring a lot of pain and suffering, their motive behind it was what they perceived as the great of good. It may be a unique perception of what the good for them or Islam is (by resorting to terrorism) but I do strongly believe they become so for their own good, not just to be seen as evil.








I've come onto perceptions again :P I totally see your point of you and arguement when you define good and evil as objective rather than subjective. If I believed good and evil could be objective I'd agree with you but to be perfectly honest, I think good and evil can only be subjective. Perhaps it's because I'm non-religious, I don't know, but I can't see an absolute evil and an absolute good; embodied if you will.








Great topic btw, Lionheart :P Good to see the intelligent replies to warrant it as well. Nice job!

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I believe evil does exist in the form of extremely immoral actions, however i am still undecided as to whether or not an amoral killing could still be classed as evil, probably yes.








Interestingly we have just finished studying Jekyll & Hyde in English, in which there is a strong underlying theme of good and evil. I don't think anyone in this world is pure evil, there is some good in everyone, however in some people the good is overweighed by the evil. Jekyll's theory was that everyone has a good side and an evil side, he intended to seperate those and created a purely evil entity, Edward Hyde. One of his killings I classed as amoral, so therefore i have come to the conclusion that an amoral killing is still evil...phew. :)

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I believe in moral absolutism in that the standards of what constitutes good and what constitutes evil are permanently defined by an all-knowing perfect being.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Something I would like to know too..








Trace back evil..I am so sure it came from the bible. This lead us to think of the devil- Satan- Lucifer; One of God's creation, Somewhere in the bible describe Lucifer being the most beautiful being.








Lucifer wanted to be worship by other angel as the highest angel. Which is not acceptable in Heaven. God is the one to be worship as he created all.








Later on God intend to creat another beautiful being, our world. Human, those beautiful plants and animals. Lucifer want to be apart of this project but he was excluded for his jealousy. Lucifer set himself as god, he made the angels whether to worship him like God or not. Many angels believed in him.








Then there is a war in heaven, lead by Seraph Michael against Lucifer and his believers. Lucifer lost and banish from heaven down to earth.








Satan and the fallen angels always try to trick us to believe that God is wrong and he is right.












Lets see...Lucifer start to become arrogan for being the first and most beautiful thing that was created. He sees god being worship by the angels. Lucifer and his arrogan start to think he should be worshipped like that too, the fact no angel is worshiping him making him jealous.








God create our beautiful world and us. Not sure whats going on in Lucifer..But the war outbreak. Lucifer lost and bannish down to earth. He can't reach heaven to suduce the other angels. But he can reach for us, the creature that God created and love, the creature that shall rule over earth are suduced. Satan get his revenge by telling them do what god don't want them to do. Eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.








Adam and Eve gain the knowledge of good and bad, with these two powerful knowledge within Adam and Eve's descendant...the "fun" begins.




For more, buy the Ned Flanders fun didely doo bible storiees!! only $5.99!!












The act that Satan do after he is banish from heaven is called evil in the bible...Which is harming, tricking, seducing us human on purpose.








That makes deed of harming others on purpose is evil I suppose.








#If you are going to say killing animal are evil..on the bible some page on genisis. God let us eat those plants and animal as food. That makes it OK to kill the animal then eat it.








# thats where the basic idea of evil came from..religion. Where else should I look for the origin of "evil".

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On perception, I believe in the perception of reality through experience. Our world is based on laws, may it be physical laws (gravity for example), or, supposedly, natural compulsions that drive you to do the right thing. But what is the right thing? Well, since I believe people are born with a tabula rasa, their environment, social status, and in essence their experience in the material world determines their moral behavior and. So...because there is not a universal moral code, people will have different viewpoints on what is evil or not. Morals and ethics are not a set law. I donÃâáÃâæt care if philosophers believe in natural laws that dictate our behavior. If there is a set of these laws, hand them to me and IÃâáÃâæll distribute them and the whole world will be a happy family. That is not going to happen. Maybe people are inherently evil, but maybe they are not. What if people are bound by society? Does that make society the thing that causes evil? Or is a society only as good as the people in it? Well...I donÃâáÃâæt know and I donÃâáÃâæt care. Simply, people have different moral and ethical beliefs. Even if there is a universal moral code, we havenÃâáÃâæt found it yet. I think that in most religions, there is the idea of choosing good over evil. Interestingly, in the Bible, God created evil, which gives people a basis for argument. This train of thought leads Atheists to believe that God does not exist. If God exists, then He is pure good. If God is pure good, then he wouldnÃâáÃâæt create evil. The world has evil, therefore, God does not exist. Now the Pantheistic approach...God is everything! I donÃâáÃâæt like that either. Polytheism...nah, many gods is an old idea. Idealism...I like that idea. Do we really exist in the material world, or are we entrapped by the mind? What do you think, because I bet you do not totally agree with me...so out viewpoints are different. Since religion determines moral behavior, maybe our moral values are different. That rules out moral absolutism in our current world. I like the utilitarianism idea, but some pleasures are immoral and some pain is deserved (well maybe not lol).








