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SAVE Tookie


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I'm against the death penalty completly, no one has the right to take another persons life. However this man has caused the self genocide of Black people across the nation! I think he should of spent life in jail however not killed. Then again if anyone deserves it in this time its him and Saddam Hussein.








1. I thought you hated Bush :roll:




2. Genocide :? ?








Genocide is something like racial cleansing I believe. Trying to make one race superior, like what Hitler did. But I don't think he should have had the death penalty. They should of let him live the rest of his life in prison, instead of what they did.








Why should he get special treatment. According to US Law, if you commit a felony (grand theft) during the murder, you get the death penalty. Its a CAPITAL crime, which is penalized with death.








He is lucky it didn't happen in Texas. We have a system set up where if there are more than 3 witnesses who can prove your guilt, you go straight to the front of the line.








Thousands of convicts reform in prison. Some make it out on parole, others face thier punishment. Tookie committed one of the worst crimes recognized in the United States, and he paid for it.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I'm going to assume that my post got lost in the middle of the third page and no one read it. So I'll post my idea again:












This guy has not reformed. Here is an editorial from the Boston Globe, one of the most liberal newspapers in the entire country...








Unlike the peaceful, painless demise awaiting Williams (Tookie), the deaths of his victims were horrific: He shot each of them at close range with a 12-gauge shotgun, shattering their bodies so that they died in agony. Their suffering amused him. "You should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him," Williams bragged after killing Albert Owens. According to the district attorney's summary of the evidence, "Williams then made gurgling or growling noises and laughed hysterically about Owens's death."








As cofounder of the deadly Crips street gang in 1971, Williams's criminal legacy goes well beyond the four murders for which he was convicted. The gang violence he unleashed 34 years ago has destroyed thousands of lives and left countless other victims scarred by r@pe, assault, and armed robbery. Though he now claims to have reformed and has written books with an antigang message, he has never admitted his guilt or expressed any remorse for the slaughter of Albert Owens and the Yang family. If his supposed contrition amounts to anything more than lip service, he has yet to prove it. Williams adamantly refuses to be debriefed by police about the Crips and their operations or to provide any information that could help bring other killers to justice. In fact, officials at San Quentin have said he continues to orchestrate gang activity from behind bars.








He has not actually reformed. If he had, and it was genuine, maybe there would be a legitimate argument in granting him clemency. But the fact is that he has not reformed. He is still a criminal.








Maybe you don't like the death penalty in general (understandable), but there is no way you can say this guy is just a big ol' teddy bear who deserves to walk free. He deserves to be punished under the law.








I read it earlier. I think its more of a fact of that those who don't agree with you felt that it was too good to argue against (lol). And those that agreed simply let it be as they had no problem with it.

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meh i always love the action












the gang (cribz) is located about 1 hour away or 1 n 30 min from my home








up in minnapolis,minnesota








i live in mankato , minnesota








mankato is about 1 hour n 30 mins








so yea it filled the newspapers today lol.








every page was talking about him.








o yea








when they where giving him the injection his arms where so big it took them 20 mins to find a vane








and when they found it








he said *Are you sure your doing this right?*








so yea whats the image u get from his quote above?

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok. (I know what he did was terrible, but why not just keep him imprisoned)








And don't say it costs too much money. You can't place a price on someones life. Life is priceless, you just can't kill someone, and not just keep them in for life, because it costs too much money.


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And don't say it costs too much money. You can't place a price on someones life. Life is priceless, you just can't kill someone, and not just keep them in for life, because it costs too much money.
Actually, as far as I know it costs more money to execute somebody then it does to keep them in prison. If that's still correct then if money was really the issue we would keep him in jail.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok. (I know what he did was terrible, but why not just keep him imprisoned)








And don't say it costs too much money. You can't place a price on someones life. Life is priceless, you just can't kill someone, and not just keep them in for life, because it costs too much money.








It's funny how we give them a much more decent and painfree death than what they gave them thier victims. They are lucky that we spend thousands of dollars to kill them instead of $4.95 US for a couple of bullets or a length of rope.








