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Intelligent design opponent victim of roadside beating.


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A professor of the University of Kansas was beaten by two men because he had planned to give a course on the fallacies of intelligent design and creationism in response to the plans of the Kansas Board of Education to make teaching creationism mandatory. In a country that's supposed to be a beacon of freedom, a man is stopped from teaching his ideas by a violent mob.

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What!? Is it really compulsory that people be taught creationism?








in response to the plans of the Kansas Board of Education to make teaching creationism mandatory.








nope they had plans on it, though :)








sounds crazy

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What!? Is it really compulsory that people be taught creationism?








in response to the plans of the Kansas Board of Education to make teaching creationism mandatory.








nope they had plans on it, though :)








sounds crazy








Totally agree with you there.









New sig to come!

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Actually, the Kansas Board of Education made it mandatory for high schools to teach alternatives to the neo-darwinistic theory of evolution.

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This is so mentally challenged, why would people do this?








Prooves how lame our world is








Not our world, just America. :roll:








Seriously, if Intelligent Design is being taught in science classes, then I'm moving to Canada. I don't like backward countries.


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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This is so mentally challenged, why would people do this?








Prooves how lame our world is








Not our world, just America. :roll:








To be fair, the British equivalent are those sicko's who dig up and disembowel corpses of deceased family members of people who conduct animal testing.




OK, animal testing may not be all that nice but digging up people's graves in protest? It's as horrible as this story.

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all this stuff is a joke








i live in kansas and there have been so many essays, reports, hearings, tomfoolery ever since this topic has arose again....i think more important things need to be taken care of.








OT: Like Homeland security...which is failing us. Immigrants need to speak nothing but english, or not come here at all. Close the borders maybe. We get involved in too many other countries business. We should let them be....the Gaza strip? Vietnam war? Korea? let them kill themselves....its not worth us going over there. We should just protect ourselves.








Our country is lame...our government should be ashamed.








seperation of church and state...enough said








believe what you want to believe..don't force it on anyone else

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This is so mentally challenged, why would people do this?








Prooves how lame our world is








Not our world, just America. :roll:








Seriously, if Intelligent Design is being taught in science classes, then I'm moving to Canada. I don't like backward countries.








Did it really say science class? I mean, yeah, that wouldn't make sense. But saying that no alternatives to sciences view can be taught in any class at all is being quite close-minded and arrogant, IMO.

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Its actually illegal in any public school to not provide alternatives, and this works both ways.








We got a science teacher fired for only teaching Darwinism. Anti-creationists often say that Intelligent Design is not fact, therefore it shouldnt be tought. Well, Evolution is only a theory, and has never been proven. So...thats why its illegal to only teach one concept.








And saying that America is backwards because one group of idiots did something is like saying the South are all racists because of the Ku Klux Klan.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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But saying that no alternatives to sciences view can be taught in any class at all is being quite close-minded and arrogant, IMO.








That is not the issue, the issue is that they were going to FORCE creationism on the kids.








And saying that America is backwards because one group of idiots did something is like saying the South are all racists because of the Ku Klux Klan.








No one ever said it was just down to that once incident.








What about Bush claiming that america was founded on christian principles?








Or what about Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stating that the concensus that government is a minister of god "has been upset, I think by the emergence of democracy...It is much more difficult to see the hand of God...behind the fools and rogues...we ourselves elect of our own free will."








What about the article "Way Too Much God", talking about Bush's inauguration ceremony - from the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal: http://www.theocracywatch.org/bush_too_ ... n21_05.htm (not that you'll bother to read it)








Those are just a few specifics. For more, just look at the power of the religious right in america.

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But saying that no alternatives to sciences view can be taught in any class at all is being quite close-minded and arrogant, IMO.








That is not the issue, the issue is that they were going to FORCE creationism on the kids.








As opposed to forcing Evolutionism. The issue of how the world came about should just be left to the big bang with a note that the students can think whatever they want happened to cause it.








Please don't let this topic be hijacked and turned into a massive flame war between Creationists and Evolutionists. (Not saying its you, Herr, but its been happening already).


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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[bleep]ing insane. Who actually does these things?








Also, isn't intelligent design actually moving backwards? If we're gonna say that some mysterious robed man created everything instead of using actual science, we're losing it.








Well, if you want to teach Intelligent design, teach it in philosophy.

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But saying that no alternatives to sciences view can be taught in any class at all is being quite close-minded and arrogant, IMO.








That is not the issue, the issue is that they were going to FORCE creationism on the kids.








As opposed to forcing Evolutionism. The issue of how the world came about should just be left to the big bang with a note that the students can think whatever they want happened to cause it.








Please don't let this topic be hijacked and turned into a massive flame war between Creationists and Evolutionists. (Not saying its you, Herr, but its been happening already).








I agree, the study of evolution should be limited to the following:












"Look at the fossil record here. 50 Million years ago, animal x was alive. It had four legs and fur. From 10 million years later, we have discovered extremely similar fossils. But the ends of the front legs are wider, as if they could be used as flippers. The rear legs are also modified a little, sticking more straight out backward, as if to better propel the animal in the water. We also have fossils from another 10 million years later. Again, they are extremely similar, but now the back legs are more or less atrophied, and the front legs look exactly like flippers. Oh, and it appears to not have fur anymore.








Given this progression, it looks as if the animal from 50 million years slowly changed into the animal from 30 million years ago. That's my conclusion, anyway.








But you don't have to believe that. It's just a theory. Believe what you want. We would never presume to tell you what to believe...."
















...and in order to stay on topic, this quote from the article just about sums it up...




