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Curse my Own Stupidity


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Well yesturday, I finally reached my goal full saradomin, that pointless show of extravagance. Whatever, I was still proud. So I decided to get my combat up, so I go to lessers on an empty world and start training. All goes well for a couple trips, im 26k exp from an attack level when my computer randomly seizes up, I despirately click my quick prayer (protect melee) but alas, when the game catches up, the prayer takes hold literally the same moment that the demon hits for my last bit of life.


I end up in lumbridge and hurry to the bank to get 30gp for the ferry to karamja but in my haste, forget that I could tele to Falador instead of running to Port Sarem. I manage to get to Karamja right as my grave crumbles... That was depressing...


Well I just needed to vent before I go back to mining Adamantite Ore to get my helm back :sad:


Well call me an idiot all you want but I already know I am, so go get carpal tunnel doing something at least somewhat useful.


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Gonna get my helm back... plus a set of full rune for more dangerous things


EDIT: and a few mining levels while im at it >.>


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Your not the first person to die and lose stuff, and you won't be the last. It's also very hard to think levelly when your panicking to get your stuff back. Like All said, we've all been there.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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How did you die to a lesser demon? The only things I die in f2p nowadays are Dungeoneering monsters and other players.


But still, that really sucks. I remember dying on my p2p fighting Bork and nearly lost my rune and dragon armor. My amulet of glory was UNCHARGED, so I had to tele to varrock instead. Luckily I had the angel grave, so by the time I reached the dagannoth cave, my grave was still there, with less than 1 min :D


Oh well, we all have to go through the dying process some time, right? (And lag ofc.)




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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How did you die to a lesser demon? The only things I die in f2p nowadays are Dungeoneering monsters and other players.


But still, that really sucks. I remember dying on my p2p fighting Bork and nearly lost my rune and dragon armor. My amulet of glory was UNCHARGED, so I had to tele to varrock instead. Luckily I had the angel grave, so by the time I reached the dagannoth cave, my grave was still there, with less than 1 min :D


Oh well, we all have to go through the dying process some time, right? (And lag ofc.)

I have to admit, this had me too... considering you have 80 defence, there is hardly anyway you can die to lesser demons, unless you were playing the daredevil and fighting them with very little health.

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I seem to have forgotten that part... I think I rely on mef Defence too much... I was out of food then and trying to go as long as possible without leaving because I was so close to a level. Then while my computer was lagging he hit 81, 79 and the final 53 did it. I wasn't praying at the time because I didnt think taking 203 damage that fast was very likely...


By the way, how much are rune gauntlets in FoG tokens?


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Your not the first person to die and lose stuff, and you won't be the last. It's also very hard to think levelly when your panicking to get your stuff back. Like All said, we've all been there.

Tooooooo true...


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Losing items and stuff sucks, but I couldn't help but laugh at your name compared to your story. Not so much of a tank, eh? :P



Yea, I was wondering when someone was gonna mention that :P


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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Rune gauntlets are 200 tokens, but you can just buy one on the ge for 75k or so tokens and pay the 75 token recharge fee. :thumbup:


Also, treat combat training as dungeoneering. When you're low on health, don't bother fighting anymore after that. Also 26k attack exp left is not "very little", according to my experiences.


Just be more careful next time. ;) Offense is the best strategy, but being defensive can save your ass once in a while.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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lol food

best drops (reasonably accurate/up to date): 1x Elysian Sigil (LS), 1x Arcane Sigil (cs), 4x Armadyl Hilt (solo at 100m, 100m, 50m, and 5m), 2x Saradomin Hilt (solo at 25m), 5x Draconic Visage (34m,1.2m,1.2m) and various cs/ls/ffa Nex splits.
Drygore Drops: 7 Longswords, 3 Maces, 3 Rapiers, 3 Off-hand Rapiers,  5 Off-hand Maces, 3 Off-hand Longswords

ROTS Shields: 12  Seismics: 16

Ascension Crossbows: 6  Spider Legs: 10

Countless Armadyl armour pieces, Saradomin amulets, Dragon Hatchets, and Fremenik Rings.
Range~Herblore~Construction~Constitution~Defence~Farming~Magic~Attack~Prayer~Strength~Summoning~Slayer~Mining~Dungeoneering~Firemaking~Agility~Magic Mastery~Summoning Mastery~Cooking~Smithing~Fletching~Thieving~Hunter~Woodcutting~Fishing~Runecrafting


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Rune gauntlets are 200 tokens, but you can just buy one on the ge for 75k or so tokens and pay the 75 token recharge fee. :thumbup:


Also, treat combat training as dungeoneering. When you're low on health, don't bother fighting anymore after that. Also 26k attack exp left is not "very little", according to my experiences.


