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Idk about you all but i personally hate how players are personally getting lvl ups by other means than themselves taking the time to do the work. as u know i am speaking of bots. These automated services play people's characters for them enabling them to lvl up without playing. While bots themselves may play by the rules, many people see the practice as going against the meritorcratic aspect of the game whereby the game rewards those who put there time into there characters. How we usually have been handling this situation i dont know.. but since u (jagex) have taken out the monster randoms that bring random attks sutch as: evil chicken, zombie, troll, shade, golem, ect... botting in runescape has gone up quite alot... back when these randoms were apparent around runescape u rarley saw people with lvl 99's and skill capes. when u did u were in awe and wonder... ahh the good old days.


anywyas i just want u to think on maybe if u bring back those randoms not all botters will decease, but atleast it will help out in your problem. I and many others believe that bringing these randoms back will help u out. wether or not u take the advice is up to u ofcourse.


anyone got any other ideas?

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The Randoms wouldn't solve anything. Bots can solve them.

How's a mining bot going to find the head of it's pickaxe when if flies off? I could barely find it half the time.


As much as I don't miss the harmful randoms (I can't count the number of times I lagged during one and then had to go get my pick or axe repaired), I'm starting to wonder if they shouldn't be brought back. I've seen increasing numbers of bots lately, especially in F2P mining areas.



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There are far less bots now than there were before, but there's definately been an increase in botting activity lately. It seems to me that Jagex doesn't see this as a big problem anymore since the rwt problem is fixed. People start to bot for their own means again now that they know that Jagex won't pay that much attention to it.


Another reason is that when a botter is caught, he isn't instantly banned, but given a warning. You can basically get caught twice botting and they won't give you a perma-ban untill the third. This is basically a free-pass for people who want to bot to gain lvls.


What Jagex should do, IMO, is sharpen their botting policy to a permanent ban once you get caught using third-party software to perform clicks for you and invest some time in the near future to ban a number of botters, so people will see that there are consquences to it and won't risk their character for it anymore. Do this once and the problem will be resolved for a while.



There are three sides to every story: There's one side, there's the other, and there's the truth.

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The Randoms wouldn't solve anything. Bots can solve them.

How's a mining bot going to find the head of it's pickaxe when if flies off? I could barely find it half the time.

Everything in the game has an objectID.


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Bots are very advanced. They can navigate through tunnels, kill any NPC, bank drops, eat food at a low hp, etc. There are bots which can catch red chinchompas (place and pickup traps and whatnot). Bots reflect off of the client and get game variables to determine things such as current HP, stats information, items in inventory, items on ground, etc. Every measure Jagex takes towards stopping bots gets bypassed by programmers.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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create software that can recognise a program playing for you, and not a harmless one that you might have open while playing.



that would be the ideal solution, idk if its easy or even possible though



Jagex would have to make it cross-platform (windows, mac, unix,etc) and have every player download this and the user would have to agree to allow Jagex to track usage of the computer.


Again, programmers could create a anti-ban system which would move the mouse and open up a program like msn messenger and type to a random person or anything else a normal person would do.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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@OP: your RSN is a typo


Perm ban and credit card perm ban...


Now we are talking!

Lol I hope you're just trolling


nah a harsh punishment would be a very nice deterrent, it might even convince you that botting is bad!



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The Randoms wouldn't solve anything. Bots can solve them.

How's a mining bot going to find the head of it's pickaxe when if flies off? I could barely find it half the time.


As much as I don't miss the harmful randoms (I can't count the number of times I lagged during one and then had to go get my pick or axe repaired), I'm starting to wonder if they shouldn't be brought back. I've seen increasing numbers of bots lately, especially in F2P mining areas.



I once lost a rune pick when that happened. This being when my bank worth was 70k, and the run pick was 40k. i cried.


In all srsness, I support bots, LET ME EXPLAIN BEFOEE YOU REPORT THIS POST. Sheesh.


They bring raw materials cheap

They are fun to [bleep] with (See Hunter Bots rant thread)

They always have innovative names

They are epic skillers

They provide fun pk'ing in old wildy

I sapport.


Also, it's there account. If they wanna get banned, thats their problem. I only hate it when some botter says hes better than me, thats like deflating my e-chest then i rage.


Edit: Ok actually I don't support bots, ex: rule breaking etc, I just like the effect they have on the game. I can find hunter spots fine even with them (or I can steal their spot) and all other skills bots don't affect me.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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@OP: your RSN is a typo


Perm ban and credit card perm ban...


Now we are talking!

Lol I hope you're just trolling


nah a harsh punishment would be a very nice deterrent, it might even convince you that botting is bad!


Yes, because they would learn a lesson by botting on a throwaway account until it gets banned.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

That's how it hurts you.


On-topic: I don't think that the aggressive randoms were really useful against botters, more like a nuisance to normal players. The bots simply started running away when they started to take damage.

Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

That's how it hurts you.


But this is not the case anymore since the trade limit updates and such, remember Yews before that?


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fact is jagex would have to care first and lets be honest they dont. almost every night i see the same ppl stuck in the cages for hours in yanille from the random, and every night i report the same people for botting and yet the next night or two they are back again. jagex knows exactly whos botting and whos doing what pretty much at all times they just dont care. as for people saying idc if ppl bot it dont affect me, straight up your an idiot. as stupid as it sounds everything that happens on rs affects you in some way or another due to the ge aspect. not to mention if your into the highscore ranking system those are valuable spots your losing out on for some1 that cheated. honestly i bet 30% of rs players are autoers or have autoed. personally i never have but i have atleast 20 ppl on my list that have openly admitted to me that they autoed and they are all very high lvl ppl. makes me mad.

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I don't see why people cry about botting, if JaGeX don't care about botters anymore, then that means you're all free to do it yourselves, so if someone is better than you because they botted, then just bot to be better than them, lol. I'm not encouraging anyone to bot and risk their account but if you're gonna complain, remember the option is open. As for the situation in general, if JaGeX remove botters, there will be an absolutely enormous inflation in the economy, so many people who bring is things like Dragon Bones and stuff are botters, and without them the price would go mad.

Botting to sell money RWTing is kind of bad in my opinion, but for personal gain I'm totally for it.

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I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

That's how it hurts you.


On-topic: I don't think that the aggressive randoms were really useful against botters, more like a nuisance to normal players. The bots simply started running away when they started to take damage.

Imagine: 15-20 botters at LRC. I can still get my xp. Or I could mine granite, very few people bot there because they're just after the money. Bots only use the training locations that are easy and low yield, like chinchompas as opposed to butterflies or grenwalls. In all honestly I've never had to compete with bots because I never waste my time on those activities. Yew trees? Give me a break, it's a waste of time. You'll never see a bot at GWD or Tormented Demons.

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I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

That's how it hurts you.


On-topic: I don't think that the aggressive randoms were really useful against botters, more like a nuisance to normal players. The bots simply started running away when they started to take damage.

Imagine: 15-20 botters at LRC. I can still get my xp. Or I could mine granite, very few people bot there because they're just after the money. Bots only use the training locations that are easy and low yield, like chinchompas as opposed to butterflies or grenwalls. In all honestly I've never had to compete with bots because I never waste my time on those activities. Yew trees? Give me a break, it's a waste of time. You'll never see a bot at GWD or Tormented Demons.



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clearly you have no idea what you are talking about bladewing. Please don't just talk out of your *** if you have no idea what you're talking about. Go to world 84, at least half of the people there ARE botting. LRC is botted EXTREMELY OFTEN. Botters see it as nice 50 mil gain while getting a "rare/respected" skill cape. Then after 99 mining and a d pick they'll switch to a rune ore spot. And yes, the bot can switch worlds and come back on a timer. You seriously underestimate bots.

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clearly you have no idea what you are talking about bladewing. Please don't just talk out of your *** if you have no idea what you're talking about. Go to world 84, at least half of the people there ARE botting. LRC is botted EXTREMELY OFTEN. Botters see it as nice 50 mil gain while getting a "rare/respected" skill cape. Then after 99 mining and a d pick they'll switch to a rune ore spot. And yes, the bot can switch worlds and come back on a timer. You seriously underestimate bots.

Clearly you have no idea what bladewing was talking about.


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I could care less if someone bots. How does it hurt me?

Imagine 15-20 botters in your favourite mining spot while you're desperately trying to get a few ores but fail to do so since the bots immediatly barrage every single spawning ore.

That's how it hurts you.


On-topic: I don't think that the aggressive randoms were really useful against botters, more like a nuisance to normal players. The bots simply started running away when they started to take damage.

Imagine: 15-20 botters at LRC. I can still get my xp. Or I could mine granite, very few people bot there because they're just after the money. Bots only use the training locations that are easy and low yield, like chinchompas as opposed to butterflies or grenwalls. In all honestly I've never had to compete with bots because I never waste my time on those activities. Yew trees? Give me a break, it's a waste of time. You'll never see a bot at GWD or Tormented Demons.




You still have to consider that not everyone can do GWD or TD's. Some middle leveled players still use yews, red chins, etc to train and make money.


[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Jagex can and should solve botting the same way everyone else on the Internet does: CAPTCHAs.


They're not very good about adopting industry standard solutions to *anything*, though, so that will probably never happen.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

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Jagex can and should solve botting the same way everyone else on the Internet does: CAPTCHAs.


They're not very good about adopting industry standard solutions to *anything*, though, so that will probably never happen.



They betteer be rudiementary captchas, I hate those damn things. iGn 6 7 il3 F


Argh. I never get them right.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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