My conclusion, the idea of evil exists. But it cannot exist alone, for what is evil without good? Evil is only the absence of good. It is an innate idea in our heads only brought out by the destruction of society, which is created to combat evil using laws, rules, and order. Ok...maybe my conclusion doesnÃâáÃâæt make sense (I kind of doesnÃâáÃâæt to me lol). I donÃâáÃâæt really like this topic, itÃâáÃâæs making me think too much. O well, I have no conclusion on the existence of evil. There is no ÃâáÃâçpure evilÃâáÃâè. Muahahaha...too much writing for today, IÃâáÃâæm going crazy.

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It has to exist. Both good and evil have to exist for people to differentiate between the two. How can something be good if there isn't an antithesis to it?








Of course, what does one perceive to be evil? Is it an actual emotion or do people see it as figurative? Someone's evil may be another person's love.








We all have our own perceptions of what is evil and what isn't. However, if you're asking what evil is, as in an emotion or what have you, I couldn't possibly tell you. But if you believe things can exist in people's thoughts and perceptions alone, then evil has to exist.
















You cannot say no to someone's opinion.








In my opinion evil is defined by society. Just like everything that has to do with morality, and what is right and wrong.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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It has to exist. Both good and evil have to exist for people to differentiate between the two. How can something be good if there isn't an antithesis to it?








Of course, what does one perceive to be evil? Is it an actual emotion or do people see it as figurative? Someone's evil may be another person's love.








We all have our own perceptions of what is evil and what isn't. However, if you're asking what evil is, as in an emotion or what have you, I couldn't possibly tell you. But if you believe things can exist in people's thoughts and perceptions alone, then evil has to exist.
















You cannot say no to someone's opinion.








In my opinion evil is defined by society. Just like everything that has to do with morality, and what is right and wrong.








Funny, cause thats what the whole wrold does, disagree with eachoterh, creating chaos.








Anyways, i think to myself that it cant be right cause logicly to me there is no evil.


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It has to exist. Both good and evil have to exist for people to differentiate between the two. How can something be good if there isn't an antithesis to it?








Of course, what does one perceive to be evil? Is it an actual emotion or do people see it as figurative? Someone's evil may be another person's love.








We all have our own perceptions of what is evil and what isn't. However, if you're asking what evil is, as in an emotion or what have you, I couldn't possibly tell you. But if you believe things can exist in people's thoughts and perceptions alone, then evil has to exist.
















You cannot say no to someone's opinion.








In my opinion evil is defined by society. Just like everything that has to do with morality, and what is right and wrong.








Funny, cause thats what the whole wrold does, disagree with eachoterh, creating chaos.








Anyways, i think to myself that it cant be right cause logicly to me there is no evil.

Yeah, but saying no to somebodys opinion is like screaming fire in a fire department. It accomplishes nothing and creates aggravation.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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There is an objective reality. So it doesn't matter one twit how anyone's perception of reality is colored by beliefs, morals, etc. When a tree falls in the woods, whether anyone or anything is there to hear it or not, it still creates the same soundwaves. Noone has to be there to hear it, noone has to believe in sound. It simple IS. And such is the case with evil.








The recognition of evil does require sentience. But evil exists as an absolute whether anything recognizes it or not. Are you seriously going to argue, for example, that the gratuitous and deliberate inflicting of torture and death upon an innocent, defenseless child by another human being is not evil? It is nothing but a perversion of logic to deny that such an act is evil.








And evil is not simply the lack of good. When put in measurable terms of action, the lack of good is simply apathy or indifference or even an action that is inherently devoid of any type of moral judgement. Evil, on the other hand, is proactive and malicious.








Every day that we live, we make a conscious decision to do good to other people, or to inflict evil upon them. It's that simple. We all try to justify, explain away, or otherwise minimize our actions with religion, politics, economics, perceptions and beliefs. But in the summation of our lives, we choose to embrace either good or evil. So, yes Virginia, there is evil.

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