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The Titans Vs Corruption


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The Titans vs Corruption



- Was a spur 15 min prep



The Titans Challenged The Corruption Clan to a battle of League of Legends. After waiting for d0nts ranger to finish his rice, we began the game. The Game started out badly. D0nts ranger in mid, Lovelost and Cientu in top lane, MM lax and Eden F00dz in bottem lane. Corruption had excellent binds in top lane causing them to get the first kill on our bad aussie cientu. With this Lovelost began raging. Then like a miricle D0nts ranger struck down their middle, vladimir. With that we were back on our feet. D0nts began flirting inbetween lanes helping to get kills while Lovelost cientu MM lax and eden f00dz farmed and rallied ourselves up for what we thought would be a long fight. After finishing 3 items we began clearing the Corruption Teemo's shrooms away from dragon. We began taking dragon after losing Top and bottem turret but dropping the middle turret. We started taking dragon and although we had a few interuptions we took it down. Lovelost then knew that Corruption would rush. We took refuge in the dead dragons layer with MM lax infront. As planned Corruption came running in. With a slience from Lovelost, and an R key from Cientu. Corruption was helpless merely sheep waiting to be slaughtered. We cleared them with the Corruption clan only having 1 survivor. We pushed their next middle turret and about 5 minutes later Corruption surrendered.







Thanks for comming out Corruption BLNT.

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