You can not compare abortion to the death penalty. An unborn child did nothing wrong, a murderer did.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok. (I know what he did was terrible, but why not just keep him imprisoned)








And don't say it costs too much money. You can't place a price on someones life. Life is priceless, you just can't kill someone, and not just keep them in for life, because it costs too much money.








If I'm not mistaken, Tookie killed those people in an armed robbery for (correct me if I'm wrong) $212.




He didn't think that life was priceless. Why should he (a murderer) be granted the same liberty he took from someone? He obvioulsy didn't think their lives were priceless. Why should we consider his life to be priceless?

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok.




Abortions are legal in the U.S. :wink:








No, thats not what he's getting at. pparently most people think having an abortion is killing somone, and not a good idea. But it seems everyone is fine with killing a living breathing man or woman.








US,. make up your minds...


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok.




Abortions are legal in the U.S. :wink:








No, thats not what he's getting at. pparently most people think having an abortion is killing somone, and not a good idea. But it seems everyone is fine with killing a living breathing man or woman.








US,. make up your minds...

The baby didn't choose to be born, the person who kills 4 people chose to do that. What an idiotic comparison.
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No, thats not what he's getting at. pparently most people think having an abortion is killing somone, and not a good idea.
According to all the recent polls I found, the percentage of Americans who favor the right to abortion ranges from around 50% to higher.




But it seems everyone is fine with killing a living breathing man or woman.
Obviously everybody's not fine since there's protests over his death.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions








It's more funny how idiot liberals are for abortion but not for the death penalty. Yeah lets give the idiot murderer who killed 1+ people and took away thier life and many others by destrying thier relationship. But lets kill the baby who has not had a chance at life or anything.

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He's been Terminated... :(








Poor guy.

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In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok.




Abortions are legal in the U.S. :wink:








No, thats not what he's getting at. pparently most people think having an abortion is killing somone, and not a good idea. But it seems everyone is fine with killing a living breathing man or woman.








US,. make up your minds...

The baby didn't choose to be born, the person who kills 4 people chose to do that. What an idiotic comparison.




WHY THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE CONTINUE TO LOOK AT THE CAUSES AND MOTIVES. Im talking about the generl thing. Most people on here that disagree with abortion, seem to agree on capital punishment because this is "A real person". Well funny thing is, everyone who says abortion is wrong seems to also say that an unborn baby is a real person, so why is it at its ok to kill somone that is alive, and not ok to kill something that inst even breathing.








And anyways, its the excat same thing. This person did want to be born, but he was, and because he was born, he did certain things which end the llives of others. So in reality the cause of the problem is him being born.








Althgouh if you think of it, the cause of all problems is the start of the universe, but W/E


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Its funny how the US government are against abortions, but somehow killing people is ok.




Abortions are legal in the U.S. :wink:








No, thats not what he's getting at. pparently most people think having an abortion is killing somone, and not a good idea. But it seems everyone is fine with killing a living breathing man or woman.








US,. make up your minds...

The baby didn't choose to be born, the person who kills 4 people chose to do that. What an idiotic comparison.




WHY THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE CONTINUE TO LOOK AT THE CAUSES AND MOTIVES. Im talking about the generl thing. Most people on here that disagree with abortion, seem to agree on capital punishment because this is "A real person". Well funny thing is, everyone who says abortion is wrong seems to also say that an unborn baby is a real person, so why is it at its ok to kill somone that is alive, and not ok to kill something that inst even breathing.








And anyways, its the excat same thing. This person did want to be born, but he was, and because he was born, he did certain things which end the llives of others. So in reality the cause of the problem is him being born.








Althgouh if you think of it, the cause of all problems is the start of the universe, but W/E

Of course killing everyone is morally wrong, but that's like saying our country should never go to war even if invaded because killing their soldiers is wrong even though they are killing ours. It's an eye for an eye, in tookies case an eye for 4 eyes.
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Why wouldn't we look at causes and motives? You're talking about killing in general which includes taking the life of another person under any circumstances ever. Too me that seems to broad of a topic.




Most people on here that disagree with abortion, seem to agree on capital punishment because this is "A real person". Well funny thing is, everyone who says abortion is wrong seems to also say that an unborn baby is a real person, so why is it at its ok to kill somone that is alive, and not ok to kill something that inst even breathing.