Andrew Stangl, president of the Society for Open Minded Atheists and Agnostics at the university, described the attack as "bizarre and terrifying." He said Mirecki, who is the group's faculty adviser, was adamant that the beating was related to the recently canceled course.








"That absolutely shocked me," he said, "because people don't do that in a civilized society."




Welcome to America, Stangl. :roll:

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As opposed to forcing Evolutionism. The issue of how the world came about should just be left to the big bang with a note that the students can think whatever they want happened to cause it.








The big bang THEORY is a THEORY based on evidence collected so far. What's more you have completely misrepresented it, in school we were taught about how the world came to be from this one event (hydrogen atoms & ions joining to form other elements, gravitational pulls between particles eventually causing build up of particles and eventually planets), and had you known more than a passing glance at the big bang theory, you'd know that it's not claimed to be one event - it's a cycle.








However the arguer from first cause is not comfortable with the notion of an uncaused event (big bang, should you choose it as the start of the cycle) but are quite fine with uncaused entities (god). Yet within that lies another farce - how did said entity come into existence? Surely that would be an event. Pray tell, what did god do before he created the world? Sit around twiddling his thumbs? Typical of religionists to be egocentric in considering the time of our and our planet's existence to be the the very beginning of existence itself.








Please don't let this topic be hijacked and turned into a massive flame war between Creationists and Evolutionists. (Not saying its you, Herr, but its been happening already).








Yeah real mature, try and stick your ill-thought-out knife in then ask that no one says more on the subject. Clap clap.

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Its actually illegal in any public school to not provide alternatives, and this works both ways.








We got a science teacher fired for only teaching Darwinism. Anti-creationists often say that Intelligent Design is not fact, therefore it shouldnt be tought. Well, Evolution is only a theory, and has never been proven. So...thats why its illegal to only teach one concept.








And saying that America is backwards because one group of idiots did something is like saying the South are all racists because of the Ku Klux Klan.








theÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷oÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ry Audio pronunciation of "theory" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (th-r, thÃÆÃâÃâîr)




n. pl. theÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷oÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ries








1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.








Very first entry on dictionary.com (you could use any other dictionary and get a similar result), however intelligent design supports use this definition:








6. An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.








You tell me which you think is used to describe a scientific theory? The definition of 1. is worded in a very scientific way, wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t that suggest that it would be used to describe the theory of evolution or the theory of gravitation or germ theory?








It's pretty funny that you don't see intelligent design labelled as the theory of intelligent design because it doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t even fit the criteria of 1. Not like they would want to anyway with the stigma associated with that word.




















This pretty much sums it up for me; they are trying to teach something that isn't science in a science classroom to give it some credibility.

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But saying that no alternatives to sciences view can be taught in any class at all is being quite close-minded and arrogant, IMO.








That is not the issue, the issue is that they were going to FORCE creationism on the kids.











No, just teach it as an alternative. Funny how when it's not something you believe, it's FORCING them.








We are often taught conflicting or (supposedly) opposite views in school. I've never heard anyone complain before.

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No, just teach it as an alternative. Funny how when it's not something you believe, it's FORCING them.








"Intelligent Design" is not science; it should not be taught in a science class, even as an "alternative". Teaching "Intellegent Design" is the equivalent of telling kids in sex ed that babies come from storks.








And lol at forcing kids... So I guess in math we should accept answers besides 2 + 2 = 4 because some kids don't believe in it? :roll:

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And lol at forcing kids... So I guess in math we should accept answers besides 2 + 2 = 4 because some kids don't believe in it? :roll:








2+2=4 isn't a theory though, it's fact.




Excepting large values of 2 ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Alright then, how about the Pythagorean Theorem? Or the irrationality of Pi? Or any number of mathematical theories that are presented in a Math class?








* Algebraic K-theory




* Approximation theory




* Automata theory




* Braid theory




* Brill-Noether theory




* Catastrophe theory




* Category theory




* Character theory




* Choquet theory




* Class field theory




* Coding theory




* Cohomology theory




* Computation theory




* Deformation theory




* Dimension theory




* Distribution theory




* Field theory




* Elimination theory




* Extremal graph theory




* Galois theory




* Game theory




* Graph theory




* Grothendieck's Galois theory




* Group theory




* Hodge theory




* Homology theory




* Homotopy theory




* Information theory




* Invariant theory




* K-theory




* Knot theory




* L-theory




* Local class field theory




* M-theory




* Matrix theory




* Measure theory




* Model theory




* Morse theory




* Module theory




* Network theory




* Nevanlinna theory




* Number theory




* Obstruction theory




* Operator theory




* Percolation theory




* Perturbation theory




* Probability theory




* Proof theory




* Quantum theory




* Queue theory




* Recursion theory




* Representation theory




* Ring theory




* Scheme theory




* Set theory




* Sheaf theory




* Singularity theory




* Spectral theory




* String theory




* Surgery theory




* Theory of equations




* Topos theory




* Transcendence theory




* Twistor theory












What should be taught as an alternative to those... :roll:

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The basic definition of theorem:




A theorem is a proposition that has been or is to be proved on the basis of explicit assumptions.








A theorem is distinct from a theory








And most of those generally don't have any counter theories unlike ID and Darwinism and all that stuff


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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And most of those generally don't have any counter theories unlike ID and Darwinism and all that stuff








um... Intelligent Design is not a theory, it does not predict anything. Neither does creationism predict anything. That's what a theory does, it predicts. And... how the hell can you teach "Intelligent Design"? There is no evidence for intelligent design, period. And I'm not calling it "intelligent design" anymore, I'm calling it IDiocy, because that's all it is. I don't want the supernatural in a science class, science deals ONLY with the natural.

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