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Dungeoneering, more Dungeoneering, you can note your fish on Karamja now, and more Dungeoneering.

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Look at Tip.It's Dungeoneering Guide.


There's an NPC on Karamja, in the f2p part of it, that notes your fish for you. Effectively, this is like banking.

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Dungeoneering is a new and pretty expansive skill thats similar to like raiding for other MMO's, focus on groups.

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Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Chaotic Rapier / Longsword / Maul :)


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Chaotic Rapier / Longsword / Maul :)


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh


He's f2p. So that's Gravite for him.

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Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Chaotic Rapier / Longsword / Maul :)


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh





Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Graphite Rapier / Longsword / 2h :) they are rly good if you want to have a edge in p2p pkin


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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and then now the today released other dungeons all over Runescape, which can be entered with a certain dungeoneering lvl.

See the dungeoneering skills tab in-game for the levels etc



First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing;

Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews;

Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores;

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.


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Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Chaotic Rapier / Longsword / Maul :)


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh





Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Graphite Rapier / Longsword / 2h :) they are rly good if you want to have a edge in p2p pkin


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh


You write with graphite. :P



There is also a deposit box on the docks by the custom's officer on Karamja. Other than that, Dungeoneering.


This is extremely useful if you chop willows in Port Sarim or mine iron in Rimmington. The deposit box is by the monks to Entrana, actually.

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Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Chaotic Rapier / Longsword / Maul :)


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh





Dungeoneering is a skill your going to be dying to train so you can get your hands on that Graphite Rapier / Longsword / 2h :) they are rly good if you want to have a edge in p2p pkin


Btw welcome back. I remember you cuz of your sig cuz when i first saw it it gave me a laugh


You write with graphite. :P



There is also a deposit box on the docks by the custom's officer on Karamja. Other than that, Dungeoneering.


This is extremely useful if you chop willows in Port Sarim or mine iron in Rimmington. The deposit box is by the monks to Entrana, actually.


There is that one, and one on Karamja I thought.

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I thought the one on Karamja just noted stuff.


Seems neither of us have been there though :x Doesn't matter, either way you accomplish more or less the same thing: sustained fishing on Karamja.

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I thought the one on Karamja just noted stuff.


Seems neither of us have been there though :x Doesn't matter, either way you accomplish more or less the same thing: sustained fishing on Karamja.


From what I've heard, there's an NPC near the volcano who'll note your fish...

http://forum.tip.it/topic/173173-engineer-skill-and-railroads/<<Click! I support! Click!

.-- .... -.-- .- .-. . -.-- --- ..- .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. - .... .. ... ..--..

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Trial membership is basically them giving you 7 days memb credit.



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On a similar note, what is now considered the best way to make money on f2p servers? I'm just starting again after about a year and a half, and man have things changed! Prices on almost every item are completely different, and I'm just a little overwhelmed at all this new stuff, which is why I'm choosing to stay F2P :D



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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The good ol' standby of gathering skills is still your best bet to make some money. ;) Oh, and Zaaps, I'll go check it out now. See which one of us is right, for clarification purposes.

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Haha, you. :P Personally, I love skilling! Unfortunately, not every skill is as profitable as others, and at my current level of confusion I'm not sure what to do :P



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Well, Zaaps was right about the Karamja fish noter. His name is Stiles, so that person can be used for profitable fishing. The only deposit box is on Port Sarim. Mining is widely considered the best gathering skill money-maker for F2P; just to point you in the right direction.

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Well, Zaaps was right about the Karamja fish noter. His name is Stiles, so that person can be used for profitable fishing. The only deposit box is on Port Sarim. Mining is widely considered the best gathering skill money-maker for F2P; just to point you in the right direction.


Looks like not much has changed in that aspect then, huh? I was maybe looking for a pleasent suprise. OH LOOK, firemaking is mad profitable now. :thumbsup: haha, that's what I get for dreaming :))



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Well, Zaaps was right about the Karamja fish noter. His name is Stiles, so that person can be used for profitable fishing. The only deposit box is on Port Sarim. Mining is widely considered the best gathering skill money-maker for F2P; just to point you in the right direction.


Looks like not much has changed in that aspect then, huh? I was maybe looking for a pleasent suprise. OH LOOK, firemaking is mad profitable now. :thumbsup: haha, that's what I get for dreaming :))


If you pick up the ashes, Firemaking can be profitable! :razz:

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Well, Zaaps was right about the Karamja fish noter. His name is Stiles, so that person can be used for profitable fishing. The only deposit box is on Port Sarim. Mining is widely considered the best gathering skill money-maker for F2P; just to point you in the right direction.


Looks like not much has changed in that aspect then, huh? I was maybe looking for a pleasent suprise. OH LOOK, firemaking is mad profitable now. :thumbsup: haha, that's what I get for dreaming :))


If you pick up the ashes, Firemaking can be profitable! :razz:


I seem to recall Kn1gh7 K1n6 buying a santa or two from picking up his ashes! Although he has 200m xp...

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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