No. They agree because the person committed a horrible crime and in their view deserves the punishment. People are punished because it's what they deserve because they did something to deserve it.




And anyways, its the excat same thing. This person did want to be born, but he was, and because he was born, he did certain things which end the llives of others. So in reality the cause of the problem is him being born.
Billions of other people are born and never kill anybody.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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He's been Terminated... :(








Poor guy.












He was a murderer, and helped found one of the most infamous street gangs around, HOW DID HE NOT DESERVE THIS?












I dont seek retribution or revenge through killing people...









The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Why wouldn't we look at causes and motives? You're talking about killing in general which includes taking the life of another person under any circumstances ever. Too me that seems to broad of a topic.




Most people on here that disagree with abortion, seem to agree on capital punishment because this is "A real person". Well funny thing is, everyone who says abortion is wrong seems to also say that an unborn baby is a real person, so why is it at its ok to kill somone that is alive, and not ok to kill something that inst even breathing.




No. They agree because the person committed a horrible crime and in their view deserves the punishment. People are punished because it's what they deserve because they did something to deserve it.











But what im saying here is, sure he does deserve a punishment, but must it be death? Weather the guy was reformed or not, he still didnt deserve to die. But then again thats my opinion. I say if a country is willing to kill off these people who could still work, and contribute to society, they should just start killing of random poeple.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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This person did want to be born, but he was, and because he was born, he did certain things which end the llives of others. So in reality the cause of the problem is him being born.








Althgouh if you think of it, the cause of all problems is the start of the universe, but W/E








Heh this actually made me laugh. How exactly did you know that he didn't want to be born? I mean as a fetus was he screaming to his mother to get an abortion? And since his mom let him be born, he then thought that other people didn't want to be born either, so he should kill them? Why not just commit suicide if he really didn't want to be born that badly?








Wow, the universe and being born just flat out sucks. Since those two things are so horrible and because they are the source of all our problems, lets go bomb the entire world. Because surely, no one could possibly want to be born or actually like the universe.








Btw*, if it's possible, please give me some sort of fact or statement where tookie said that he didn't want to be born.

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But what im saying here is, sure he does deserve a punishment, but must it be death? Weather the guy was reformed or not, he still didnt deserve to die. But then again thats my opinion. I say if a country is willing to kill off these people who could still work, and contribute to society, they should just start killing of random poeple.








Oh jeez. You actually bought the whole 'reform' thing?








You're comparisons are so broad. They didn't pick out Tookie's name out of a hat.








Think about it. He made the Crips (responsible for thousands of deaths) and he's only convicted for four people? Hell, if it was up to me, I'll convict him of every person the Crips have killed.








And if every government bought the innocent reform act, there will be no one to convict.








And yes, I agreed with the death sentence. He paid for what he did and that's that.

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tookie is dead...








lol...they gave him the needle a few nights ago..at midnight.








aswell... he was involved in a few murders...and since he took the life of people , the government took his life








~!~bl00dz f0 lyf3~!~ ( tookie = founder of the crips )








most people didnt know this , but theres many forums of the crips. like compton crips being one of them.











1103'rd to 99 crafting

830th to 99 herblore

~!~ Master Merchant ~!~

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I'm against the death penalty completly, no one has the right to take another persons life. However this man has caused the self genocide of Black people across the nation! I think he should of spent life in jail however not killed. Then again if anyone deserves it in this time its him and Saddam Hussein.








1. I thought you hated Bush :roll:




2. Genocide :? ?








Genocide is something like racial cleansing I believe. Trying to make one race superior, like what Hitler did. But I don't think he should have had the death penalty. They should of let him live the rest of his life in prison, instead of what they did.








lol I know what genocide is.. im simply wondering how he can call gang violence genocide.








Sorry I used the wrong word I forgot exactly what genocide means lol snf I do hate Bush doesn't mean I'm not against Saddam Hussein.

Proud Acolyte of the Ooc

Cmon Steve you can do it!



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RIP Tookie








I bet u no ones even heard of tookie until he started appearing on the news for a couple months now?








atleast it was a painless death, unless they gave him some rubbing alcohol to make the needle hurt less, do they do that? who are these people? :shock:

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