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Community service


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Do you do any sort of community service (and not the kind where you wear an orange vest and are doing it to get out of a long prison sentence :P).








On your own will, do you do anything good for the community?








I'd say I do a lot, probably mostly tail building and whatnot since I hike/bike/enjoy the outdoors a lot, but I've done everything from putting playground equipment in to planting trees, reseeding fire damaged areas, etc. I think it would be a really good experience to go to a 3rd world country or disaster area and help there, that would be the ultimate service. That or donating a kidney, which I'd also be willing to do depending on the circumstances.








I'd rather do community service than donations. I mean it's all good but at least volunteering yourself you're seeing something happen, whereas your donation could go for anything, even stuff you wouldn't normally want it spent on. I guess lots of stuff could be considered community service, like donating blood or other vital fluids or growing your hair really long (I think it's 10+ inches) and having it cut and a wig made out of it and given to someone undergoing chemotherapy.

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I've ref'd soccer leagues in my area, monitored local streams for possible chemical contamination, and done some stuff for my church. The only really "big" thing i've done is i've travelled to mexico 3 times to build homes for the poor. I like volunteering.. but it really depends on what the volunteering is.

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For NHS I have to do over this year and the next year a total of 68 hours of community service. Done about 12 so far I'd say.




Out of your own will you ask though? Honestly, I doubt I'd ever do 68 hours of community service just because I want to 'better the community.' I've done some community service out of pure volunteering on my own accord, but most of it (and most of the community service I know my friends do) is for alterior motives.

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I've donated 2 1/2 years after school at an elementary school. :)








I wanted to join Circle K (a community service club on campus), but their meetings conflicted with my schedule.


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I volunteer at my church youth group. It's mall but the kids there are all cool and the little ones are esp, funny. They can all sing too, sometimes better than the older kids.




It;s cool when we all go down to the beach for the end of year church trip. Every1 comes back with brown or red skin lol...

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i do some community service around my school, like i am an assisstant student trainer which is mainly a person that just helps out a studend trainer at school for like injuries and this is considered community service for my school.








One thing i want to do is "homes for humanity" ive always wanted to help build a house.

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ya some colleges require community service for a greater chance in acceptance, and theres even scholarships for exceding amounts of community service, like im going for 100+hours which will help my resume and greatly increases my chances for scholarships.

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Well I think it's a good to do selfless acts, I guess that's why I do it. Sure it helps for things but if I am not doing anything else, I don't mind donating a day or two of my time. It's better than sitting around the house. Oh yeah, modding is definately considered a volunteer service :).

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I work for the Council so pretty much everything I do is kinda a service to the people but apart from that I do the occasional charity work for Oxfam mainly. But i dont do half as much as I should do :(



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As part of the Duke Of Edinburgh Award I had to do a service each year.








Bronze - 15 hours,spread over at least 6 months - I helped in the PADS kennels (dog charity)




Silver - 30 hours,spread over at least 6 months - helped in athe PDSA charity shop




Gold - 60 hours, spread over at least 12 months - helped in a church basically just looking after the place while tourists went round.








also for gold did a resedential - I helped at an outdoor activity centre for 5 days.

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Yeah mainly for key club, National honor society but some on my own. I've done soup kitchens, replant trees, pickup trash (adopt a highway), put in playground equipment at the park. Read to the younger kids, tutor both normal and "special" kids. Lots of other stuff

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