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Divine Forces vs Violent Resolution

The Observer

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So today we headed out on a few hours prep pk, we started with a healthy 60 people, and soon ran into TR, we fought for around 10 minutes and TR logged as they planned a fight with LDK, upon TR logging we got word VR were massing for us, so we waited at east tree on world 57 and the fight soon began.


Divine Forces starting:



VR Starting:




The fight broke out and it was pretty even at the start, Both clans had strong main piles, with only a few snipers each (Due to the low starting of both clans), as the fight progressed neither clan really started to take control, id say it was even for a good two hours, but as the 3rd hour came it was clear DF were in control, we had 25 snipers, and a 180 + op main pile, we were clearing VR's S.W.A.T and hitting VR's main pile every few minutes, after around 45 minutes of this VR decided to call off returning with 90 on TS.


DF Ending:



Vr Ending: 90ISH on audio (Confirmed by Craiggg)


All in all this was a pretty messy fight, Both clans were targeted by crashers, DK were attacking DF, and NH forces were attacking VR, Both DF and VR stopped for each other at times in the fight, but once a stable AC came, it was pretty smooth sailing from there, so again, Thankyou for the AC RSD it was appreciated.












Again Thankyou RSD for the AC, and thanks to VR for stopping at the start.


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~~~Proud Ex-Council of Tempted Killers, There Since Day One~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No Regrets, Only Memories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



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Good job DF :)


"In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power. Well that wilderness out there, that's our universe. Let's rule it like titans"

34i2qyojpg.gif Proud to have been a Council of Tempted Killers

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