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The Blacknights Vs Solace


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Lucas from Solace approached Vanzant our leader for a week prep fight. He told him if the other two clans He had in mind declined, He'd set up a fight. Unfortunately, RJ closed and Downfall wanted to fight someone else. So, He set up a week prep fight with Solace with the following rules..





-2 Hour Cap PvP Pkri

-Spiders To East Tree

-All Styles

-5 Sniper Cap

-Bk Attacks / Solace Defends

-No Corrupt

-No Dungeoneering

-No Cape Switching



During the week we did our prepping and despite not getting the sign up we wanted. It still looked like this would be a pretty good fight. Later on we also found out it would be Solace's birthday, which should make the fight even more interesting.


As Saturday approached we were all pumped and excited on TS with our good lad Piers playing some of his lame music



Bk Starting: 102


Solace Starting: 90 (Confirmed By Lucas)


The fight start off with us rushing Solace at west tree on Rawr Ankit(NOOB). Both clans had some good styles to start off the fight. About ten minutes into the fight RSD and DF came to have their fight. So, we both quickly hopped to a new world and re-started our fight. The fight stayed even for a while until around the 20 minute mark or so when we managed to have a solid 80 options pile to Solace's 50ish or so.


The fight continue this way for a while until Solace brought it back a bit with some good piling. Where then a appearance from VR came and started killing members in both clans. Shortly after, RoT(TY SIR) came and cleared up the world.


We recalled our snipers for a little due to this and our little FA Piers(MEGA-MAN) started a great KO streak of about 8 - 10 kos in under a minute. Which brought Solace down to a very small pile and we thought it might be over soon.


We kept the pressure on, while Solace kept it on strong and around the 1.15 mark they managed to bring the options almost even again. The rest of the fight went back and forth until the end of the cap. Which both clans having tanks, ko's and all that common war patterns.



Bk Ending: 102 Options (Our Pile + Piers taking picture + straggler on the map)




Solace Ending: 87 opts





















911@@@@@@@@@BK IN THE HOUSE!





-To the crashers, thanks for taking part in the Bk and Solace fun!

-Shauny for her beast tank while we had our KO streak

-Jrtfire for bringing his Rc Robes :thumbsup:

-Piers for some good calling

-Nightmare02 for his santa cape!

-Burger King for being the home of the whopper




Good fight Solace , Happy B-Day also.




Talk crap to me or about me. I talk crap back. Say it in my face, i'll say it back in yours.

If you dont like me.

Get over it or stay red mad, Cause i dont give a f. K?


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Looked close, good job BK.


Horrible Jrtfire

Stfu Noob.

reply and i swear to god i will end you.

Talk crap to me or about me. I talk crap back. Say it in my face, i'll say it back in yours.

If you dont like me.

Get over it or stay red mad, Cause i dont give a f. K?


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