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Waste not, want not


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These last few days I have never had so much joy in my entire RS life, here is my story.


I bought myself a santa hat as a long term investment and as a lovely item to wear for this Christmas. Now these last few days I have not being wearing my santa hat for the simple reason that I have been fishing rocktail down in the living rocks cavern (LRC). As we all know, it is a very dangerous place - certainly a place you wouldn't want to bring any holiday items/rares to! Trust me, I have seen people with rares die here before o_O


So, I have been lending my santa hat to well deserving players during this time. This may seem easy, but it is harder than you think! There have been some players who I thought deserved it, but didn't even say a simple 'thank you'. The list goes on. However I did not give this a second thought. I thought to myself, thanks or no thanks, I am making that one person feel special for the day.


Within 3 days of lending my santa hat to various people, I got the surprise of my life. A player came up to me, continuously sending me trade requests. I traded them. They then offered to lend me their white partyhat for 18 hours! I nearly fell off my chair. This is the only item in the entire game I have ever wanted to wear. I hadn't even worn a partyhat since Runescape classic!


I was so exstatic that someone would do this for me. Especially considering (and also just quietly KNOWING) I will never be able to afford a white partyhat. Since then I have been paying it forward, as such. Wearing that white partyhat made me feel so special for that day. So I want to keep returning the favour.


Today was the best feeling of all though. After trying to find a well deserving player at Varrock and Falador, I thought all hope was lost. I came to the conclusion my santa hat would just have to lie in my bank for the entire day. But no, I decided to give it one more shot. So I ran to the LRC and started fishing, looking around for any potential worthy players. I tried trading one person I spotted. They did not want to trade. Just a few seconds after that I hear someone saying "I really want a santa hat :( it's my dream to have one".


Woot!!! I called the player to come out of the gigantic pile of 100+ players. He was really confused. I traded him. Offered the santa hat for 24 hours. He immediately accepted, with a massive "thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" followed by "you made my dream come true for 24 hours!!!!! <3". I had finally found the right person to lend it to.


I have had so much joy doing this.


It just goes to show, what goes around comes around. I lend my santa, and by fluke, karma, or whatever you wish to call it, someone lends me their white partyhat!!! The item I just happened to want the most in the entirety of Runescape. I will never forget that day either.


So I ask you. Would you pay it forward? Would you lend someone that item that everyone wants, knowing you aren't going to use or wear it? Would you let the item sit in your bank? Would you lend it for a price?


Leave your comments and thoughts below ^_^ and thank you for reading!

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lending doesnt make you have it etc etc as it is only lent


if i wanted something such as a party hat i wouldnt say i have it if someone lent it to me as well it was lent,


the only way i would be happy for my "dream come true" would be if i bought it not if someone lent it to me

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Charge them. You have it, they want it. Its simple supply and demand. If its really their dream, they'll pay more. Hell, maybe eventually you can lend it out enough to make back the original cost of buying it. Then its just profit!


Think about it like renting your favorite movie.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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Charge them. You have it, they want it. Its simple supply and demand. If its really their dream, they'll pay more. Hell, maybe eventually you can lend it out enough to make back the original cost of buying it. Then its just profit!


Think about it like renting your favorite movie.


Good job missing the point :thumbup:



^Golvellius must be so proud^


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Charge them. You have it, they want it. Its simple supply and demand. If its really their dream, they'll pay more. Hell, maybe eventually you can lend it out enough to make back the original cost of buying it. Then its just profit!


Think about it like renting your favorite movie.


Good job missing the point :thumbup:

I'm just not as nice as him. If I can make money off something, then hey, I'm going to.


Plus, he asked what we would do. I didn't miss a point, I answered a question.

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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I lend items out when I am not using them. I don't do much with the rare market, so I don't own any santa's or masks or anything. But I slay a lot. Sometimes, I see some lower levels trying to finish their waterfiend slayer task with a D mace or Anchor or something. I normally stop and ask them if they want a Z spear for the next 2-3 hours. Pretty much all of them are delighted to have one, and it helps them finish faster.

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if i have no junk, ya i lend out my phat for free. if i'm going to be off slaying or monsterhunting, or am about to log out for a while, i will lend a random noob my partyhat for an hour or two


borrowed rares are kinda fun little things to wear, but generally a whip or dragon claws lend is more useful.

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I don't really have much worth lending but when someone wants it I'll lend out my whip or bgs for free. I was really happy when a friend of a friend loaned me her bgs for free to try it out and see what it was like (I rarely see people lending for free these days, so it was a small shock) and so I'd like to make others that happy if I'm not using what they want for a while.

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  • 1 month later...

This is really great! I've been helping out people ever since someone gave me a R2H for free on Classic. Before that I always thought I needed to train and get levels, but then I realized how great it was to see that there were such generous people. When I had a BGS I always lent it out for free when I was logging out for the day, and sometimes I would get paid anyways, often for more than I would have normally got for it. More importantly, I've made lots of friends.


I've trained cooking and fletching in Rogue's Den a lot, and many people every day come and ask if someone can buy lockpicks for them. It only takes a minute to help someone out, and the joy you get from it is definitely worth the time.


I've really enjoyed Runescape (and real life) a lot more, and I think I've learned to be a more generous person.

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a long time ago, my goal in rs was to get a whip.

a lot these days i have it in my bank not doing much.


if a player want it, i will lend it to them, i try to get $ offers but i still lend it to people. point is, if i had anyting more worth while then a whip, i would be happy to give it to people.

i remeber the day someone, out of nowhere, lent me a gs, first time i have ever seen one besdies pics and other players equiping it.

it was such a nice fealing ^^


I'm a Brony and proud of it!

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I'd lend for free. And if they offered money, I'd talk them out of it. I don't have any real examples of experiences since I sold all my rares before the lend system came out.. But I suppose one example could be pre-free trade removal when I made construction flatpacks for people. Some people might say "oh well you were getting xp!" But it was hardly good xp. Friends would come to me mostly wanting cape racks and other high level flatpacks. I'd have to spend like 10 minutes waiting for them in my house while they got the supplies together, then another few minutes chatting with them, finally make the flatpack, and another few minutes chatting. I'm not complaining, just saying I wasn't racking in the xp :P Many people would try to pay me for my services but I always talked them out of it. Other than a while of my time, I wasn't sacrificing anything. I guess this is comparable because I had the level and I had the time, so why not help out :P

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I would lend out my stuff gladly, just that I have nothing that anybody wants.


It does remind me of one time when I was working to 99 Wc and there was a really nice guy WCing with me. He had a rune hatchet and I had a dragon one and people were like 'lol get a dragon hatchet already'. When I had to leave, I lent him my Dragon hatchet and wished him luck on his goals.


There's something great about being able to help players, especially with things like lending because you're not really losing anything but they're getting something great for a while.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I always lent out my items when I wasn't using them...mind you I'd specifically look for new members...just to give'm a taste of what they can accomplish. Best one I had was when I was training slayer (100 lessers in the volcano). There was a guy, clearly first day of p2p, asking everyone for help on what to do. Gave'm a guided tour of pest control, castle wars, and the desert, then lent'm my whip for 24hrs to try and welcome him to p2p. He was so grateful, that he's been more or less my apprentice ever since....asking me what I'm doing/always wanting to join me whenever something new comes out...

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