Just be more careful next time. ;) Offense is the best strategy, but being defensive can save your ass once in a while.



Actually its about 165k to buy, and 35 to recharge. :wink:


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I remember when Contact! came out, I knew a guy who dropped into the pit with all the scarabs in it (the area where they use every form of combat on you) and he died almost instantly, dropped some lesser dragon armor, a ton of cash, sharks, super pots, and a few other items.


I didn't catch his name, because I was too busy looting him and ectophial'ing my way out before I died as well.




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Its 200 tokens to buy, and I got them back in one afternoon. Lots of snobby FoGers though =/


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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I remember when Contact! came out, I knew a guy who dropped into the pit with all the scarabs in it (the area where they use every form of combat on you) and he died almost instantly, dropped some lesser dragon armor, a ton of cash, sharks, super pots, and a few other items.


I didn't catch his name, because I was too busy looting him and ectophial'ing my way out before I died as well.



I remember when Monkey Madness came out and people were dieing in the tunnels on the island all day the first day. I came out of it with a zammy plate and robin hood hat. However, I guess karma has caught up to me many times since.


A few noteable times:

A few months ago at barrows I DC'ed in the tunnels fighting dharok, you can guess how that went. Lost about 20m in items and full void + range helm.


A few weeks ago I was fire surging steel dragons and saw my potion was about to wear off. I click on my potion and nothing happens. Guess what the next thing I see is. Damn right, the DC message. Then the next thing I see when I log back in is I'm in fally, holding my staff of light, fury, and barrows gloves in my inventory. GF full battle robes, 600 yak scrolls, infinty boots, seers ring, and 3k surges. :rolleyes:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I have dreams about this... Oh how the dreams haunt me... These are the only kinds of nightmares I have anymore. That, and driving off a bridge into a river.


I always get back to the spot I died, and just watch my stuff vanish in front of me! Noooo.....Noooooo....... Noooooooooooo.........







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I remember when Contact! came out, I knew a guy who dropped into the pit with all the scarabs in it (the area where they use every form of combat on you) and he died almost instantly, dropped some lesser dragon armor, a ton of cash, sharks, super pots, and a few other items.


I didn't catch his name, because I was too busy looting him and ectophial'ing my way out before I died as well.

Those were good times back when if som1 died their stuff dropped, no trade limit, etc. I remember once or twice i was in tzhaar watching som1 incase they died so i could loot them.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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I remember when Contact! came out, I knew a guy who dropped into the pit with all the scarabs in it (the area where they use every form of combat on you) and he died almost instantly, dropped some lesser dragon armor, a ton of cash, sharks, super pots, and a few other items.


I didn't catch his name, because I was too busy looting him and ectophial'ing my way out before I died as well.

Those were good times back when if som1 died their stuff dropped, no trade limit, etc. I remember once or twice i was in tzhaar watching som1 incase they died so i could loot them.

and when someone died everyone around him would try to get it

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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I was running around with my new arma d hide like a month ago when I decide to kill some demons, just like you. So i afk for a bit and i come back and i have 70 lp left 0_0

But i eat and I live.


Someone in my clan was pvping and lost a chaotic maul and 40mil in items. But then he got 99 dg and all was good.


But i know how you feel. Stuff like that has happened to everyone before.




TT rewards: 2 ranger boots, Zamorak page 1 (2x), Guthix page 1, Ancient page 2


You must construct additional oak larders doors... I mean pylons


Barrows: 10. Total value~22.3 mil. Ahrim Robeskirt is currently the item I have received the most.

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usually when people died around me i returned their items (best they dropped was like a d chain). Maybe if they had a P hat or something, things would have been different.

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That's how I lost my void the first time around.


I still haven't gotten motivated enough to get the range helm back heh. And now due to the new quest I have 2 torsos...what a waste of 250 tokens...

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I wish it was the old rules because there was no one on that world... my stuff would have been waiting for me :(


Do keep a level head my friend,

in times when Danger rears its head

Against excessive joy defend,

O, my comrade doomed to die.




ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τὰς

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I wish it was the old rules because there was no one on that world... my stuff would have been waiting for me :(

The stuff would probably disappear in 2 minutes if it followed the old rules, so no, the new rules are better.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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